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Posts posted by TurktheWolf

  1. This isn't server load testing. This is ensuring that everyone gets in smoothly without issues like occured with STO during it's first month. Open Beta resulted in server crashes, insane lag, and all around pissed off customers. Launch Day the game was almost unplayable for the people who got in and queues had to be instituted that resulted in huge numbers not being able to play at all. It took them over a week to get enough servers to get everyone on, THEN the servers started going down every half hour to an hour.


    Bioware is attempting to ensure that this process goes as smoothly as possible with no crashes, no "I have to wait in a queue for 5 hours" and as little lag as possible. Plus with the staggered entry you won't be fighting with one million other people over the starting areas.


    If they had let everyone in you'd be here complaining about "The server keeps crashing" or "I'm stuck in a queue" or "I can't complete this quest because everyone else is killing all the enemies" or "This lag is horrible, Bioware you suck". There is no way for them to win in this situation so they took the way that will be least painful for the players and cause the least resentment due to hardware issues.


    Well said. This makes me feel better about waiting.

  2. To all those complaining: Adarath hands you all straws and says, "suck it up"


    For those that are still dense: Adarath hands you a quarter and says, "call someone who cares"


    For those remaining whiners that still havent gotten the message: Adarath says, "**** and go back to WoW if you cant be patient"


    And no Iam not in atm either. Just chill out and give em some time. If you need further assistance please call 1-800-555-WAHH


    I called and the number wasn't in service. Ohhhhhh, I get it.

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