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Posts posted by Tower

  1. alot of people do not seem to understand that gamers now a days, do NOT want to have to work at something or just dont have the time. This is the age of the instant gratification gamers. Take a look at how MMOs are catering to people. Gear is easy to get, crafting is non existent (noone can actually make something they can be proud of) and so on.


    I came from SWG, and mastered every damn profession pre NGE, thats 32. And I loved every minute of crafting, gathering and so on ( I spent well over 7 months on my hologrind and that was playing for well over 8 hours a day when I could). Another thing too, people just do not have the time to put into hours/weeks/months into mastering one profession. Some have families, jobs and so on. Lost Island will get nerfed soon enough, they all do.

  2. As a pre pub 9 jedi and a Bounty Hunter on my main, I can tell you I was constantly looking over my shoulder while leveling the jedi. It added a bit of danger to the profession, and it was fun as all heck to be the one hunting.


    With that said, Same faction hits should be allowed to happen anywhere, anytime. Not a duel type thing, just BAM attack your mark and get it done. I would LOVE this idea, but the current mindset of alot of MMO players now a days will probably whine to much about dying or being hunted etc. Take a look at how crafting is going down the tubes in most recent (and wow) MMOs.. Anything that takes alot of time and effort to do, doesnt interest people it seems


    Also, to get my Jedi I did the holo grind, and it was not nice to me. It took me 31 professions to unlock, so I did them all (mastered BH after I unlocked for 32).. Smugglers...this was also a fun and useful class.. Slicing actually meant something, if you remember.. the ability to improve armor and weapons was so much fun!


    It's really not that bad for three pieces of gear. Though some of the ear pieces are even questionable if you want them, so if that's the case, then its 9 days of grinding the dailies and your done if you don't want to to do them anymore / dont need 23 grade mods.



    Incorrect. You can get the 120 comms in 6 days if you do all the Ilum ones along with the 11 or 12 on Belsavis. Also the Ascendancy mission in space gives 2 daily comms as well.


    Then if you are somewhat strapped for cash, you can sell the implants as well. I normally sell mine for 450-500k each on my server,and it doesnt take long for them to go.

  4. I played SWG from publish3 all the way thru the NGE, and even then I stuck around for awhile after I lost all my friends due to the NGE. Kept my account active long after the NGE and would log in at times for the hell of it. I endured the hologrind to unlock my Jedi (unlocked on my 31 profession mastery a day before pub9 which stopped the hologrind) and was also a 9 time ace (3 rep 3 Imperlai 3 neutral). With that being said, I played the HECK out of SWG and I enjoyed pretty much every moment of it. I loved the free roam style you had, and the control you had. Mixing professions along the way, the countless hours spend on crafting, the countless hours doing nothing but visiting the player run and built towns etc. It was so easy to get immersed in doing...nothing and having fun doing it. Theres another thread about swg vs this in terms of crafting somewhere also that I replied to and also posted on.


    ToR itself, if a pretty fun game. Took me a week to get to 50 from first wave of early release, and im also Legacy level 34 (yes I have alot of time on my hands at the moment). ToR in itself is part of the new "age" of Mmos, similiar to WoW. Kill x amount of this and that, and basically you have to follow a story line where as SWG was pretty much "do whatever you want, use your imagination, create your own story", which I loved and will miss dearly. There is NO comparison between this and SWG. This is a modern wow. Gamers now a days do not like to spend countless hours crafting or getting good at something, they like the instant gratification that games like this and WoW bring. In SWG you actually had to work hard at something and spend those countless hours/days/weeks to get good at your profession. Sure you had to level up by taking missions from the terminals but once you mastered what YOU wanted to, the game was wide open for you to do anything you want (unlike this where you hit 50, run flashpoints and ops) then what? Ops can be cleared in 2 days maybe 3, and the other 4?


    SWG relied on the player to make the game fun for himself. How many people here who played SWG can honestly tell me that one thing they dont miss..is the social aspect that SWG had like the special events in towns (player coordinated), and all that?


    SWG catered to people who like to do what they want, when they want, and left it WIDE open for people to create their own stories. WoW and Tor seem to cater to those gamers with ADD who dont like hard work and want purples NOW NOW NOW, but they also cater to the super casual gamers...parents and so on, who do not have the time or patience to spend those countless hours needed to master something.

  5. even up until the day the servers went down, I STILL had my custom Padded armor suits (white/red.. red/white..yellow/black..and black/red) that I bought from around publish 5 many years ago. There is nothing like asking an armorsmith to make you a suit, and have it customized to your tastes!
  6. don't forget exploding droids, which were hellafun in pvp :)


    Oh dear god..when I was leveling my Jedi (back in either the permadeath days or when dying removed like a million xp)I was always so paranoid flying from one planet to another. The visibility alone freaked me out, but I had one or 2 times when those dang droids came after me while waiting for the ship to get off a planet lol..

  7. TOR was aimed at the WoW generation of MMO players. Sorry former SWG players, but this generation of players want a quick and easy route to purples, and bioware catered to that. Simple as that.



