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Posts posted by Snaekolf

  1. I hope this is the case. I still have to go through all of my toons and unfu#k the mess that has been made. You know, put my companions' pants back on, re-equip their weapons, and clear out all of the crap in my inventory that they can't use anymore (So many bound mod-able off-hands....)


    Not to mention that I have to go through their crafting skills and figure out what they need to learn in order to be able to make use of all of my mats.... So much house-keeping that has to be done for ALL of my characters...


    Preach it! I've spent the last two nights doing nothing but this. Still haven't started the expansion....

  2. Your play style is very similar to mine. I'm a Founder and have one level 60 and a bunch of 20-55's.


    I would suggest running the intro flashpoints for Revan on your 55+ chars. They can be done solo, once per character, and they reward tons of basic comms and xp. Take those comms to Rishi and you can upgrade the gear for you and your key companions right away. Each flashpoint takes about 30 minutes.


    I would suggest taking artifice (archaeology/treasure hunting) for enhancements and saber hilts, and cybertech (scavenging/underworld trading) for armor and mods, then take armstech (scavenging \ underworld trading) for blaster barrels. That will allow you to outfit any level character cheaply.


    Also, if you can buy some cartel packs, do it. I started selling the stuff from my packs on the GTN and I make tons of credits off it. It bankrolls all of my characters now.

  3. I'm a Jedi Councilor doing the companion quest for Qyzen Fess "Shadow in the Sand." The quest id to find Qyzen's father's bones on Tattione and fight a boss mob.


    I find the bones, do the conversation and trigger the mob. As soon as I move to engage the mob it evades and disappears. I've tried a half dozen times on different days and it the same every time.

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