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Posts posted by BobaBoomer

  1. Damn, ripped on by a guy in the same guild. Guild cannibalism.


    HAHA I was thinking the same thing.


    I was curious too whether I should invest time into my Vanguard for ranked. I refuse to reroll another class every few months so I can have an advantage and then tell people to L2P. I also understand that if you want to maximize your effectiveness in rated WZs then it can be useful to grab skilled players who play OP specs. So I assume I have to be spot on to even be considered by many teams. That being said is there any tips successful Vanguard/Power Tech tanks can give?

  2. Congratz, you just mentioned every server in every MMO.


    Right on...how many servers or games have you played? I was on 3 servers with WoW, 2 on SWTOR, and 2 on SWG. I've never seen a server that was impressive in how mature general chat was. I did see a noticeable difference in pve content that was on farm but when it comes to pvp there are competitve battles and derpfests everywhere. I play on Bastion Pug side and I see some solid players....and I've seen my fair share of ear biters. I assume if 33% of the population is competitive and the 66% ride the short bus then in a Imp dominated game you would have more worthless players...you should also have more good players too.

  3. I am an objective pvper because I join objective based WZs...that simple. That being said if I run into a PUG like yours then I'd have probably done the same thing...let the enemy cap while I'm afk getting a drink. No need for me to quit a WZ because I chose to not do an objective...just like everyone else. Last night I was healing on my sage to see there was no one defending the Pylon. So I took it and proceeded to tell everyone I'm wasting my healing skills defending solo. No one came to relieve me so I assume no one needed my healing. I played the rest of the game as a ****** dps with awesome self heals.


    I made a post about a classic 100 kill Death Match WZ a few days ago...I think it would clear out a lot of these people who join WZs to pvp but not follow objectives. The only objective they'd have there is kill more than you're dying. Add in some crazy Huttball like obstacles and it may even be fun for the onjective player like myself as well. Not many people think highly of the idea so I guess we get to continue having derpfest WZs.

  4. I think a race to 100 kills match would be fun if they put it in an arena like Hutball with a lot more obstacles. Not only would there be no standing around guarding but having to kill a lot of people while avoiding a crap ton of obstacles would be entertaining.


    I am shocked that not many people are responding to this. In my eyes we'd be adding a new WZ with a lot of obstacle avoidance that everyone can just enjoy beating the crap out of each other. It would also reduce the amount of people who dont want to do objectives in the objective based WZs. Instead all I'm reading is implement 2 and 4 man arenas. Yea arenas were a blast on WoW but it opened up a can of worms that gave Blizzard headaches. Some class combos had the advantage and some people struggled to find decent teams. I at least hope if no one cares to try to improve WZs then at least arenas do work. Its fun for the fotm classes but what about us who dont wish to reroll for an advantage and instead use skill.

  5. I think a race to 100 kills match would be fun if they put it in an arena like Hutball with a lot more obstacles. Not only would there be no standing around guarding but having to kill a lot of people while avoiding a crap ton of obstacles would be entertaining.


    I am shocked that not many people are responding to this. In my eyes we'd be adding a new WZ with a lot of obstacle avoidance that everyone can just enjoy beating the crap out of each other. It would also reduce the amount of people who dont want to do objectives in the objective based WZs. Instead all I'm reading is implement 2 and 4 man arenas. Yea arenas were a blast on WoW but it opened up a can of worms that gave Blizzard headaches. Some class combos had the advantage and some people struggled to find decent teams. I at least hope if no one cares to try to improve WZs then at least arenas do work. Its fun for the fotm classes but what about us who dont wish to reroll for an advantage and instead use skill.

  6. Ah..I see how you're comparing Death Match to Arenas. In a sense it is an arena but in arenas you fight to the death. I'm all for 4 man arenas. I think they would be a blast but I was also looking to see if they could create a WZ like some of the First Person Shooter games. When you die you rez and repeat. In a way that is what our current WZs are like but people who choose to play without objectives ruin it for those who do. Separating them may keep both parties happy. True there is no way to stop people that are in our current WZs from abandoning objectives but if we implemented a Death Match WZ that can be specifically queued for just like arenas would be then why would anyone who doesnt want to do objectives join the objective based WZs? They would instead do Arenas or Death Match making the current WZs less of a headache for everyone who plays them in every bracket.
  7. I dont see how areans help at all. Are there going to be arenas for 10-29 or 30-54 brackets? If not then it doesn't reduce people from joining objective based WZs who dont wish to do objectives which ruins it for everyone else involved. I'm not anti arenas...Im just looking to make the current WZs better.


