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Posts posted by Pesh

  1. Based off Banes rule of two, Anakin is far more superior to Bane.


    The whole reason for the rule of two was to stop diluting the power of the dark side and have it focus through 2 individuals. Thus every generation of Sith is stronger then the last until we reach Sidious, who becomes the perk of their power. Anakin is chosen by him, because he is an apprentice who can and would be (without his injuries) stronger then Sidious himself.


    Obviously Bane's plan failed cause he did not take into account (or have the knowledge about) the force constantly re-balancing itself.


    Bane was powerful, but he was a big fish among little fish. He started the rule of two so the Sith could grown into sharks. So with my bad analogy... Bane is a mere Tuna and Anakin is a Great White Shark in battle. Bane would be proud to see how powerful the Sith had become with Sidious and Anakin.

  2. Depends on level completely and how many are with you.


    On my 50 commando, I went thru the entire event in a few hours. On my level 24 alt it was near immpossible with all the mobs ganking me and not being able to find a group.


    I Disagree completely...


    Lvl 20 Mara, less then 2 hours, solo. You just need to know what your doing... with the 700 walk throughs on the internet, there is no reason for people to not figure this out.


    And if you are one of those who want to do it on your own (I like doing that the first time myself) do not start 3 hours before the event is over.

  3. Did this event on my lvl 20 in less then 2 hours... So I do not really feel for the people who are complaining there was not much time.


    Not to mention (unlike the Rakghoul event) they let us all know nice and early that this was ending on the Tuesday maintenance. So a time table was there for those who looked for it.


    I have a pretty busy life and make plenty of time to play (I enjoy it), but I do get other people are even busier... but if your planning to play 1 time a week or less, then you really have no right to complain that you miss events, that was your choice. You did not miss much more then a few fetch quests, and if your sad cause you could not get the tokens for the new loot, buy them now from people, since the vendor is still around.

  4. Legacy was a heavily hyped feature going into launch, and then into 1.2. It was supposed to help balance out factions and encourage people to play alts which would increase playing time and content. Neither of those haar come to pass. Faction imbalance is stool add bad as ever (just with fewer players overall for each faction), and players are leaving the game out of boredom rather than roll another alt.


    Many of the legacy unlocks cost a prohibitive amount of money even with the legacy level necessary to unlock them, while other legacy unlocks, such as races, are easily bought without the need for any legacy level. What should be a nice perk for players invested in the game simply becomes another money sink with no real benefit.


    The real failure of legacy is that it is one of the primary reasons we don't have server transfers or mergers already, because BW has to deal with changing legacy names when those names are already taken.


    I'm sure some people like legacy, but can anyone really say its been worth the time and effort, much less the hype, BW had put into the system?


    I personally have enjoyed legacy, these are items most MMORPGs do not have, and honestly moving forward, other MMORPGs are going to have to put them in... or something similar.


    Faction imbalance cannot be blamed on bioware, this is an issue every single faction based game has always had and always will have. Bioware is limited on what they can do based on the lore or Jedi vs Sith... the Sith are BAMFs who do what they want ... the Jedi are keepers of peace an can play off more boring due to there more self sacrificing demeanor. This is a players choice, and Bioware has handled it well so far.


    They have allowed you to be whatever race you want on both ends, and have made same faction PVP. But until more people want to play as Jedi, we will see this issue. Remember Bioware cannot change what the Jedi are, they do have to stick to the rules set out by Lucas Arts on what a Jedi is.




    I agree with the idea that Legacy is expensive, but most items cost around 1 Million Credits to 1.5 Million Credits... thats 5 to 7 days doing your Dailies... max... thats a week per unlock almost, not really that bad considering time sinks in other MMOs.




    However the part I disagree with most is this:


    "The real failure of legacy is that it is one of the primary reasons we don't have server transfers or mergers already, because BW has to deal with changing legacy names when those names are already taken. "


    The people working with Legacy and the People working with Transfers are two entirely different teams. They have nothing to do with each other and this has been stated multiple times by the Devs and Bioware.


    The reason why we do not have transfers yet is cause Bioware did not realize the immediate need of them. This is a rookie mistake that most first time MMO companies make, and will continue to make. Remember this is Biowares first time ever making a MMO, and its is merely 6 months old. Transfers will be here, and bioware is not rushing them, because honestly with how fickle this forum has been, they want them done right.




    IMO overall the Legacy system has been a success. However it is not what alot of people thought. This is an addition for RPers and storylines. this is not a endgame mechanic.


    Some like to call it fluff... but fail to realize this game is based on story and fluff. Yet the still continue to develop end content and more.




    I however do have 1 major disappointment ... the Family tree...


    You can only link a character to 1 other, which I hope they fix... and overall I just feel the family tree idea was very hyped and does very little...

  5. If you are wearing good PVP gear (BM +), there is no reason you cannot do a Storymode OPS.


    PVP gear and PVE gear should always be separate and it makes no sense to reward someone with PVE gains when all they do is PVP, and vis versa.

  6. You don't seem to get it.


    You keep saying, vanity vanity vanity.


