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Posts posted by Visinji

  1. OP: Very good ideas and I do agree with your point of view in regards to SWTOR.


    They really do need to get their butts in gear and move a bit faster with things. Mainly the server transfers. Waiting until early summer is not helping things now. I've lost quite a few friends to other mmo's over the past few months. I have the patience of a lion and have been here since the early beta-tests. I'm trying to ride it out and find other things to enjoy (in game) while I wait for a server transfer. I'm hopeful they'll change the server transfer schedule to an earlier date. I could go on and on about top level game content, open space combat, etc, etc, etc........but folks can just find that on a hundred other threads.

  2. OP is forgetting to consider that there is more to tanking than damage reduction (plus the fact he's not taking companion's shields into account).... threat... you're forgetting about threat.


    Hotkeyed properly a tank companion in my experience holds aggro / threat on enemies than the majority of player tanks (cus they're dumb / lazy / ignorant)... can they mitigate damage like a player tank? No. But they mitigate damage well enough if healed by a dedicated player healer (scoundrel / sage specd for healing).


    4 man heroics are easily doable with 2 players using companions so long as 1 of the players is a competent heal spec and brings a well geared tank companion... it's often easier than a full 4 man team simply because there's so many stupid tank players who let the healer get mangled to death and have no clue how to hold threat on enemies... a healer managing their own tank companion can keep all the aggro of every mob on the tank companion and just spam heal it to victory every time.


    I wouldn't really try it in Flashpoints, but heroics? It's actually preferable most of the time to work with only 2 or 3 players and let the healer use their tank companion instead.





    As a full commando-heal spec, I've used and outfitted MX since my lower levels. I'm a few levels under 50 now and he still rocks. I solo play alot and never really run into any issues.

  3. Our server is about the same. I think most of these kids check the forums to see what the "fotm" is before they roll a toon. I've seen folks argue over loot until someone rage quits. It's frustrating if a pug fails over this. On the flip side, there are some more mature folks actually enjoying the game and taking their time to help folks with missions or questions.
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