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Posts posted by Broskeet

  1. Healing Wise all these sets are "which is the least bad"


    Testing is limited at the moment but I highly recommend adding actual set bonuses for healing like previous gear sets.

    Healing Set Bonus Example

    (2 set piece) - 2% Mastery or Alacrity

    (4 set piece)- Increases Shield Probe Absorption by x% OR Guaranteed Crit on Kolto Injections

    (6 set piece)- Increases Recuperative Nanotech healing by x% (15%-25%) --This was probably the best-set bonus talent in the game in early 1.xx versions.




    Critical Surgery - Surgical Probe always critically hits on targets below 35% health.

    -Acceptable talent, but shadowed by other healing talents

    Tactical Probe - Activating Surgical Probe reduces the cast time of the next Kolto Injection by .25 seconds. At 3 stacks, Kolto Injection can be cast instantly.

    -Most interested in PvP healing

    Regenerating Waves - Kolto Waves consumes a Tactical Advantage and heals 20% more per tick.

    -Raiding wise this would be my top pick without being able to test it

  2. It wouldn't be a problem if matchmaking functioned. No mmr system in wzs or class filtering whatsoever. Don't expect anything from this game as far as PvP goes, they've been neglecting it since launch. It's too late for any of that


  3. Warzones


    Isãikk-scoundrel healer- Total Healing Done 7,561,840 http://imgur.com/bKg4NZW


    Isaikk-OP healer:

    Healing Done #1 - 10,216,872 http://imgur.com/4UVPgWk

    Healing Done #2 - 8,865,231 http://imgur.com/HqhL9Do

    HPS: -10,299 http://imgur.com/4UVPgWk


    Total Damage Taken: 4,527,782 -http://imgur.com/JubpQEP



    Isaiik: Jugg Overall Dmg- 3,566,429 http://imgur.com/gDWsdlw

    Jugg DPS-5914- http://imgur.com/gDWsdlw

    750k+ DPS/Guarding 5,919,309 http://imgur.com/WOq3zTV

  4. Hello,


    I'd like to take a few minutes to point out somethings that I'd like to see in the future. The game has come a long way since 1.0 and the overall QoF changes were great, however I still feel like the game lacks a few things that would improve upon the game even further.


    Let's not talk about balance issues, I think everyone agrees the current meta is "broken".


    Before the list I'd like to take a second to suggest one thing that might help both the community and the developers.

    Ask some long time PvP players for suggestions. A lot of people are crying about unbalance, but very few are trying to suggest what could be done to balance the game play out. Last time you interacted with the class reps was back in 1.2 and most of them probably quit at this point. I'm not saying do the same thing but if that were the case, separate PvE reps from PvP.

    -Biweekly/monthly forum meet to suggest current balance issues/changes. I'm not expecting to make weekly changes and completely overthrow metas like in WoW, but not making any changes for months isn't healthy either.


    Arena Changes

    -Option for no queue pop in solo ranked unless you have a healer/tank on your team; some classes desperately need a healer/tank for them to function in match ups and I personally don't even take those in to soloQ at all. Op healer in a 3dps match up is complete garbage unless they are all dot spec.

    -Don't start an arena if it's a 4v3 unless it actually back fills

    -Add a RECONNECT system because crashes are more frequent than it should be.(especially crucial for 4s)

    -Ability to respec talent points in Ranked before the match begins

    -Live list of people in queue Tank/healer/dps # wise both for solo/groups; simple QoF that might boost people to get in queue, I personally hate spending 5-20min in queue waiting for a pop and not knowing if people are actually queuing.


    General Suggestion PvP Wise

    -Scale warzone achievements properly again for Damage Done/Healing Done; my suggestion is

    500k healing for T1, 2 Mil for T2, and 4 Mil for T3(New tier), DPS Juggs/Mercs/Sorcs can get 500K healing done in warzones now no problem, so a healer shouldn't have any problem getting the first two tiers.

    DPS; 300k T1, 1.8Mil T2, 3Mil T3(New)

    -Custom PvP talents that can only be used in PvP, could be based on the valor system?

