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Posts posted by ZNICK

  1. I waited over 2 hours yesterday for a ranked WZ that never came, so before I cancel (I only re-subbed for ranked pvp) I am going to try and find a server that has ranked and fairly even non ranked WZ's. Our server is also dramatically one-sided in normals.


    Is there a server where ranked WZ's pop in 5-15 minutes, and that regular WZ's are near close matched with no one side winning 90% of the time?



  2. I think you also have to ask yourself "what am I better at?"...


    From what I see, the hybrid AP/tank spec seems to be the most preferred, but for example, I SUCK at staying on a target well enough to hit him with the close range abilities, so playing a tank PT is much better "for me".


    I'm a good guard, I am good at screwing with the top damage dealers on the other team, taunting aggro, CC;ing and disrupting healers, and basically being a huge pain in the *** to the other team. Is it the best spec? Probably not. Is it what I play the best? Foshow!



  3. Nobody's throwing stones, I'm just calling a spade a spade. Anyone who gets put in the WZ and screws the 3 other people by leaving instead of spending the WHOLE 3-5 minutes it takes to finish it is a part of the problem and not the solution.


    Your "arenas are brainless" comment is silly. Arenas are the most strategy intensive WZ's in the game... show me a 8v8 where the entire game changes based on the make-up of the opposing team. The 8x8's are zergfests, nothing more.


    And I agree, I wish they would let people choose arenas outside of ranked, for many reasons. At least we agree on one thing. :eek:



  4. Yeah they can guard, blah blah blah. They're also nowhere near "tanks"... and they die fast as heck.


    If they're guarding someone and 2 of you attack one it's DEAD<>FAST! The guard almost cripples them because it HELPS the opposing team focus it. All you need to do is focus these and you'll win.


    I play a shield tank PT and changed over to this to see what all the fuss was about, and playing it sucked. No nerf needed. :p



  5. One of the biggest reasons you may get stuck with a 4v3 is because of the as$hats who enter and leave without playing. It's 5-6 minutes, suck it up. It can also give you the fastest wins in the game, lol.


    You don't feel it as much in the 8v8 WZ's because there are more people... but those morons are as much to blame as the game.


    The arena WZ's are my absolute favorite, I wish they'd either pop more, OR like the guys above says, I wish they'd at least give us an option to choose "Arena" or "Other" when queuing for regulars... it would help people feel more confident about playing ranked AND solve the leaver problems.



  6. should putting him on ignore list wouldn't allow him to be put in your group when queuing..... so you could play your pub toon without the chance to meet him in your group..


    LOL, this doesn't work. If so people would just ignore all the lower ranked players and only be teamed with the best.



  7. this is how you fix ranked


    solo queue and reg wz reward ZERO ranked comms. a ranked solo queue is dumb when you're praying to the rng gods


    no dailies or weeklies for regs which reward ranked comms. no converting wz comms into ranked


    ranked comms only come from team arena


    people are only doing solo queue now until they get all the gear faster. then they will be back in regs to barely break 300k or whatever it is 99% of you do


    that is the only way to increase participation without cross server, but it makes too much sense so bioware won't do it.


    This would be a step in the right direction...


    Right now can a duo join a solo queue, or is it purely a solo queue? (I've never tried a duo) I see ppl complain about always facing the best teams in solo queue... how can this happen if it's random?



  8. Had an a$shat yesterday who came into the game and left right as we started. Of course that was after a 90 minute queue so there was nobody to replace him with. We played 2 thirty second long 3v4 games that ended in a loss of course.


    If someone leaves THEY should get a loss, the winners should get a win, and the other 3 losers shouldn't get any ranking change.



  9. They've been pretty clear that implementing this is not going to happen due to the limitations of the game engine. It's also pretty clear based on how many people participate in ranked PVP that it would be foolish for them to invest so much time and effort for what amounts to a very small slice of players. At the moment, there are only 5,000 players across all servers who've played enough games to get ranked. 5,000. That's it. It would be terrible for the game if BW dropped everything to make this happen...


    Face it, the way you want it to be isn't how it is. Get over it and move on.



    And those 5,000 should ALL be fighting each other equally in the same pool.




    Cross server is no simple 10 minute process. Stop thinking that it is so simple! I am tired of hearing about people complain there is no cross server when it is very hard to do so and as they have stated, would take away from everything else they are working on. You would have to wait many, many months before even getting anything new, not like now with 2 or 3 months, but about 8 or 9 or maybe even the full year with nothing new. Again, stop complaining that they haven't been doing enough when its a very difficult and time consuming challenge!!!


    So, stop assuming cross server is a 10 minute process that can easily be done, cut Bioware some slack, and if you really want to leave over that no one is stopping you but at least consider that pvp is not the entire game, and consider the pve people who would get nothing for the time period afore mentioned when trying to design this system for cross server, and consider what you would do if people kept shouting at you to do something that would take months of extremely hard work with no one happy in the meantime and probably find something wrong with it afterwards!!




    It would take a team of 2 or 3 ppl a few months.... MAAAAYYYBE. It's not that big of a job, lol.



  10. I don't see as it would hurt to give us the option. Personally I love the pistol, and would never give it up. Much of the reason I rolled a PT was to get that heavy armored cowboy feeling with a single trusty blaster at my side. In fact, I rolled PT instead of Merc specifically because I liked the look of one pistol over two. Something about it just feels tough.


    A Bounty Hunter's armor is a complex mechanism, providing plating and integrated weaponry where needed. To me, a single pistol, holstered at the hip fits this better than a clunky rifle obstructing my armor's agility and deployable tech.


    Maybe the movies show otherwise, but I think a pistol is the best fit. It rounds out the motif of small missile launchers and wrist-mounted weaponry we're already fitted with. And as a side note, I could be wrong, but don't the bounty guys in the bazaar sell a one-handed carbine that counts as a pistol? I swear I saw on there, and it's significantly bigger than other pistols.


    This... we already have a wrist rocket, a pistol and a shoulder cannon. We're the most ****** already!


    However I think it's pretty stupid in many games that every class can't have any weapon in the game in his hands, we are people and capable of swinging a lightsaber, blade, or toaster over if we wanted to. We should be able to equip a lightsaber, but it shouldn't do the damage it does in the hands of a Jedi, we should be able to shoot a rifle if we wanted to but it wouldnt be as accurate as a snipers, and we should be able to swing a blade but not hit as hard as Vanguard.


    All classes should also be able to use OUR weapons, just not do as much damage. It just doesn't make sense we can't even "hold" a rifle or sword, lol.



  11. You're on the wrong server then.... I stopped keeping track on mine when we had won 5 to losing around 40. There are stretches where we'll win 3-4 straight, but then lose 15-20, lol. (this is at lev 55) Even so it's hard to see 100:1 on any server/.


    Change servers, change your story.



  12. Yeah... and on my server every game I managed to finally get into I faced the SAME tank and healer on every opposing team I played. Yeah that's going to show an accurate rating for me, lo.



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