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Posts posted by FallenViking

  1. if you are stacking endurance, do you have crap for cunning?

    Heh, not trying to stack Endurance, it's just happening on it's own due to the natural itemization. Once I buy 7-8 more extra pieces of war hero it will balance out a bit more, but even then it will still hit 20k+ if I pop end stim o.0

    The final set will be the following stats when its finished. One stat or another tends to bump up too high while tweaking, since its so slow buying the War Hero pieces. The following stats are with Cunning augments in every pieces also, not end >.>


    Cunning: 1644

    Endurance: 1663

    Ranged Damage: 873-970

    Ranged Bonus Damage: 435

    Power: 244

    Accuracy: 265 (100.36%)

    Crit: 352 (37.31%)

    Surge: 265 (74.14%)

    Expertse: 1275

    Health Buffed/No Stim: 19133.4



    Screenshots taken with my current setup (the end-heavy one, not the tweaked out one), got this 6k crit last night with the 20k gear on.


    Screenshot of burst-crit vs sage (my primary role in premade warzones) : http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t226/Myrrdin_photos/Star%20Wars%20The%20Old%20Republic/6kCrit.jpg


    Screenshots of sustained damage during support-role in warzones:








    I play in a premade team where my role is to kill healers, not rack up damage numbers, so while my damage may not be super huge in all these, my kills are usualy high. If your job is to kill healers in 2-3 shots, than your damage will obivously be lower, since your target will not have time to heal back up before you kill them :D

  2. Cute mask........


    Thanks, I was going for Biker Chick with a Sniper Rifle.


    @ the other guy asking about War Hero gear, I got it by farming more warzones than I want to remember. its a 10:30 exchange rate, so a full set costs roughly 80,000 Warzone Coms, or, 800 Warzones, give or take based on map/win/loss/dailies.

  3. Heh, almost done with my War Hero set now, and dang that baby has some HP on it. You kinda have to zoom in to see it, but my health bar is already over 20k when stimed/buffed. Granted I mostly use DPS stims, but still, tank sniper is totally the wave of the future!


    Even with the HP on that set I still pull plenty of DPS and crit 6k+, so no trade off on damage that I have seen yet.


    My guess is that Bioware gave us so much HP because the healers are generally too busy keeping the tanks/ball carriers/anyone other than the sniper healed, we kinda have to fend for ourselves a lot.



  4. Truth be told, our role changes as well depending on what you are running and your spec. If I am running a MM WZ generally my role is take people out in order to buy time to win the match. Consider that in Huttball or Voidstar you can take someone out of the game for up to 30 seconds or even more, that is a huge advantage to your team. In Civil War I plant myself on a ramp and I am the node killer, and in War Games I am a runner, I go from base to base taking out targets. I will cycle my targets to get the lowest health bars out not because I want to rack up a million kills, but you are more apt to win when 4 people are waiting to respawn instead of 1. If I am running ENG my job is most likely to DOT away. Weaken the enemy and perhaps allow another sniper or DPS to take out targets. I will cycle targets for the opposite reason, pick the healthiest and weaken them. Lethality to me is just run and gun, keep a target occupied, generally a good healer, and bug the heck out of them. Snare is my friend in Leth.


    For a Flash Point, we know we are the burners, its just a matter of how to do it.


    Aye, my post was not to imply that the role does not change by the build or team, or to reflect sniper as a whole, but to speak on the MM burst spec for warzones specifically, since it is getting a lot of gate on the forums. Thats why I specified MM so many times in my post :D


    I have tried the other specs and they are all nice in their own ways and own teams, I was just speaking on how my rated team uses MM burst sniper for competitive warzones. We tried both lethality and MM, and the choice was made to run MM because the burst is unmatched for taking down squishies. Yes, MM can be countered by shields and deflects, but my job as a rated MM Sniper is not to attack the shielded and deflecting targets, but to go after sages and folks like them. Our team already has enough DPS who is designed to counter the other classes. I guess what I was getting at is, the MM spec IS still viable and desired, if you know how to play it right, spec it right and have a team that can support it. Everyone in our team has a role, and the Snipers role is healer-death. IF we were to run a 2nd sniper for any reason, it would be lethality to spread the love around more, since they are powerful in their own way. Obv the roles/builds would change based on the team and if you had to *shudder* pug!


    In summary, all the Sniper builds have their place and can be viable, even marksman, if the player is skilled enough to know when/where to use it and has a team who understands how to use a sniper and not try to send you out to solo 6 guys like some kinda assassin.

  5. When i was deciding for myself which to go, I looked at it like this: It's a f'in Sci Fci game, I don't want to stealth around with daggers like some kinda bloody rogue, I want a gun, a trench coat and the ability to kill anyone who disagrees. So, I went sniper, felt more appropriate to the game than trying to pretend im some kinda space-ninja-with-daggers.


    ^ which is not to dis Ops in any way, I know a lot of great Ops, it just didint feel right to me. To each their own, try them and find the one that fits you, don't let someone else tell you how to do it!

  6. I think one thing that the snipers who are having a hard time need to understand is WHAT OUR ROLE IS! I run with a very powerful pvp guild, I run premades exclusively and am on the team to run Rated. I am a solid choice and was selected, not because I can top the damage charts every game as a MM (which I generally can, but I also run with other powerful players who can pull 700-800k), but because I am the best single-target burst nuker to take down healers and support marked-fire targets.


    A MM sniper is not designed to run around and rack up damage, if you are doing that, keep enjoying getting your butt kicked. A MM sniper at its true max potential is one that runs with team support and keeps the healers dead all game so the rest of the team can do their jobs. It's not the best damage numbers, because you are killing them too fast for them to heal up and whittle them down again, but you are still killing them! A good MM sniper will be the one who might only have 350-400k damage, but out of 60-70 kills will have 30-40 killing blows from keeping the healers dead the whole game.


    Anyway, just my observation on MM snipers, I love mine and I enjoy playing it, and the biggest thing I see other snipers doing wrong is trying to fill roles they were not meant to - you are the best at nuking healers and providing cover fire, do that and win the game, don't worry about who has the best score!


    And back on topic, from the point of view of a support-nuker healer killer, the buffs were a very pleasant surprise! I already killed sorcs in under 3 seconds, now it's down to 2 seconds! Consistently getting 5.5k-6.5k hits now in warzones since the patch, and that is with just my self-buffs and cooldowns, not with the damage buff you can find in-warzone. :)

  7. /signed, I get knocked out of entrench almost every warzone. I thought I was the only one because lets face it, I can go a week between seeing another decent sniper at 50, most have either rerolled or are so squishy/scrubby they are not worth noticing. I have filed a dozen or more reports about this but never gotten an answer, now that I know others have the problem, perhaps we can get together and write a template bug report to just all file every day till we get an answer :p
  8. I have noticed this also, and have bug reported it every day since 1.2 and gotten no answer. I have also noticed that some CC is still knocking me out of entrench, such as the sorc knockback move and the force choke move, but reading what you posted about the 90% angle thing, it might just be that they are CCing me while I am shooting someone at that angle. Need more snipers besides us to work on bug reporting this!
  9. Howdy Agents!


    As a high-end pvper, maxing out my performance is a must. I was wondering what the current soft-caps are for our class post 1.2 for things like Surge, Crit, Accuracy, Power, etc. I know they changed the Expertise cap, but not sure if they messed with the others. Anyone know if they have changed up any of our other soft-caps?



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