    I dont want to get off topic already on the 3rd post but my point is fixing what we already have. In my opinion its bad business to build something that has flaws and then instead of perfecting it create something else with flaws.

  8. I consider myself a hardcore objective pvp'er. I enjoy pvp as much as anyone but I enjoy it more when I am a part of a team that works together to win a WZ. One of my biggest frustrations is when I'm solo guarding a turret and I call inc and the entire team runs over. I guess I should be happy I get help but not if we leave another turret we control empty. I got to thinking of ways to improve objective based WZ's for those of us who like it and keep pvp fun for those who just queue to kill.


    Implement a Death Match style WZ that can be specifically queued for. Lets face it...some people just want to pvp and it doesn't matter if they win or lose as long as they have the most kills or best stats. They base ones success on damage done...not objective points or shielding healers, ball carriers, etc. If we could keep those players happy with something as simple as which ever team gets 100 kills 1st wins then great. By doing this it would also reduce the amount of players who don't wish to work as a team and ruin it for those of us that do.


    I also was thinking of the month or 2 that I decided to do F2P. Talk about a terrible experience but it may work for some people. I remember thinking that I only got a few WZs a week and I was stuck solo guarding a door in voidstar. Although I was benefiting the team, I wasn't getting my pvp fix in. I wasted 1 of my few matches waiting to pvp. I think a Death Match WZ would give them all a taste of combat and a chance for lowbies to learn their classes. I'd think most F2Pers would prefer the Death Match option unless they were willing to possibly get stuck guarding.


    Let me know yalls thoughts. I can't see a negatives here.

  9. I dont see why I should have to pay to transfer my toons. How is it my fault I was given a server that died at launch and was then merged with a server that still had population issues. I rolled some toons on another server that seemed to be doing well just for its population to slowly move to another server. Im now on my 3rd start on PoT5 and believe I should be allowed to have my other toons brought to this server for free. I am a paid subscriber and did work to build a legacy...shouldn't Bioware say "thanks for continuing to pay...we'll take care of you"?
  10. And why cant they? SWToR is a game and in my opinion anything can happen in them. MMO stand for multi member online and that means the devs must find a way to appease as many as possible. To me it seems they made this a story-based pve game that has pvp built in. There are parts of the game that I wish they would change but the world is bigger than just me. I enjoy arenas yet I also enjoyed the old 40 man raids from WoW. I even enjoyed Star Wars Galaxies and the uniqueness it brought.


    If the devs can create a way to balance a game that makes both raiders and pvp players happy then why shouldn't they? Maybe companions aren't the answer but it's better to think outside the box to try to appease all subscribers than to say what is and isn't right. Try coming up with suggestions instead of saying "implement this cause its the right thing to do and if it screws everyone else then they should move elsewhere". I think Bioware has done an awesome job on this game and I think it has a lot of potential. I also agree with many people that certain issues like server population need fixing or the game will be a 6 month wonder. They need our help to fix it though. They need our ideas and they will ONLY listen to ideas that are in everyone's interests.

  11. I don't think there will ever be a perfect game that favors both the pve and pvp players. I do believe in Bioware though. They have given us a game that is so story driven and complex yet such a copy of other successful games. Can you blame them though? No one invests this much money into something that has no history of previous success.


    If arenas draw a crowd then I for 1 vote them to be implemented but intended only for those who wish to enjoy them. The entire player base shouldn't be forced into them for gear. I agree with many others in having rewards such as titles, pets, and cosmetic perks but nothing else. For those like myself that obsess over arenas..all we really care about is our rating and striving to be the best. We shouldn't let the pve fan base or the devs suffer for our constant cry for nerfing and buffing classes for the sole purpose of 4 man arenas.


    My only question would be what if we Bioware created a 6th companion for us for specifically arenas? What about as a reward for hitting 50 allow us to create a companion with no story that we can play as when we enter arenas. Could Bioware not set it up that when we enter an arena we select a companion to play as instead? They could have the same class system we use but our abilities are balanced for purely 4v4 arena game play. If they did add gear rewards then it is for companion use only.


    The idea is to keep the game fun for ALL who play it. Quit coming up with solutions that benefit only 1 faction yet gimps the other. You'd be pissed and unsub if you were the faction that lost out on a Star Wars mmo because of others constant trolling.

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