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Posts posted by Elogio

  1. Yeah, I'm the 3 year old.


    Look, it's obvious you're having a somewhat hard time to comprehend basic common sense so I'll try to write in simple sentences.


    Yes, i know it's a team game. What exactly does that have to do with anything at all? You are aware that PUG's are teams too, and that in those teams there are actual people?


    How exactly is the refference to a quarterback passing a ball to a teammate even remotely simular to anything that i wrote?


    The solo queue is Designed and Intended for PUG gameplay. That means that Solo Ranked is NOT meant for premades. At all.


    Oh good, you allmost know what the acronym MMO stands for! Now where in that very acronym do you see anything related to premade groups? Do you mean to tell me that if you only could PUG in this game, it wouldn't be a "Massively Multiplayer Online" game?


    Either way, if there is a certain aspect of this game where premades are not intended to occur - steps should be taken to minimize the risk of just that happening. What exactly is it that you are so troubled with within that concept?


    This isn't "Complaining about premades". I'm fine with premades. This is about premades showing up where they are not INTENDED to show up be it by random luck or taking advantage of the system.


    It's about having balanced fights and even odds. When i hit [Queue] i want an entertaining match, not an easy win and not being completly overkilled. That is what a matchmaking system is for...though i fully expect that you have no clue what im talking about, since im quite certain you're are one of those who would find it awesome to defeat the enemy team without any resistance at all.


    I rarely go out to clubs or bars since i'm a family man, and also much rather prefer homeparties. But next time i am out ill make sure to look for any lonely guy in the corner and give him a hug and a lemonade. God knows you need it =)



  2. Hey Alex!!!


    I commend your courage on coming to the beast's den (lol). I hope you're still alive. XD


    My question is... Will you guys be adding a "PvP Hub." You know.... a place where PvPers can duel, have access to PvP gear vendors, PvP Mission Stations, GTN, etc etc?

  3. Experienced and Geared Guardian Tank looking for a PvP guild that runs ranked warzones religiously.

    I am looking for an established guild with a synergistic team so that we 8 may benefit the most from having me tank for you.

    I can play everyday as long as it's pre-arranged. Although I can answer to SMS and get online asap depending on the day and urgency.


    Should you have any questions dont hesitate to ask. You can also pst me ingame for tryouts. My toons name is Perfecticable.

  4. So the practically free 54 PvE crafted gear remains superior to PvP end game gear that you actually have to work for…


    No free stuff that you don't have to work for should be superior to Partisan, yet it's superior to even Conqueror...


    All thanks to the Bolster abomination that has been broken and has failed miserably for almost half a year now.


    Out of 9 warzones I played today, 6 of them had only 7 players for the entire match. This has been going on all week...


    Where do you guys see this game going? Because I'm beginning to lose all hope...




    Please support this thread.



    Maybe we can get the developers to take action faster than one change per month.

  5. I agree with this. It's what useed set an MMO apart from the other games in that I could progress my character. Now; it seems that first person shooters have more progression than this. I am ok with a bolster to keep people at least close, but there still should be some sort of meaningfull goal to be working toward.


    I agree.


    If they don't want to remove it from the game, at least they should remove it from EndGame PvP.


    I hope they do answer to the questions.

    "Why is there bolster in EndGame PvP (Ranked Warzones)?

    Could you please remove it from EndGame PvP (Ranked Warzones) as soon as possible?"

  6. This is an attempt to get the PvP developers to answer a simple question and get them to remove Bolster COMPLETELY from Ranked Warzones. It is extremely clear that the developers will not remove bolster from PvP but at least we, the subscription paying PvPers, have the right to experience Engame PvP without the hassle that bolster only brings.

    It is preponderant for the developers of this game to understand that Ranked Warzone PvPers are PAYING subscribers, and as things are right now, we are paying for a product that's broken, to say the least.


    With the context set forth...


    Why is there bolster in EndGame PvP (Ranked Warzones)?

    Could you please remove it from EndGame PvP (Ranked Warzones) as soon as possible?


    I am not going to threaten you by saying I will unsubscribe; sadly, and as you are pretty well aware, there are no options for PvPers as it is right now, we are stuck (and I really mean stuck) with SWtOR until something better comes out. Truth is, we are not even looking for something better, but a game with developers that care about their PvP community will win us all.


    Please, bump this thread by signing this petition. It's nothing out of the extraordinary. A simple question followed by another simple questions that requires action.

  7. Didn't realize I had an execute for classes under 50% health.


    And I'm sure i'm going to be able to burn down that 30% health warrior while I let the operative freecast. Yeah. Even with electronet on the warrior the warrior can survive.


    The one hyperventilating is you, hence the one qq'ing is also you.


    Lol at the fact that channeled abilities are now an advantage. If they're at 50% health they already know they're being focused. Or their healers are bad and this discussion is moot.


    As long as there's this broken mechanic, emergency medpack, which other classes can take of much better, there should be parity. And if there's not going to be parity, then the developers should never have brought up the 5% crap.


    Not to mention kiting doesn't only mean getting out of their range. You can also "kite" behind pillars, or break line of sight. Too bad you're a face tanker, hence you think mercs are overpowered.


