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Posts posted by JonnyMadDog

  1. To the above comments...


    1...What is yr logic that those within the same gild in a given op, will only have the well-working that a non-gildy invvd to a/yr gild run of that same op, won't? It's like blaming the owner of a team for a loss when it's the dwn-by-dwn plaers plaeing and blowing coverage who win and lose gams. Sure, the owner may have some influence on a team's season should e draft a certain plaer opposed to another who may be somewhat bettr at something then that one at the time, but it's up to the coaches of both/all and the individuals coordination and skill and in-battle actions and the variables/ai of enemies/opposing teams that put the stamp on gams/runs, yes yr all-gild run may be more familiar w/ each other in terms of time spent together, BUT does that mean anyone off the street plugged into yr grp when some1 of that spec needed has to bow out won't have a good run w/ yew all should they know what they're doing and maybe r in voiceovr w/ yew all, and yew explained yr teams strategy enuff, should it be diff then what they do? What about peopl who've already done the battle in a way or yr way who aren't of yr gild, sayn if they're pluggd in they can't do it? Everything is possible, and it has, does and will happen, peopl who p-u-g content, whether it's 1 in a gild run or a multi-gild run a full on p-u-g w/e, if everyone is communicating well and doesn't scru up, it's possible to do something, easily. If yew invitd mself to yr gild's run of an op mey not wanting to typ out -y-o-u- correctly doesn't mean r grp will not be sucessful, ey talk normally in voiceovr and that's what ey'd be communicating in. Try it sometime.


    2...Ey HAVE, am, and will be a part of gild's progression teams, just not that frequently, ey've gone w/ the likes of merica eph yeah, knyts of havc on JC, more recently phoboz in HMode dred fort on Harb, picked up first dred forgd piece of gear (Thanks again for the run any phobeez in da hows!) finally w/ em, only scrued up 1-2 times but accidents happen, that includes all gild teams, it's the individual. The 16m HMode grp was in w/ ordr of serenty was a bit sloppier and longer but it was 16m and there were other factors in why some peopl left won't gossip about, but gracious of em invitin mself for it and at least still made some progress n got more acheivs, ey stuck in there and all ops ey do after ey commit to em, barring disconnects. Another ex., a nice gild nexts (they got like 5 gild's of similar names) on JC, ey ran some SMode's w/ em even tho HMode/NITmode grps had spots open and ey didn't need the loot just to help em out as ey committed to the run already, ey'm not selfsh, ey'm not a ninjuh, ey do/did some charity work before come on, it's just not wanting to spel a couple words ryt but just enuff that they R DECIPHERABLE (barring typos).


    3...Ey've done what's best for the grp even tho ey wasn't keen on it multiple times, like for ex...kiting rapts in dred council bos fight in the dred pal op, even tho ey didn't do it before, ey lrned how to and was kinda cool, even tho ey preffd to be a deeps behind a kitd bos usually am. Now ey have a skill a grp may inv for as ey can deeps or kit rapts or both. Ey've invitd/had along gildies of a membr ey had in a smaller grp for something so they could get something they needed, even passd/greded on loot ey needed if someon else some nice peopl ey was runnin w/ was tryn to gear up in their gild needed.


    4...So yr a slave to yr perceptions? Think peopl should be? Don't believe in "innocent untill preven guilty"? thing about law is...it's all about perception, unfortunaty, not the TRUTH, same in society, and can't wait for both to progress to where it's about it and not one's perception, watch the brekfast club movi? At the end, the letter? Some peopl r just gunna view some1 as they want to, and that way isn't necessarily the truth, and it's started conflicts, shotings, wars, and am hopn for the dai it's about the truth, one's chr is found thru their actions, they speak loudr then words. Most peopl hayt jury duty, ey've yet to/nvr done it, but would b cool w/ it and take it slowly, and consider as much/everything as possibl, am a bit more of a def.attrn. then a prosecuter. Am one who'd be fyrd up about a gam that's lookn like a loss dwn a TD w/ less then a 30 secs left and r team is on the 1 yrd ine of r side of the field as it's STILL WINNABLE, "ain't nothin ovr till it's OVR" -Roky and mself.


