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Posts posted by CoralToe

  1. My main toon's name is Eot-Laroc, and I am the guild leader for <Delusions of Grandeur TAG> (a republic guild) of PoT5. We also have a sister guild on the imp side called <immune to Attrition>. We are definitely interested in participating in server-wide activities! Our website is TheAdultGamer.com, and either myself or any of our officers (RhinoB, Ryjack, or Moz) would be happy to take part in a meeting of the minds on the server :)
  2. If you both want to drive your own cars, you have to pay for both cars and register them. You can't buy one car and then expect to grab another from the dealership and tell them you'll stop by every month to pay for gas.


    a bit of a stretch, but i think you get the point. =) as someone said, 2 people, 2 products, 2 codes.


    I get the analogy - but will use my own as the reason for my question. We also play xbox, and each have our own xbox live accounts/gamertags. We don't have to purchase 2 copies of an xbox game to play on 1 xbox. If we had 2 xboxes. then I totally get it - just like if we had 2 computers, I completely understand I would have to buy 2 copies. Either way, I thank you all for the help!

  3. So, not being able to search the forums, thought I'd make a quick post. We have 1 family PC, in which I installed the collector's edition of SWTOR. I played in the beta, and early access, and when the time came I entered the game code and so far so good. My husband also has his own SWTOR account, and also played in the beta under his account (separate from mine). However, when we tried to set up his subscription for this, we could not get past the game code issue. I tried entering the game code that I used for my account, but it would not accept it. Is there no way for a household that wants to have multiple accounts on 1 computer to do so? I completely understand that we would both have to pay for our own "game time" subscriptions.....but do we really have to purchase two physical copies of the game for the same computer?!?!
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