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Posts posted by Guilty_Spark

  1. Only real game breaking bug I've heard of so far was the one with the walkers.


    Guess why I'm here complaining? the game is broken for anyone who has not beat Iokath (what i hope is the last walker segment in the story)

  2. This is disgusting. The whole point of the PTS is to find game breaking bugs. It was reported then and nothing was done. There is a work around using the walker armor cell you can buy from the rep vendor. However people who just got to Iokath this week like me cant get the the reputation level required (friend) because of the weekly rep cap. I cant even do the workaround until next week. I am literally done with this game.
  3. I have characters on all both American and the English server and I've yet to see the over-inflated prices you refer too. Yes, there are a couple of numpties that have listed pieces at stupidly high prices, however all the prices I've seen I would expect (11-20 million with the higher being for the chest/glove set and individual pieces starting from 3.5 million). I was "lucky" enough to get part of the set in a crate but it's not a set I want or like so I sold it. I don't think I overcharged (it was the belt and bracers which sold for 12.5million).


    As for the exploitation, if BW have the ability to know who took advantage of it, then they need to punish those people by removing the amount of credits (or equivalent value) from those people &/or remove anything they might have bought with the ill-gotten credits from the GTN and confiscate them. I'm pretty certain this is something they can track as they've been able to answer tickets about things I've bought that have gone awry.


    I literally bought that off you. All the others were 13 mil thank you so much for undercutting them. I have no credits now but it was worth it!

  4. I disagree

    It needs to be explained why this person was singled out and that explanation needs to be more than she knows the "right " people.

    He has a responsibility to all players to act in a fair and consistent manner, what is done for one is done for all.


    I know life is hard man I don't feel very lucky often either. however If some one's good fortune upsets you this much maybe it's time to look for some help before you really get hurt.

  5. I was expecting this to be fixed in a patch by now. This is a story based game I don't think anyone can dispute that and this bug is seriously messing up my immersion. This is one of the only times a bug has brought me to the forums to complain but the fact that this hasn't been fixed yet is making me doubt bioware completely.:mad:
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