    Ey understand wat yr sayn, but seein ain't believing always. Yeah if one mispeld a ton of stuff in chat's, one may THINK e's troln or mentlly ill, but "it doesn't mattuh whachyew think!" -da Rok, and some may not want em in their grp for a run, BUT DOES THAT MEAN e CAN'T do it and/or is mentlly ill and/or is troln? Is it RIGHT to exlude some1 based on their perception of em? Is it cool to offer em a chance to see/confirm one's suspicions? Yes, there r cases where it's a bit not-on-THAT-persn's side, there r only so many truths to a reason why some1 is nakd in a street n smells like booz, they could b a drunk and most would think so, and most likely r but could be a mostly sobr persn who had a bit much, a passin parent may not want their chilren around em, or maybe they are sobr and were draggd there and poured booz on so no one would believe their stry of a crime they witnessed, is the right thing to do to get yew n yr chilren to check on that persn n investigate their claims and cloth em? "the time is always right to do wat's ryt" -M L K jr. and mself. there r times when one acts in angr as well, is it right to shun peopl based off their perception and that persn's speakin/words/typn isn't it better to see thru that and try to get past that and accept everyone is different and it IS OK to be different CAUSE EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, and they're just angree and don't mean some of what they say n everyone gets angree sometime? the examples can keep coming.


    Am curious as to wat gild yr in on Harb., if yew or another invitd mself to a HMode dred fort op, for example (was locked to corruptr 0 as of before this wek's lockout, now am locked to commandr draxs, since it reset, so as of this typn, am on 2nd in dred fort), even tho ey'm not a gildy of yr's/theirs, nor spel as they do/accept speln certain words in-gam and on forums, that doesn't mean w/ the same communication (voiceovr) and strategy run-dwn (if there's a way they do it differently from most w/e), ey'm in good enuff gear for that op, and feel am skilled enuff for it, r grp can still have success in that op, don't believe? Lez experiment, where's yr proof it won't? Yew've given none, ey have for the opposite however...


    And yes there ARE trols in-gam/on-forums, that have targeted mself as some1 to prey upon, whether ey typd like this from the start or not, and at start ey didn't typ at all and still got this, other get this and they don't have the same speln prefs ey do have, ey nvr accused all who don' inv mself of beings trols, BUT they r one of em, it's a mixture, trols, peopl w/ fals perceptions of mself, peopl w/ flawed belief of only deeps to inv should be pure deeps to clr content, (if yew have to juryrig yr grp to circumvent something w/ clases, yr not doin it ryt, if one is skilled and all in grp r and communicatin, clas means little, yes somewhat in some instances, some have it easier, but it's all mechanics, etc.. Yes some do need to be buffd (Vig Grdians) but all r comparable to each other in that 5 percnt margin those don't beat enrage timers, if a grp had to take OP makeups and lean on em to beat somethin how meaningful is that wrld first, should they be doing it to make up for a lack of skill, wouldn't a grp w/ some hybrid deeps who dwn something wrld 2nd be a bit more prestigious as they took that bit less deeps w/ em? The enrage timers are set carefully, the devs try this stuff out w/ many grp makeups so as many as possible can dwn something wrld first, well for the most part, clases aren't too balanced, yet, but enuff so that they're all comparable in most scenarios.


    Tryd to keep this short but admit it's longer then ey wantd it to be. Thx for readn to all readn again.

  2. Ey agree n have all along w/ what the above postr said about how some Sentl abilities should be Grdian abilities, and it'd weird for them to have more utility/survivability then Grdians, as R SPEC should have the survivabilityness to it. Regarding the suggested implementations above, an op-wide energy/focus replensish, like combat foc, only for the grp, ey feel would b a cool idea, should inspir not be given to r spec from sentls or share it w/ em. Also, regarding the healing/defenses of the grp, give r spec an offensive grd, either make grd usable in all 3 forms each w/ diff effects or add in a new grd ability usable in an offensive form entirely. Rly feel these 2 additions plus a straight up increase to dmg to all abilities, esp plasm brnd and maybe an additional debuff by brnd as well, would b enuff to satiate peopl of r spec and balance it out a bit more. 2-3 utilities added/improved and dmg across improved.
  3. Ok, since yew asked nicely.


