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Posts posted by KetMalice

  1. It will at least help you avoid the bug until it is fixed. Stop being so negative.


    They spend time on fixing stuff and never fix them.


    Emote from speeder, two patches they put a fix in, and it's still broken. Sorry for wanting stuff to actually be fixed when they say they fix them,


    I wouldn't put it past them to just put random things they fixed into patch notes. Oh yeah, and they screwed up nerfing ops and they buffed them.

  2. Ops need to be toned down even more. How am I supposed to kill someone while they knock me down and kill me before I can kill them. It's bad enough my only attack is interruptible
  3. TL;DR -> give tracer missile a 3s cooldown. allow power shot to proc the "target lock" buff so that mercs are still able to utilize the buffs they receive from spending skill points in arsenal tree


    So tracer missile spammers suck. Despite being terrible players, they have the potential to be really annoying because of the high amount of dps tracer missile can generate. There have been a lot of people calling for all kinds of nerfs (5-10s cooldowns, damage reduction, etc), and their frustration is justified.


    The easiest, and in my opinion one of the more effective ways, to fix the tracer missile/grav round problem is to give the skill a cooldown. Add a 3 second cooldown to tracer missile, allowing it to be used at most every other global cooldown cycle. So either players will stand around with their thumb up their asses for 1.5 seconds, or they will learn what their other abilities do.


    Now, the catch here is that tracer missile/grav round is an important tool for Arsenal/Gunnery spec'd players. It provides buffs to some of our other high damage attacks. These buffs stack, and require some spamming to reach their greatest potential.


    Power Shot/Charged Bolts is another of a merc/commando's high spam abilities. It has a 1.5 second cast and no cooldown, same as tracer missile/grav round. In order for the tracer missile/grav round cooldown to fly, power shot/charge bolts needs to apply the "Target Lock/Charged Barrel" buff. This buff stacks 5 times, and increases the damage of rail shot/high impact bolt. This allows mercs/commandos to still benefit from the options theyve chosen in their skill tree, while turning down the power of tracer missile/grav round. Power shot/Charged Bolts is also based on weapon damage, rather than tech damage, so it is actually affected by mitigation, giving targets a better shot at living through an encounter.


    It would destroy PvE DPS. Power Shot is white damage which can be deflected etc.


  4. Which ones and what the name of the studios?


    "Art has been outsourced to Russia, Estonia and China. Motion capture filming is done in L.A. and Vancouver, Canada, with voices recorded in New York, London and Paris in English, French and German. Quality assurance testing takes place in Romania, Argentina and India, while technical operations are run out of Virginia and the customer service center operates in Ireland. "


    I don't have a better link anymore. I lived in Galway and I know for a fact that a lot of the people they hire in Ireland are like "Outsourcing overseers" that communicates with the other CS outsourced to India etc. It is far from streamlined.



  5. That isn't what I meant at all. What I meant was, if they make changes to a live server while people are running around doing whatever, and they see changes being made while they are playing. To make it easy. lets say its graphical in nature, so an entire building changes color or disappears or suddenly appears. Hey, why not on top of a player who may have been occupying that spot?


    I guess if you were getting at more subtle changes, it doesn't take a genius to see why server side stats and values changing while the client remains stagnant and while large numbers of players performing actions that require server/client calculations would be a bad thing.


    That's not really the type of things I am talking about though. They could have easily pushed the hotfix live of last weekend. It was an "attempt" at fixing an memory hack that was keeping "energy" at a fixed point, AKA infinite energy. There was no reason for them to take the servers down.

  6. You start off the thread on one tangent and when it is blow-up you're like "hey, look over here I have another problem!"


    Because he was saying think about it. As in that can't happen because you would need client side information. And if XYZ was client you could hack. And do I explained to him how the servers handled "server" side information-another flaw of Hero engine. And currently why easy cave man memory hacks are undetected.

  7. Yeah, the ability to make changes to terrain and quests and stuff without having to recompile anything, was meant to help development, nothing more.


    That being said, they can certainly hotfix some things while the servers are running, and I'm sure they do.


    Yeah exactly but they keep bringing servers down for these hotfixes. Me thinks they are running a terrible server setup and have to do Maintenance twice a week.

  8. I think I read the same interview you did, but I think you're mistaking what they meant. They can make changes in real time and other game designers can see them live, so the design process is more fluid, but I don't believe for a second they meant to use it to make changes to live servers. I'm going to give you a few minutes to think about why that is. :D


    Nope. Read what I edited up top, then think about how much a bad idea Hero Engine is.

  9. Wasn't the entire point of using Hero engine so you can push patches and fixes live without bringing servers down? Just sayin...


    Edit: Just so people also know. Hacking is a joke in this game because of the Engine. XYZ is stored server side, the Server asks your client what XYZ is though. What a joke. SO basically you can trick the server into thinking your XYZ is correct.

  10. Hey all,


    I was previously under the impression that once you made it to a full alignment, Dark or Light V, that you were locked into that alignment. This is something that I've seen people complain about however I would prefer it work that way, though that isn't what I'm here for.


    Last night on Ilum I chose a light side option, I'm Dark V, to complete Darth Malgus' wishes over the Moff's and I have been penalized by having my alignment stripped from me. Now I can't use my Relics until I find some more Dark side points.


    What's the point of that? I don't enjoy being penalized for picking options that are preferred by one of the baddest dudes in the Galaxy. When I hit Dark V it removed the few Light side points that were previously standing in my way of reaching my alignment goal, now I can accrue more even after being given a "clean state."


    Is this expected behavior for alignment in the game?


    Hey bud! Didn't happen. False Emperor and every other 50 flashpoint don't actually give social/light/dark points.

  11. Didn't they just ban a bunch of accounts for Ilum chest farming?







    Nope, that was before the hackers and autoclickers were set up and actual level 20-40's were running around hitting chests up, and the salvage yards in the PvP area. That was all done by hand and no automated. And then they took the chests and resources out of the PvP zone, banned people that ignored their account warning, and called it a day.

  12. I thought you couldn't get to Ilum until 40.


    I'm doubting level 7s.

    Cute though.


    and even if they are, who cares?

    No matter what Bioware does, it's never going to stop.

    People will find away around it.

    They always do.


    If you take away static spawning chests and put in random ones, yes that would fix it. They couldn't sit AFK all day with no worry.

  13. Why do you care? It's only a few thousand credits.


    Granted, if they farmed there for hours on end then yeah, that could be an issue. The only people who would do that I think are credit sellers, and level locking wouldn't really solve the issue, only delay it.


    I'm pretty sure you get more credits though by doing daily quests, getting the items offered by vendors, and putting them on the GTN, along with selling Biochem items.


    You can make well over a million a day AFK, PER chest. That is the problem.

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