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Posts posted by Rockerfox

  1. My Marauder was my first to 50 and to 55. Love the class but now a days I only dust him off for guild ops. Second was my Sorc, third Smuggler, fourth Assassin. I think my Sniper will be my next as I am really enjoying that play style.


    I've got one of each class but I only really play my Imp ones, can't stand being Pub side for some reason.

  2. Warrior in general has been fine since beta, the tweaks have obviously helped but things have been good for us. As for learning to play, I think it depends on who you are facing. I know there are some matches that I come up against a pre made and I barely get 200k damage, but then I get into a good match and im upwards of 600k in the 55 bracket.


    Generally I stay in the lower brackets though since I enjoy it more, the lack of expertise in general makes things far more interesting.

  3. We had a person on our team intercept the ball on the opposing side and run it all the way back into our endzone despite the entire team screaming at him in chat to turn around. He ran it to our goal, got jumped and the other team scored. I almost want to believe since it was a war game he was being a jerk and helping the other team because I can't believe anyone is that dumb.


    Also people not calling out until they are dead

  4. Well if you look at the loss ratio, Imperials have lost far more important people than the Republic. Malgus, Kilran alone are huge, not to mention the council members that certain Sith classes are forced into killing and that die at the hands of Republic classes. I'm still angry that we couldn't decide to side with Malgus, best Emperor ever.
  5. As my marauder, knockbacks are my nemesis :p Also troopers of any sort, for some reason I just can't deal with them.


    Most instances across my characters I can handle 1v1, sometimes 1v2 if I'm careful with cd's. But whenever a trooper shows up I find myself in trouble.

  6. Personally when I am pvpin'g as long as I can see people making an effort I could care less about their gear. All I want to see is you contributing to the game in some sort of way, be that babysitting/calling incoming, helping with distraction/general murder.... As long as your not being a total tool (ie guarding snow from the boulders) I'm usually happy.


    But I guess things are different every server you go to, you won't get yelled at as much on an Rp server (unless you are being a tool like in my previous example).

  7. I hate to pull the learn to play line, but its really easy to escape a rage spec warrior, especially as a sorc. Pop the bubble and speed away the second you see the force crush debuff show up, maybe throw in force slow or the 4 second stun to make things easier (assuming you are playing this as the sorc).
  8. I start all my alts pvp'ing at 10 because why not :p The bolster is there to make things a bit easier stat wise but you obviously have less abilities to work with. I only play dps say I don't know how useful healers or tanks are early on, but as a dps you should be fine.
  9. Ideally you should have sorted out who is guarding nodes before the match starts, so when they say incoming you should know where to go automatically...especially if say you just defended South for Novare coast with 4 other team mates and you can clearly see no enemies are on their way. I say ideally of course because pugging is scary sometimes in that common sense doesn't exist.
  10. I've played both trees on my Marauder and I can say that Annihilate is better in pvp. You can't run away from Dot's. Smash is so insanely easy to get away from: Knockback, slow, root...Coupled with the fact that it doesn't immediately cool down like Annihilate does and there is no way to lower the cool down from what I remember. Annihilate is a far more versatile tree in pvp and pve compare to Rage.


    As fun as it is to watch people's health evaporate when Smash hits, you can't count on that tree like you can count on Annihilate to get the job done.

  11. I may be biased since the Warrior is my main but that has been my favourite story thus far. Everything about the warrior's story (including the voice actor) was a joy to experience. From what I've played of the Jedi Knight I'm not impressed. I like the Consular more (providing you go dark), the idea of being the secret police of the Jedi is way more enticing then what you do as the Knight.
  12. I stayed rage for about 8 months and had a heck of a lot of fun in just about every facet of end game. The thing with PvE though is that if your group is cc'ing things you really need to be away from that or smash will mess things up. Its also fun in pvp to have the force crush smash combo and to watch 5 k disappear in an instant.
  13. Warrior 50

    Inquisitor 50

    Smugger 36


    From start to finish I loved everything about the warrior story, and my marauder is still my favourite. A twist here, a turn of the path there, tons of awesome moments coupled with fantastic voice acting made it so much fun.


    Inquisitor story was slow, decent but slow. Also I felt that it made a lot more sense to be a sorcerer for the story, but that is of course just my opinion. As an aside, playing a sorcerer in the pre 50 pvp bracket is hilarious (least on ebon hawk)


    Smuggler so far is fun, had some slow moments early on but I am having a good time. I also like being a stealth class, nice change of pace.

  14. I like to use it when I'm going 1v1 to ensure I get the kill, and quickly enough to take the node. I will also use it out of the gate on voidstar offence so we get some extra killing done right off the bat. Other than that it really depends on the situation, more often than not I will use it over predation or berserk.
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