    Yew is mey way of speln '-y-o-u-' in-gam and on the forums, it was a reference to something a certain famous wreslr did and ey was just saying more peopl should support their local prowresln shows, as ey'm a fan and it'd be good for the sprt, and also a fan of vid rental stores (ey shall rez blockbster one dai!), so suggested peopl check out and provide biz to their local vid rental stores.


    Hopn that clrs it all up!

  4. 1, stop troln mself and others, 2, ey stay cause ey lohv this franchise, in fact the word franchise doesn't do it justice, it's more than that, and want to support a favored franchise w/ mey time n money plus it's cool/fun and am just not one to take it, as previously said the more am insultd the stronger ey get, when ey get everything ey came for, to just follow a gam that's perpeptual, an m m o, from dai 1 and be among the best at it (as there's not such thing as a singulr best at virtually anything) full or as full acheivs n collections as possible, ey'm a completionist/hardcor gamr, just the challenge, wanna notch mey belt as many who gam do, and when ey see mey determination and dedication not yield as much nor as fast as trols simply because they're banded together in trol-hood in gilds only drives mself more as well. Ey want to vindicate mey abuse. The sweetest victories r those one won the way they wanted, or somethin like that, there's some sayn ey heard/read somewhere sometime don't quite remembr, but ey just wanna do something n plae it MEY WAY, n not HAVE to do ANYTHING, there's no 1 RIGHT way to plae this gam, if ey don't wanna use established m m o abbrevs like D-P-S ey won't ey don't like that particular abbrev anyways nor is it accurate, and plus feel some lend credence to the-other-gam-that-must-not-b-mentioned-with-a-'w', which am nto a fan of and want this gam and galaxys before it to beat for top spot and feel it still can, even tho some of these terms may have been around before that gam, if they were made known by em more so or not still, it's mey experience no one else's, some words ey feel uncomfortable w/ typn out correctly due to various reasons, such as they may break kayfab in mey opinyon or are of the negativ typ, and wanna keep things positiv, among other reasons (read mey 'j.m.d' thread) but may be necessary in either structuring a sentenc or some1 rly needs to be told to go away in a more powerful mannr, ey compromise w/ mself by mispeln/changin the speln of said words, therefore the message gets across but ey didn't actually typ em. Ey can plae that way if ey want. Like almost all of mey mispelt words r decipherable, ey=-l-, mself=-m-y-s-e-l-f, etc., it's NO BIG DEAL, can't read it? Move along or politely ask for clarification. Ey'm not troln, like some peopl on here and in-gam...Just LFGs for top-tier content so can get geared for more so top-tiered stuff wrld first for the accomplishment and also to buy an ambassadr's hoverchair. These speln prefs of min will have no hinderance towards em it's ok to inv mself as ey don't talk this way rly in voiceover and chat text isn't used nearly as much in ops as voiceovr which am fine getting into for communication. This is the reel mself reminding YEW! (points indx fingr n wags it) to support yr local prowresln and vid rental stores.
  5. Hey, enuff w/ the jabs at mself, ey'm not troln.


    Anyways, nah they didn't get it backwards, they needa give r spec an inspir like buff only feel an op wide energy increase would be the way to go and an offensive guard that increases r thret decreases the grded's thret and increases the dmg n healing done by and/or to the grded (w/ 'to' disregard the dmg part). Am on the fence about leap being able to be done so at a closer range...


