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Posts posted by Yazule

  1. Yes it is. Leveling as a healer in this game is actually one of the easiest, compared to tanking or dps. It just might take a little longer to kill things then if you were dps spec.


    You can find some pretty standard builds if you use google.


    easy but slow, i did dps til about 45 where groups wanted me then i switched to healing

  2. The heat signature thing is working as intended. The was clarified by the dev posting. Reroll or adios.

    or quit complaining, my dps is fine, it isnt tops but it is fine.. need some love sure but am i useless not a chance.


    people whine too much.

  3. wow someone bumped this? from the BIOWARE EMPLOYEE POST IN THIS THREAD


    When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:


    No automation

    No delays or looped commands in macros

    It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed


    These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


    Hope this clears it up a bit, but if you have further questions regarding the topic please get back to us!


    so basically any delays, any loops, any automation and you are using the "aproved" software/hardware in a way that is bannable. Having made many a macro in many a game, reemoving loops, pauses and automation make macro's pretty useless except for spamming text for guild recruitment or sales.


    why would anyone resurect this ancient post, and why would they comment on the "validity" of it when there is a bioware employee already defining it IN THIS THREAD... oh fyi, I personally put in a petition to get that information posted here because a lot of people are clueless and will define what is "ok" by what they want.

  4. Firstly THANK YOU


    a realisitic post with good numbers in it.




    sorry i did not read through your entire guide, though I have looked at it before (skimmed) and our dps in compairable so if i am doing something different it does not matter (you have a bit more dps and a bit more gear tbh)




    great to see that 1300ish sorc and marauder, I dont know who these rauders are that are pulling 1.5k to 2k in a real fight, i have not met one yet.


    A great post.


    Yes there has been some pain but you (and I) both seem to think we are still perfectly viable.


    what i love is that we are in for some love next, and i like being on that side of the pendulum :)


    good post, good poster



  5. You do NOT need Pinning Fire for raiding or levelling. I don't know why so many PvE arsenal mercs spec for it. The points would be better spent on Custom Enviro Suit giving you better healing and endurance, or something like Jet Escape.


    its for leveling, i take pinning because i dont like to respec every time i raid or pvp...


    for leveling take whatever you want imo respec when you hit 50,.

  6. Pathetic as in what? Pvp offers far more challenge than pve. I've done every op every HM and some nightmare. Its just rotation optimization and having no one mess up. Its like synchronized swimming with mouse clicks.


    pathetic as in compaired to every other game i have ever played pvp in.


    pvp is just a minigame, much like space combat, or raids for that matter.


    It is compartmentalized and the variables are completely controlled by the zone (which you get no choice in and there are only 4 variations).


    I mean really, if I wanted to pvp on the same maps over and over an FPS is a much much better choice (i play both styles of game tbh).


    Second reason why it is pathetic is there is no value in it. There is a carrot on a stick pvp gear that helps you with pvp and nothing else.


    PVP in an mmorpg should have some value to the player. It could be defending your home (ship in this case I guess but whatever) or resources, or maybe defending other players from pk's while they down a world boss ... you get the idea.


    PVP should encourage going out into the world, instead everyone hangs out in fleet once 50, no reason to go anywehere else, you zone into premade pvp zones, or zone into raids... i never expected to spend so little time on planets, but there is nothing there to go for/to ...


    I cant even duel 90% of the time, fighting with friends for bragging rights and practice was always a lot of fun in many games that I have played.


    This pvp minigame stuff sucks, WoW is almost as bad, but not quite. Too many spoon fed carrot on a stick mmo players now though. Thinking of going back to eve tbh (have reactivated and training offline but not active in that game atm).


    Standing around fleet waiting for them to impliment another carrot on another stick is getting old.

  7. Only place i have seen anything other than the mainhand weapon you get in the mail is a drop off a world boss, cant remember if it was armor or not, but it was different than the one that you get in the mail (which is main hand and is usefull from level 14 to about 23)
  8. Isn't that partly due to the bug with dummies who cannot dodge your attacks, meaning Marauder/Sentinel off-hand attacks never fail to hit? Also, classes who have armor piercing attacks or large portion of elemental/internal damage will perform better against dummies compared to classes who's attacks get mitigated by armor.


    Not sure about that but here is a post from a dev talking about the training dummies and some of the factors in their calculations



  9. I recently received my chest campaign token tonight and noticed that the arsenal tier chest would actually give me an aim loss and replace a large amount of accuracy with surge rating (a stat that I don't currently need >.>).


    I'm curious if anyone has made a best in slot gear list for arsenal mercs that includes campaign gear. I'm trying to find a solution that doesn't require me to buy two campaign chests or spend the extra 60 comms on a black hole chest. I've googled around for one but can't seem to locate one that doesn't stop at rakata gear.