    Vanity is for show.


    Heroic Moment Abilities are not for show, sure they are RARELY used but they CAN turn a fight the other way around. They can be used in COMBAT, doesn't matter if it's Single Player. Combat is combat.


    Therefore, this reason is not valid.


    This is where you are showing your ignorance. You know that ignorance you are claiming everyone else is showing.


    These are skills not meant for leveling, the fact you can use them to level is a BONUS. They give a nice OH **** get out the way move. These are vanity skills!


    Bioware advertised them as VANITY SKILLS. The fact that you cannot use them regularly in combat shows this.


    The only argument you have is "Wah I want a better skill for leveling my smuggler, its not fair it is not mirrored" when these skills are not needed nor required for leveling.


    I accept the fact that your limited opinion believes my argument is not valid. But the very purpose of these skills and how Bioware themselves advertised them backs up my points.


    These are a gift to the role-players, not the power-levelers. Come outside your box and you will see this.


    BTW I would gladly trade you my Orbital Strike for your Kick.

  7. I'm saying it again;


    Han Solo (Smuggler) gets a kick because...thats how he is.


    And An Imperial Agent gets a huge Orbital Strike that does massive damage to the area affected.....because thats how they are......


    It's not a good example your giving. You're just proving that the republic classes are more dull than the Imperial.




    Again, not a valid excuse. If it's ingame, it should be balanced and equal.


    You can' t give superpowers to one side and bad stuff to another and then say "OH WELL U RARELY USE IT ANYWAY". That's just ignorance.



    I guess you do not understand what the word VANITY means. I kept it in caps every-time to emphasize it for you, but I will go a step further.



    van·i·ty [van-i-tee] Show IPA noun, plural van·i·ties, adjective


    1. excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit: Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity.

    2. an instance or display of this quality or feeling.

    3. something about which one is vain.

    4. lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: the vanity of a selfish life.

    5. something worthless, trivial, or pointless.



    This is a skill to show off that you have already leveled a (fill in desired class here). An achievement you have accomplished nothing more.


    The fact that you can use them while leveling is purely a bonus. These skills are nothing more then the Social armor in the game, and the flare gun, etc etc etc.


    They are there to represent the class, not mirror damage out put.


    This cannot be used in PVP and it cannot be used in any Endgame activities, and will not effect the outcome of anyone else's game but your own.

  8. Should have been mirrored. My imp side gets force storm AoE, which is INSTANT CAST rather than channeled. My pub side gets...wait for it...legacy Project. Forcequake would have been more appropriate.


    Again it does not have to be mirrored, because... wait for it... it does not effect game-play, except for a single player experience.

  9. Still not a valid excuse for making the entire Republic legacy heroic moment abilities ****.


    This is your opinion, and personally the only 1 I think sucks (my personal opinion) is the troopers.


    Force sweep describes the Knight real well, and throwing a giant rock from the Counselor makes to much sense. And I get it your made the Groan Kick does not blow off the opponents nether regions, but what move would describe a Han Solo type charater? A Quirky comeback to the Inquisitors lightening storm?

  10. So it's mirrored by the type of class?


    Are you basically saying that the Republic's classes are more dull than the Empire side?


    Never said that. This is a VANITY skill, it does not need to be mirror. It is for the looks of it... Look my Inquisitor can kick you in the balls or Look my Trooper can shoot lightening at you.


    These are vanity skill that pass down from your class for RP purposes, they just so happen to include some nice additional help for leveling (which is not needed).

  11. This is a VANITY skill...


    Each class is represented in a way that describes them... I could not think of a better skill to represent the Smuggler. They could have gotten more creative with the trooper however. But the point is these are nothing more then VANITY. So it does not matter how often you use them or who has the better one... cause it really does not change your gaming experience.

  12. Khem was with me all the time.

    And how can I use the ability since it's always grayed out on the quickbar? That's my whole issue... :(


    Your heroic moment has a 20 minute cool down.


    Also you have to click your heroic moment, then click your force choke, lightening storm, orbital strike. etc.


    So in reality you have to click 2 abilities.

  13. Why should I expect any different from this game of sadness....


    You would think that in the media section posted 4.18.2012 that the Rakghoul Plague would maybe have a note at the top saying it was a limited time world event running from start date to end date. People should not have to search a forum, or dev tracker comments <--- I mean really who does that.


    Note to SWTOR if you put up a schmancy video maybe make a note if its in the game all of the time or just a timed event. I guess I will look up to see if the conflict thing is still on or not too before I go and check that out.

    Oh well,,, maybe I will run a flashpoint.. but wait ... with a total of 4 to 8 50's on at one time on my server that probably wont happen either.


    aarrrrrrgh..... Sorry for the rant..


    This is a MMO... if you are playing a MMO and not following the forums, you will miss stuff. This is how every MMO has worked for a long while. You are already on the internet, you are already in the game, and clearly your checking the forum.


    Take 2 seconds and check the dev tracker. The information on when this event was ending was everywhere.