    Is this a troll response??

    - It's gotta be.

    ... I hope it is.

  8. Positive feedback and ideas that improve the notion of arenas only please. There are enough qq threads.


    Let me be the first one.


    I made this video with the sole intention of helping the devs out. I think that arenas are an amazing idea and something that pvpers really need in this game.



    Feel free to comment and chip in your thoughts.

    Please positive feedback to the devs only, they are well aware of the problems that exist. Let's help them out so that SWtOR arenas become the new great sensation!!!


    - Theel / Perfecticable

  9. I made this video with the sole intention of helping the devs out. I think that arenas are an amazing idea and something that pvpers really need in this game.



    Feel free to comment and chip in your thoughts.

    Please positive feedback to the devs only, they are well aware of the problems that exist. Let's help them out so that SWtOR arenas become the new great sensation!!!


    - Theel / Perfecticable

  10. Maybe PvP *Only* guilds ;p CE and TIG can hold a candle any day =)


    Once we leave they can hold all the candles they want =)

  11. It's ma'am actually, Theel. Thanks.


    I've already stated in previous posts that it is not my intent nor have I outright said anything that I consider degrading or demonizing in any way. I care about this server and all of its aspects. I know who you are, I know who all of the hardcore PvPers are. I respect them and you and always have. I've already explained myself multiple times in various ways on my take with the transfers. If Bioware chooses to have transfers off of Jung Ma, good for you and all of the rest. But there are many of us left behind that are not getting so sweet a deal out of it.


    If you truly believe I'm attempting to insult you or anyone in this server, I dare you to actually spend some time to get to know me better.


    I'm game for getting to know you better.

    So how old are you??? XD

  12. Actually, I have spoken to all the major pvp guilds on the server at least once and most say they are staying, with only a few considering leaving (as in one or two members). Jung Ma isn't dying guys. Not many people or guilds are leaving.


    Most likely staying: DLS, Immortal (fragmented right now), Project Mayhem, Overlord, The Imperial Guard, Sinister.

    Most likely leaving: Credit Shot (considering going to Bastion instead of POT5), Crimson Elite (POT5?)


    From what I can tell, that means most of the PVP-priority guilds are staying. I don't know where this guy from POT5 is getting his information but if you know me in game and in mumble you know that I keep up on the gossip better than anyone hehe..


    I'd like to point out that Immortal and Credit Shot are both leaving to Pot5 and Bastion respectively. These are our server's best pvp guilds. And the reason they are leaving aside from ping (CS) is that people in this server just aren't interested enough in ranked warzones. It is a fact that we (or myself at least) have tried over and over to get people interested in competition only to find ourselves in EMPTY maps because other guilds are running inhouse queue dodging us, or just having straight up no other teams queuing.


    To the people defending Jung-Ma.

    We get it, you like it here because the server offers you what you need. But there are a few of us that are always thriving to be the best at what we do, whether ingame or IRL, and sadly (and i would dare anyone to offer me a counter argument) Jung-Ma does not have what it needs to satisfy the needs of the more "hardcore" pvp community. Those are the ones that are leaving, and no argument I've seen here directly tackles the issue that's causing our migration.

    I am Theel/Perfecticable and I have a lot of friends in Jung-Ma but sadly I got fed up with trying to get people to queue for ranked, I created the ranked channel whispered guilds members individually to get them to join the channel so that we would unite the ranked pvpers, I begged people to form groups constantly, I myself screwed up my rank by joining pug teams to face others in ranked only to not see those players again. I held weekly PvP lessons to get pvpers to get better only to see those players leave and come back months later all the meanwhile I had to teach other players... I give up. The population of this server just isn't "Competitive Centered" and because OF THAT we are leaving Jung-Ma.


    I really would hate to see the server die, and I sincerely hope it doesn't. I would also hate to keep seeing comments on fellow servermates telling us that we are moving out of instant gratification desires. You sir do not know the half of it. I hope this wall of text shed some light and you will stop degrading us for being man enough to know when we have lost the fight. WE LOST the fight against the casual mentality of the server members. I for one am extremely anxious to face new opponents EVERY night in ranked warzones and not having to wait 20 minutes in queue just to run a regular warzone.


    I'll miss you Jung-Ma for what you were, not for what you are right now.



  13. 95% of the people I know are staying. Read the POT5 forums. Their best team unsubbed at 2.0, and why? Not enough ranked.


    The grass is always greener on the other side folks, no matter where you are.


    Besides, I don't have the time to play even 2+ hours a day sometimes, so it's meh. Ranked all night long doesn't do anything for me since I get up in the mornings for work.


    This is inacurate.

    They unsubbed because of the state of PvP in general.

    And that team wasn't the best, it was one of the few teams that gave Pot5's best team great competition (Hoth Sky Patrol).

  14. Jedi Covenent is the best competition tho i hear... ^_^



    The best competition would be in ToFN on Tuesday when all the good European teams transfer there.

    In the US is The Bastion and Pot5.

    ... ^_^

  15. Theel is also leaving to pot5 for better competition.

    I'm leaving all my lowbies in Jung-Ma just so that I can come from time to time and say hi to my friends who didn't xfer.

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