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Posts posted by amopedvalar

  1. I was going through one of my first characters and clearing out the junk from his holds and inventory, and found that I had acquired mercenary commendations. Is there anything I can do with them now?
  2. Artificers also craft Gormak Crystal AlphaWave Inhibitor, which gives you a buff that's needed for the world boss on Voss.


    where does one locate a schematic for that?

    also thanks all for the info.

  3. Maybe it's just me, but Artifice seems extremely limited compared to other crew skills. I mean crystals and hilts are nice, but it seems other crew skills can craft much more than Artificers. Please correct me if i'm missing something here.
  4. I may not have explained myself correctly. I'm not interested in the odds of any specific item dropping....just what rare/ super rare items drop from which pack. Also i'm not spending anything beyond my monthly sub.
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