    Not to mention it was a world event. Common sense tells you it will end, and if you thought otherwise, welcome to your first MMO. And if you know it is going to end, and you do nothing to figure out when it is going to end... well you have no one to blame but yourself.


    Not to mention you are looking to do the event a week after it ended screams you did not give a damn about it. So why do you care now?

  14. I am a big supporter of this game and what it offers. And I am big believer on where they can take this game (so long as EA leaves Bioware alone).


    But this server issue is starting to become a problem (or has been). I am glad they are offering transfers come this summer, but if they can push it out sooner, the better.


    I play on a pretty active server (mid range) in Rakatta Mind Prison, and the PVP ques have become longer and longer... at least at lvl 50. Seems on my lvl 20 Marauder the que pop the minute I click. But on my 50s I tend to wait quite some time.


    Idk if this means that people are just leveling alts... but seems the fleet and such are usually filled with 50s.

  15. According to the canon laid out by Lucas and company, Yoda is the greatest lightside user ever (until the rise of Luke Skywalker).


    The reason Yoda loses to Sidious, is because at the time, he was the greatest force user to ever exist (until the rise of Luke Skywalker).


    Sidious believed Vader would outgrow them all, thus ensuring the continued rise of strength the rule of two brought the Sith. But Vaders injuries at the hands of Kenobi denied him that future.


    Vader goes on to become the ultimate Jedi killer. Not only does he become a tank in his suit, but he learns to become agile and fast again (this is lost in the movies, mostly due to the fact that special effects where limited). He masters all 7 of the lightsaber forms and learns to harness the force with anger similar to how Darth Malgus is described, he literally could keep his body together using rage... thus destroying his suit would not kill him without knocking him out or having out of it for a prolonged period of time.


    Vader would easily destroy Yoda during his rise to power if he had ever been able to find him. However, I feel Yoda in his prime would be more then a match for Darth Vader. The reasoning for this is simple, he held is own and almost defeated the greatest Sith Lord ever. Yoda's mastery of the force is unrivaled, and will remain this way most likely forever, since Lucas refuses to ever have Yoda's story and race described.

  16. Dont let them in melee range? How many leaps and jumps do they have? you push them back , they leap back at you, snare you and ur dead.


    Its very hard for mercs to keep them back, again I ask those of you who say: keep them out of melee , HOW MANY LEAPS/JUMPS DO THEY HAVE???


    Stop just reading what you want to read.


    Rapid shot + Combustible gas cylinder + sweltering heat.


    Heat free slow effect... i think you're missing something.


    umm... people dont understand especially if coming from a class than can take some punishment in melee how to play Pyros.... u cant have disregard for your position like you do as a bodyguard. Dont enter battles you know you cant win. Play from max range and keep moving. Rapid shot rapid shot rapid shot.. keep your gas dots up and keep slows on everyone... What do you mean you dont have a way to deal with melee.... If melee jump at you... drop shock dart... rapid shot kite drop dots rail shot rapid shot kite etc..... they may be able to jump to you again... thats when u drop the knockback. then rapidshot rail... when u get them down to 30-40ish percent health.. u can stop running and drop unload rail powershot...etc... i say we have excellent defense against melee classes.. Just dont try and be fkn superman


    People are giving you suggestions. If these do not work for you, look to your spec and keybindings, because they are working for others.

  17. I love how you just throw out the insults. I think my class is bad at pvp so that means I'm automatically bad and don't have a clue how to pvp. I do well on my Commando, in Gunnery or Assault, but anyone capable of critical thought can see they don't have the tools they need to compete in pvp at the same level with every other class, especially if/when ranked warzones come out. If you want to discuss commando pvp then do it, but don't insult people just because their experiences have led them to a different conclusion than you about the state of a class.


    Please do not put words in my mouth, not once did I insult you. My advice? Get over yourself.


    You think Commando/Mercenary PVP is bad, I trying to figure out why you feel this way by suggesting things that could be the reason. I have plenty of friends who do just fine and own face in PVP as mercs.


    Everything you have stated makes it sound like your upset with your nerf and refuse to adapt to your new class. I get that, but sitting on the forums crying about it is not going to make you better.


    The fact is there are tons of people playing the class just fine, others absolutely owning with it. And the original point of this thread was "waaaah I cannot beat a Marauder/Sentinel in 1v1".


    That should never happen if you let them in melee, also they should be beaten if they are kept at a distance.


    Your class was a god in PVP not to long ago, we all understand it is hard that you actually have to play when in a warzone now, but again there is nothing wrong with your class after this nerf. Your just not a superman anymore.

  18. SWTOR would be a way better game for me if it wasn't a MMO. A XBOX/PC Star Wars Skyrim-like RPG would be ideal for me.


    Personally, I hate MMOs for I hate the average MMO player. I just don't get the whole concept, if I wanted to befriend/socialize with more people, the internet would be the last place I'd look.




    However this game is too good to be frowned upon and ignored by me.



    I understand this, but to the average MMO player, being anonymous and having the ability to pretend to be someone else around others has its thrills.

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