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Posts posted by DarkSenious

  1. I have been following this thread for a while now, and in all honesty the fault does not fall on the scammer (Btw he’s got some serious balls). How dim witted can your guild be to fall for something like that? It’s like taking candy from a baby. I mean really I hear you all ranting and wanting Bioware do something about it, and why should they?! He/she didn’t really break any rules really when you think about it. How can you’re the scammer did? It sounds like most of the chat was done in the guilds respective VoIP’s. Besides that can be manipulated. Secondly how could you prove he scammed you? If you gave the scammer the rights then you gave him the rights…. Christ you people are sad just get over it and implement new guild bank protocols to protect against this kind of stuff. We need to all be friends 
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