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Posts posted by Preliat

  1. If you get ganked in open world PvP, you know what you do? You make a joke out of it. I've gotten ganked so many times while trying to grind out the Gree affection and you know what my revenge was?


    <Guild of Person Who Ganked Me> recruiting lots of players they don't actually recruit for inappropriate things with Kephiss.


    Why? Because I get lots of tells from people saying that's either hilarious or disturbing, and also because it shows that I'm not mad, I just want my own form of payback since I can't gank their Elite War Hero toons. Have fun with it, gang. It's a video game. :)

  2. All this really boils down to is the real PvPers are tired of getting lumped in with the gankers and the PvErs trying to quest are not making distinction. All I know is Panopticus and a bunch of his guildies ran an instance like pros and roflstomped the rude folks. It's an event that might be recurring but won't last forever, so sure, kill one or two people from the enemy team, but if you just camp all the quest zones, not actually needing anything there? Well, you're kind of a bag of feminine hygiene products.


    Love you Animosity! =D

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