    -Fix Queshball level discrepancy;There are 3 levels and the ops frame doesn't properly show where the person is currently, it's the most frustrating thing for healers/tanks to try to heal a target who is in reality the floor below you but you can still target them, but not heal. I'm at the point where I don't play Queshball at all on healer.

    -Odessen WZ; map is fine, but way too large for an 8v8, either remove 1 of the side nodes or increase player size to 12v12/16v16. I don't play this map at all, waste of time and antifun, I'd even take a 20min queue penalty but I still wouldn't play the map.

    -Option to Boot AFK players that actually works, I never saw a single AFK get booted since it was added, and I played 100s of WZS since then, It's difficult to differentiate a person guarding a node and an AFK, but there needs to be a better system, especially with the Command Points, WarzoneBotters are going to skyrocket.

  5. Thats not a bug I think. I noticed it too. However it is only on the toons that I havent done KotFE fully (so up to and with) until Chapter 16. However when I play it on a toon that did finish KotFE fully, I did get 720k XP. So I think its intentional.


    It is frustratng though. Just noticed it again .... could also be because its after lvl 66. before 66 I did get the fulll 700k xp, after that I don't



    Thanks for the extra info!

    It really is frustrating, I understand their goal is that level 65~ players who just start with a boost will be able to do chapters 1-16 without hitting level 70, but it should give you to option to forfeit the reduced exp gain. Besides, I can stack up 4 missions without hitting 66, and turning it in to boost to 68~, so there really is no point for the gimp.

  6. There is to many pve geared players queing ranked. How can you Possibly get a good solo rating if you constantly have players that are uncarryable on your team? I mean not only that but then you get a team against 4 sins/shadows and you have a Pt or a slinger on your team that get globaled. I seen players who got top 10 in there class season 2 and 3 over 1500 rating and this season they have under 1000 because of this issue. SOLO RANKED IS A JOKE


    Season 6 there will be a max expertise requirement.^^ (season 6=3.3=mid july)

  7. Operatives are known for their HoTs, but I feel we lack the ability to heal through any kind of bursts in PvP. The reason;

    Kolto injection has roughly a ~2 second cast time, and any higher end player can interrupt it while laughing in your face and bursting another player.(fake casting won't work since most player wait 1.5seconds to interrupt) Is it because of the surgical probe "nerf" pre 3.0? I don't think so, since 3.0 the bursts are so ridiculous you wouldn't be able to heal up if the target is below 30%. Yes, 3 classes have defensives to exit combat or heal to full, but the other classes are sitting ducks, so by the end of the round they are tunneled to death with roughly 10k dmg dealt. It's not just because of FOTM [flavor of the month] classes.

    I think our defensives are in a good spot if used well, but our ability to contribute to healing in order to compete with Sorc healers is drastically lacking.

    So, I would like this thread to be made for suggestions to tweak operative/scoundrel healing.


    Suggestion list


    Stim Boost: While active, casting abilities are uninterruptible. (Mainly affects kolto wave, kolto injection)

    New ability(Kolto Burst): Consumes the players Kolto probes to immediately heal for the amount. (no energy cost)

    Surgical probe: Applies 2 kolto probes instantly, not just refreshes after 2 stacks have already been applied.

    New ability/skill passive(tier 3): Every 20s, Kolto Injection is casted immediately.




    Note: I'm not asking every single suggestion to be added, just ideas to help with healing and even if one is added, that would already be helpful.

  8. Pretty much the team with the dps class who has guard will win. gg BW, you have failed once again in creating a ranked wz that is fair. Not to mention hybrid PTs in 4v4. But ofcourse you ignore all these overpowered bugs you and decide to change up sorcs for no reason. Non-cleansable dots? I mean really lol 2 of the 3 healers can't cleanse it either way.


    Ranked PVP is a joke in this game.

  9. Look guys,


    The idea was to get the community a little involved with sharing how each individual sets up his or her interface.

    The credit price is a way to appreciate those who have the best interface in my opinion and taking his or her time to set it up like that.


    If you ask why? It's simple. The forum is in a terrible shape and only "trolls" or credit greedy and cocky people post.


    It's an attempt to improve the community so in the future I won't even bother replying to useless comments.

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