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Posts posted by MasseffectFTW

  1. Getting some different responses here, which doesn't clear it up for me really. I will post a couple of quotes from folks over at the PTS Forum which speaks to my concern.


    "Level sync is a joke in how it is working as my level ten with fleet vendor gear is three times stronger than a level 75 in augmented gear." -Hawkbatt (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968025&page=8)


    "There is no balance with level sync going down and only going up does it work better for you. I saw this on live with a level 55 186 geared and augmented toon. Low power but good balance to stats. The other way around on pts you are weak if not for you crit alacrity and accuracy.

    Mastery and power relics are useless in anything other than level 75 content.

    Level 75 gear will only be useful in the Dxun Operation and on Onderon. Everything else a toon in questing gear is better than you as they are not nerfed for the content." -Hawkbatt (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968025&page=8)


    "whats the point of adrenals in a lvl 55 ops... you can only use accuracy or crit adrenals..... yay everything else is useless as it is capped... relics the same you got a mastery proc relic... screw it! it doesnt do anything... what about the sage raidbuff? useless as mastery and endurace is capped..." -Opiklo (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968025&page=8)


    There are similar posts but these seemed to sum up what I was asking about. So it seems like the level sync is making gearing for anyting other than the Dxun Op and Onderon not only pointless, but puts you at a disadvantage compared to lower-leveled, poorer geared characters. I hope I'm misunderstanding because that seems awful to me. Anyone else unhappy with this?

  2. Hey everyone, I'm a founding player who has come back after a long time away to revisit nostalgia and have been enjoying my very limited free-time by playing the game casually.


    My questions is--based on my understanding of the new bolster and stat caps, gearing for anything below Ops is basically pointless, is this right?


    Being a casual player these days I'm not looking to achieve BiS or anything, but the tangible increases in general effectiveness is still a fun and rewarding part of getting some new gear. It seems as though the new changes to any content that is not high level group content means that I will no longer experience this improvement and I'm disappointed if that's the case.


    So all this new gear will not make any actual difference stat-wise when I'm doing say, Heroics, Dailies, Story Missions, etc? I can upgrade my gear from 270 to 298 and see no improvements to any of my stats unless I'm doing an Op, correct?


    Just trying to understand it, thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me and sorry for anything I posted that is inaccurate or previously resolved. :)

  3. I purposely joined a low pop server. It's now 'Full.' In come the queues. I don't know how anyone can excuse a paid subscription service that limits your usage. It's still pre-release, but I won't stay subscribed if the queues continue. If I pay to play, I want to PLAY when I want to PLAY. Period. This is not a free service and I am not looking for handouts. I DEMAND that my PAID SUBSCRIPTION allows me access to my PAID CONTENT. If not, make it free to play and I'll work around your shortcomings. No way I'm paying $15 a month to have my access and usage be restricted in any way.
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