    Indeed..It was Sonys messing around in the CU that got people starting to leave. The CU wasnt so bad, but once they made it so damn simplistic with the NGE, they lost almost everyone. Most people I know loved the complexity that SWG had to offer, not just in crafting but other ways also. In the age where short attention spans is actually considered a "disorder" treatable with medication, what else did we expect to happen. Soon enough MMOs will require nothing more then logging on, smashing a few buttons, and everything will be done for you. WoW started the downfall for me in almost every aspect...then again I was spoiled on SWG and kept my sub active for a few years after the NGE dropped (only to make sure my house was kept up, and to talk to some old friends, visit my old hangouts, secret jedi level spots to avoid being hunted by a Bounty Hunter)

  8. Basically all I see in every post of yours is "If I can't have it immediately then I'm quitting and taking my money with me"


    THIS statement right here, pretty much sums it all up. Not many people are willing to work hard and put in the time and effort to get good at something anymore it seems. WoW was this way also. Sure you had to spend the time to get the patterns, but that was about it.

  9. after reading all these posts about how great SWG crafting was (to which I agreed earlier), another thing thats missing in a themepark mmo like this...the social aspect.


    How long do you think it will be to see player driven events, things like parties in cities, big craft fairs where the servers best showcased their top of the line items, etc. The social atmosphere of swg was also one of its huge selling points for me. The friends I made, the fun stuff we did that didnt involve combat or crafting and so on, still bring a smile to my face.


    It really sort of saddens me to see that this is the direction MMOs might be heading. Little to no work needed for crafting, little to no social events (cept maybe on rp servers). One thing that SWG advertised, that was, IMO, a pretty true statement about the freedom you had, was the last lines that flashed across your screen after the initial install:


    Experience the greatest Star Wars saga ever told....YOURS.

  10. in most fights that I have encountered (save Raids) most multiple packs consist of a few regulars, a strong or 2..maybe an elite. Leave the regulars to the dps to blow their bursts on while you contain the silvers and golds..


    By now everyone should know the kill order..Regulars..then silvers..then golds. And really, at low levels noone is Superman. Wait till 50 to complain :p


    Yes Juggers have serious AOE threat issues, but you have to keep im mind that some "dps" players love to face roll from one side of the keyboard to the next in order to see the big numbers.


    I was a tank in WoW from the vanilla days all the way up thru Cataclysm so I seen the steady decline of warrior tanks. I also remember how badly BROKEN warriors were in the beginning as we just were not generating any rage at all (anyone else remember this?). I took awhile to get fixed but eventually it did. And while it annoyed me to see Pali tanks starting to pop up along with druids and the eventual Dks, I think there is one point alot of people are missing. You cant have ONE class for tanking, same with healing. People pay to play MMOs to experience content, no matter what class they chose to play.


    If warriors were the "only" tanks in every game, and priests the only healers, whats the point of having or even playing the other classes, when noone would need them? I personally view Juggers as being the "Big Boy" tanks, for single target main bosses, and a class like Assassins are good for collecting and holding the multiple trash packs (im not to sure where Power techs fall). Each tank has its speciality, but at the same time it leaves 2 tank runs short one viable dps, since the other tank will be dpsing when the fight requires, a single tank.

  11. I was a prepub 9 unlocked jedi under the old holocron system. Needless to say, I got very unlucky and had to master 31 professions to finally unlock (and it was Merchant that did it lol). So I did every crafting profession, every combat profession ( Bounty Hunter was the only thing I had left), and all I can say is, SWG crafting, while a pain to do, was ALOT more fun then WoW or here. It was more involved with running your own harvesters, scanning sites for the best possible place to drop them, and so on.


    Seems people now a days want the quick and painless rewards (cough pvp purples for pve use also cough) without actually putting any effort into it. I used to know know armorsmiths and weaponsmiths who crafted the highest level stuff, and sold it for top dollar as well, and it was something they could be proud of. And there was no shortage of people lining up to buy those goods either! The right amount of experimenting with armor plates and so on, until one finally gets the best possible sets then mass producing them as best they could. Me personally, I crafted garbage lol, I was too content on unlocking my jedi to even really care about sticking with a profession, but I had fun doing it all. I wouldnt mind seeing crafting going away completely to be honest, but that will probably never happen :(


    When one plays on a server, and sees their names in the best gear on that server for a period of time, thats an actual accomplishment in MMOs. The time and effort and all that pay off in the long run, not this instant gratification of people now a days that they feel they deserve.

  12. Holy heck Vig is that you?!?! LOL i dont think I have seen or heard from you since you unlocked your jedi back in swg! ( We were all sitting in Bestine at the time just chatting away when you unlocked and decided to show the group of us well outside the walls of town lol)
  13. Title says it all. This game needs something like WoW had, where you couldnt do certain heroics unless your gear was a certain level. I cant count how many times I have wiped due to people in greens and oranges with low level mods etc who either didnt know the fights OR or couldn't put out enough dps to stop boss from enraging. While I can pop my cooldowns to help my healer and keep the fight going alittle longer, it doesnt last forever. At this time it costs me 9k+ per death ,and while credits are not an issue (for me personally), its all the wasted time and the countless run backs that are starting to annoy me


    Gear is not hard to come by in this game, nor are the credits to buy upgrades. Hell keep your low level oranges and mod them properly.

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