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Posts posted by robotnic

  1. THE INFORMATION BELOW - Is all my opinion and theories don't treat is as fact I don't assume to know for sure...


    Ya know now that I think about it a bit more... It seems to me and this is just my opinion on what could be used to supplement mats for augments - Investigation would make sense.


    Here's why -


    Investigation is currently only used my armstech


    Maybe treasure hunting which is only used by artifice but again doesn't seem like gemstones and whatnot would be put together to make augments...


    Bioanalysis is only used by biochem seems like it's possible they may use bioanalysis since implants are made from such mats...


    What I highly doubt they will do is add a totally new skill just for augments since they would need to add in discovered missions and all new mats as well and like I mentioned above there are various skills that are only used by one craft skill at the moment.

  2. "There should be something non combat oriented that awards xp."


    reply - Why ? Because missions and mobs don't award enough xp anyways ?


    "Don't you ever get tired of having to go out and kill stuff just to level up?"


    reply - No it's how mmos work....


    "Why not be able to level up by doing something that boosts the economy of the game?"


    reply - This depends on what you're referring to... on my server the only mats that are worth selling are the lvl 40-50 ones usually... the rest are pretty much non existent or very few.


    "Crew skills would make sense to be the place to add xp for non combat oriented game play."


    reply - Okay... there's one major problem with this, your character isn't actually doing the mission to begin with... the companion is, so if anything the companion should get xp... oh wait they already get affection nvm...


    There's plenty of ways to get xp go out and do some missions !!! (or however you do it)

  3. Honestly it depends on how you set up your chars with what skills...


    If you want to be able to gather scavenging mats on your gunslinger while lvling up and lvl up cybertech then go for it...


    Underworld trading for cybertech is mostly (in my experience at least) for getting blue quality metals for blue quality mod/armoring and other things that are blue quality.


    I would say that if you're focusing on lvling your gunslinger as more of a main and want to lvl up cybertech as well along the way then you DEFINITELY need scavenging.


    DO NOT rely on the GTN for metals and whatnot you will be disappointed and the prices will be crazy as well.


    Furthermore for the most part you can get more credits from either doing current heroic 2/4+ missions or even lower lvl ones and will usually yield more credits than slicing I still go back and do the tatooine dailies even tho I'm 45+


    Yes slicing is nice in some ways but honestly I'm not to worried about getting it until later on since there are quite a few other ways to make credits.

  4. IMO, Crafting won't come into its own in this game until a major expansion pack. Right now it’s mainly an appetizer. I'm sure it will have a lot more depth and options in a year or so, especially after getting all these great ideas from the community.


    We'll just have to wait and see... keep our fingers crossed that the powers that be may or may not listen to the people that are generating money for em by playing their mmo.

  5. Umm how would you feel if every 100 fights or so your charcter all of a sudden has his armor drop to 0


    I'd imagine you'd be kind of ticked off if after putting in a ticket to complain about the issue a CSR said "Oh you're on the list to be a character that's more complex, and difficult to play. Don't want all out players to be "cookie cutter" knock offs of each other. So you'll just have to adjust every 100 fights or so"


    Having pointless and seemingly random differences with no reason behind how crew skills are designed is not good. Pure RNG in and of itself is bad enough.


    That's a pretty extreme comparison you got there... but at least if you knew there was a chance for this to happen you could always just run away it would be pretty crappy tho.


    Even if only your chars armor drops to 0 and you're using a tank companion it wouldn't matter...

  6. If this happened - "once you have unlocked a mission it should go right to the list as it does now and even if it works it should remain in a pool with a lesser chance to show up at some point in the future (a symbol of some sort should show up next to the level group listing to show that an unlocked has turned up in the list so you would not have to look at the full list at each skill band for each type of mission to see if an unlocked had turned up"


    You could prolly just do low lvl missions until the discovered mission(s) cycle in... which honestly I doubt is how there intended to work.


    Furthermore people will need to buy em less and less because all you would have to do is keep track of which ones you have already for whatever character.


    If anything discovered missions are there to use or sell to other people via the GTN and helps the overall economy.


    Not only would the prices drop heavily after a while, discovered missions would lose their allure.

  7. I've only had one purple quality 340 investigation mission fail on me my skill lvl was high and the companion I used has 10k affection.


    However I can normally chain run fairly high lvl mission discoveries on my 10k affection companion without fails or hardly any.


    I think your best bet is... again this is just a theory I have - If you're afraid of failing a mission make sure you either do it on a fairly high affection companion or don't chain run em after doing one wait an hour two. (or do both =)

  8. "3. There are not good concentrations of gathering nodes past about tier 3. Nar Shaddaa is about the last place that you will find nodes frequently close together. With the terrain of the higher level planets, there aren't even good loops you can make to do gathering."


    That isn't actually true you should do more research next time because I know for a fact that balmorra/belsavis/voss are decent for getting scavenging materials.


    I've seen quite a few arch/bio nodes on belsavis as well...

  9. My biggest gripe about armstech is how you can make a bunch of different types of orange high lvl weapons at the end (lvl48 stuff i think it was...) but NO ORANGE TECHBLADES >.> pretty dumb...


    I have armstech on my trooper and would like to at least make a nice techblade for tanno/yuun... crazy thing is there is an orange vibrosword/electrostaff you can make for smuggler companions.


    Cmon people what are you thinking ? quit h8tin' on techblades...

  10. So you're saying the BoP mats are going to ppl that don't necessarily need em as much ?


    What they could do is make em so they bind on group meaning they can be traded within the group of ppl that did said hard mode instance.(Honestly they should do this with gear as well)


    If their BoE (which would be more like bind on use) you would be able to put em on the GTN which has its pros and cons...

  11. So let me get this straight... they buffed RE but nerfed gathering scavenging/bioanalysis nodes.


    This means the crew skills that use said mats didn't get RE buffed as much since it's now harder to get mats. (via gathering outdoors or wherever)


    IMO this doesn't help the GTN market much... oh wait a lot of stuff on the GTN is overpriced anyways which is why I just make my own stuff =)


    It also doesn't help that you can learn a RE pattern again when this happens you get an error...


    Did they change that ?

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