    I'm not going to lie, I'm a little confused on why the aim is being reduced (unless BW is re-itemizing gear) on tier upgrades and whether or not I should buy the combat tech chest even though the set bonus would be off (I do understand armoring/mods can be removed).



    BIS is going to be orange gear with augments, putt your campaign gear mods out and put them in orange. Then use other raid drops (random enhancements or duplicate campaign gear and pull out the enhancements) to optimize.

  10. how can u say that?! its lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really after 8 rerolls, 2 lvl 50s, 2 lvl 40s, and more, i finally found my class in arsenal merc... even IF a few levels of tracermissles is boring.. once u get heatseeker missles your journey ends :))) coolest move in game! +111111


    while i love my arsenal, the simplicity of the rotation is a bit much, only class I play (have 4 total toons in play) that I can bind my rotation to my mouse (I use a G700 gaming mouse)... every other class has more useful buttons to press.


    I dont mind that though, I rarely "tunnel vision" on my rotation and have a lot of awareness

  11. I don't see the game as work I see a lost week as a lost week. Could have done something else with your wasted time. I'm sure you will understand some day when you have less time.


    LOL how would you have any idea how much time I do or do not have?


    Lets hear about my free time and how much I have, I am very interested in hearing about it.

  12. Interesting. Which one would be the more different experience to a madness assassin? From what you've written, I'm thinking arsenal.


    think of arsenal as a turret... you run up, plant yourself and then channel death, if you have to move you have rapid shots which does an estimated 50% of max damage so it is "ok" for moving but move to your next spot and plant to do max damage


    the rotation is rather easy so you have lots of pve awareness (if you are that guy) so i generally am the guy calling who is on the lightning balls, or who is standing in stuff, or when we are about to push the next phase in raid


    Yeah i would say arsenal is

    a) the better pve spec

    b) the most divergent from what you are playing as madness sorc

  13. Hey guys!


    After reading the first page of this class forum, I can see you guys are a cheery bunch. :D


    Anyway, I'm looking for some tips for a new merc. I want to focus primarily on PVE DPS. Can anyone suggest a spec for me? I'm assuming Arsenal is the tree I should be looking at.


    How useless is alacrity for mercs?


    What stats should I be stacking?


    Thx to any and all who reply, even the L2P kids.


    Arsenal is the build for pve


    general belief is that alacrity is not so good


    stack aim


    crit to 30%, surge to 70% then power power power


    for starting crit or power is fine, numbers above represent raid geared 50's (and are only general guildlines)


    when you get tracer missile take power shot off your bar (unless you are pvping, and then it is a "filler" when tracer gets interrupted for 4 seconds)

  14. Pyro is more mobile; many abilities you use will be usable while moving.


    Arsenal requires standing still to use most of your abilities.



    Arsenal is better PvE dps, but Pyro's mobility makes it preferable for PvP.


    Neither offer particularly good utility to teams in either PvP or PvE; Arsenal brings an armor debuff and that's about it other than the baseline knockbacks and cc.


    true but false,


    BH are the garbage men of SWTOR, we are AWSOME on trash with DFA and scatter shot, we can stun golds and less as a general rule so that is functionality.


    in pve you dont move a lot so mobility for pvp is meh at best ...


    pyro DOTS

    arsenal debuffs and single target dps.

  15. So my wife is OPS and has been healing but we have a bit of a glut in healers for raid. so with that said a couple of questions


    1) what is a good dps for an OPS in raid (assume rakata gear)... is 1100 reasonable to expect? higher or lower?


    2) what is the best (post 1.2) dps spec for raid


    3) what is the basic rotation for that spec.


    thanks in advance.

  16. i've tried that. alone they can almost outheal my now ****** dps. so by the time concussion wears off (whats it last 4 seconds? i've never paid attention. ) the other starts healing the one i was pounding on again.


    not electro dart, concussion missle, stuns for 60 seconds, and with talents you can reduce thte cooldown to 45 seconds, meaning you can keep one stunned f-o-r-e-v-e-r .


    If you cant do it with Mako (if you turn off her electro stun she does do dps as well) then i would suggest your best geared dps pet... personally as arsenal i only used mako cause she rocks (and she puts out)

  17. Wow a week of my time is worth a crap ton to me. I don't know what you do but losing a week would anger me greatly. The op got of easy I have months in my toon just to have bioware nerf it and break it into the ground.


    meh, a week is a week, I didnt delete my toon so i dont have to spend that week.


    A week of entertainment (this is a game after all) is never "lost" in my opinion, if you see the game as "work" then you probably should find another activity to do with your free time.

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