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Posts posted by ReMcDomhnall

  1. I really like to know how you can claim this one. If I have full Campaign and BH gear and PvP against someone in recruit gear... They are going to kick my ***?


    The damage reduction from the set is 15.40% at the loss of 25% of the total HP (500 endurance x 10 = 5000HP) so that's a handicap right there.


    The bonus damage from the set is 18.20% at the cost of 500 of your primary stat (100 bonus damage and 3% crit), 100 surge (5%) , 50 crit (1%) and 250 power (57.5 bonus damage). Total loss of 157.5 bonus damage, 4% crit, and 5% surge....plus a set bonus. Assuming you started at around 1000 bonus damage from Campaign gear, the bonus damage loss alone is 15.75% damage. That set bonus could also be a huge determent depending on what class you are playing.


    I don't see any reason why you would make the assumption that high end PvE gear would be absolutely worthless for PvP if your only choice was the recruit set. It works just as well as WH gear in EV/KP (mediocre).


    Either way, your going to get destroyed by BM/WH players...


    Codex, you are absolutely correct about the numbers, full Cam/BH is way better than recruit gear as is fully aug'd rakata gear (but not that much)...the problem that comes with wearing pve gear that is better then recruit gear is two fold and player related...first, if I see someone in pvp who is not wearing pvp gear, they will be my secondary target (after healers) for the whole game...(yes I will ignore a tank in full camp gear with 26k HP)...I am not the only one who does this :) Next, a lot of healers tend to avoid healing players who they feel are not geared correctly...like you said, earlier...the high end pve gear is better than recruit, but there are a lot of 14 yo trolls playing this game who cant do math


    The way I look it is cam/bh is fine for pvp, anything else and you should be in recruit gear for a couple of days til you start grinding into bm....it does go pretty quickly....show up in Tionese and/or fresh 50 leveling gear (116 rated) and I will harass you until you leave the group and then continue to harass you in fleet until you block me or follow me to the pvp vendor to get your free F@#$ing gear.

  2. I'd actually be kind of curious to compare the math on this. Would the additional expertise in the Recruit gear offset the lower hp and damage compared to full Rakata? Honestly, I would think that, thanks to the massive benefits of Expertise (since it adds to both your offensive and defensive capabilities), it would overcome even Rakata gear difference (it's only a difference of 12-16 gear rating), but I'd be curious to see the math concerning it.


    Ran a Warzone today that did test it out. the healer in our group had a hodge podge gear set with 2 or 3 BH pieces, 2 or 3 BM pieces and the rest was all Rak...Rak or better pve gear appear to work as well or better than recruit gear especially if it is fully aug'd....he healed for 360k and we had minimal deaths on our side.

  3. There is one point that is overlooked in this whole discussion that makes PvP different from PvE....That is the second P...the players...Mobs in a PvE raid do not look Darth Iamalukkesfader and say that idiot is PvP gear, lets target him. However, people who PvP do. Moderately skilled to advanced PvPers look for people who are in the wrong gear or weaker gear and cut them first...kind of like letting the tank deal with the boss for a minute while you clean up some adds...If you are DPS, this is an easy way to get your total kill, total damage, and solo kill medals in a hurry.
  4. This is a suggestion for improved game play.

    When you are at the auction house, setting up a trade or searching for gear, and a companion returns from a quest, the game automatically closes your auction menu. This is somewhat frustrating when you have been searching through the menus at the galactic trade center only to have your GTC window close to show the results of the trade. Is it possible to place the companion mission results in the pending status in the top right corner and have a verbal notification that the companion has returned?


  5. From Wikipedia:


    Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability or decreased ability to see color, or perceive color differences, under lighting conditions when color vision is not normally impaired. "Color blind" is a term of art; there is no actual blindness but there is a fault in the development of one or more sets of retinal cones that perceive color in light and transmit that information to the optic nerve. Color blindness is a sex-linked condition. The genes that produce photopigments are carried on the X chromosome; if some of these genes are missing or damaged, color blindness will be expressed in males with a higher probability than in females because males only have one X chromosome (in females, a good gene on only one of the two X chromosomes is enough to yield the needed photopigments.


    To get a better understanding of all the chromosome BS...check this link out. In the examples shown, both picture appear to be identical, at least to me:



  6. An option in the (near) future to be able to customize some of the UI elements in terms of colors or be able to reduce/remove the neon glow borders can already be a very big improvement for us colorblind people.

    If SWTOR used the same kind of UI files like WoW, I'd have done the needed changes myself already.


    me too...I think I would fine if I could tweek the colors a little bit

  7. Viper, I am wondering if the new UI will have features that let you tweak different things on the game...the target circle would be a great one. I aslo just learned that color around an enemies pic changes to a different color when some else, not in your group, started the fight with them...I was unaware of this until last week. I simply didnt notice because i have a hard time seeing the different colors on elites and such...I usually read the describtion of the enemy and check out his HP before attacking
  8. blue and purple outlines on gear to start with... the shadders on the crew skills or seeing when a mission has changed color on the mission log....cant see the dif between my companion and the bad guys in the mini map... these are the ones i am aware of...sure there are more i havent noticed
  9. unless of course you are color blind like me....then you are basically screwed! Bioware, if you read this, 8% of the male population is colorblind and seeing the difference between you circles is next to impossible....dont get me started on the blue and purple outlines on gear I can tell they are different but no clue as to what is what...back to the numbers 8% of men...this number is also statistaclly higher among computer programmers ....no color when coding all day....anyway you have 1.5 millionish subscribers....let say 1 mil are men....that means that almost 100,000 of your gamers have difficulty with your game...take a look at board games like ticket to ride...they have different colors of track you put down, but they also have a non color shape associated with each color (black is diamonds)....PLEASE ADD SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO SWTOR!
  10. I have been having the same problem, I will try the buying missions thing and see if I have better results...I have received 3 nylasteels and I am getting frustrated I also think something is bugged because it is one of the only crafted mats you cannot buy on the GTC...the other crew skills have tons of stuff
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