    Am keen on ripost (if not slash, as think it'd be a bit much/weird for slash a normal low lvl big hit till yew get the bigger hit ability, to trigger mastr strik sometimes) possibly triggering mastr strik, but that's all, just keep it as a dodge then able to use ability/counterattack, as then r rotation/s wouldn't be too affected at all, and don't have to woree bout factoring slash in, as ripost is randomly thrown out as available and used when it is, a free mastr strik after some riposts would b cool. Of course it wouldn't proc as much as def/tnker Grds but they don't do enuff dmg as tnkers for that to mattr, let em get free mastr striks more often then offensive Grdians, n r spec w/ no def stats stacked, kinda balances it out, fewer yet stronger mastr striks as an offensive Grdian vs. more, yet weker, mastr striks by tnking def Grdians.


    Maybe they got it a bit backwards if they made it so it mirroed kotr's 3 JK/C (Grd, Sentl, n Cons) clas makeup, but this/it's diff from that.

  6. Hey to the post 2 above, commandrp, hey, nah what happened was, ey transferred for the very first time over a mnth ago as was brntout on JC and wanted a refresher and sought to improvem ey luk at getting in grps for ops and thusly, more roll chances on loot/etc., and to see how the servr was militaristically, economically (prices, and to shop), and culturally. Ey got into a 8m grp w/ some gild and attempted 8m SMode dred pal, got in at 3rd bos but grp bowed out aftr like 1-3 attempts at council, one of em, the fall-persn yew n ey mentioned, said e had 3 ambassadr hoverchairs and ey suggested everal deals w/ em for one, and e preffed just x amount of credits, so ey asked em to hold one till the end of the mnth when ey got the money and could transfer, ey soonthereaftr went back to JC made a placeholdr on Harb again, and kept in touch w/ em in mail, even saw em on and in a k's palac op a littl ovr a wek ago, but got 0 responses to mey mails and to mey whisprs, tho to be fair ey only whisprd em a few times as ey saw in /who e was in an op, and had to logg soon. Since then, ey've yet to c em, ey transferrd the nyt or 2 nyts latr and been on Harb for over a wek LF this persn.


    Ey do NOT remembr the gild e was in's name, ey usually get and then bookmrk each grp's vocieovr ey get into for latr occasions, but either ey didn't bookmrk theirs ey was in, OR it is one of min, but ey've gone into each of em and seen no sign of em n went to their gild sites n looked at their rosters, everything, so guess ey didn't bookmrk it.


    If anyone could find falln-one that'd be great, likely e's just busy/work/maybe but hopfuly not, deployed.


    Yeah commandrp, ey was thinkin of going to another servr before going back to JC as ey need to for inventory and alt purposes, but want the chair first. Nah it wasn't a 'go to Harb so can get rid of yew' thing, this was while ey was ON Harb. As a last resort, soon, if yr serious, (as ey recently made WTB threads on other servr forums, Ebn Hwk and Shadolnds, lf1) ey will take yew up on that offer, if yew'd just gimmi yr char that has it's name and side yr on in a PM, and instead of tryn to lowball yew, ey'll go for the same amount ey agreed on w/ falln, in terms of x amount of credits, ey'll respond that amount and other stuff in a PM if PM'd if serious.


    Ey have placeholdr alts of the same name as mey main on all servrs BUT pot5 (some trol from JC took mey name when they went there to ruin mey rep and mok mself, the name same as min on pot5 IS NOT MSELF (GIMMI MEY NAME, ey wanna go there sometime for p v P acheivs, maybe)), so ey'll be able to transfr np w/o much hassle.


    This is the reel mself reminding YEW (points n wags indx fingr)! to support yr local prowresln and vid rental stores! Thx for readn!

  7. Srsly, stop troln mey threads yew pathetyc trols, ey'm not the trol here, yew r, ey'm not being ignorant, ey don't have to typ any words ey feel uncomfortable w/ typn, period, if yew don't want to give mself attn., n accuse mself of being an attn. wor (which ey'm not, if ey wanted attn. it'd be pos. attn., not neg.), y keep givin mey posts n chat comments merit by respondin to em? Yes mey lyf could b alot bettr in reel lyf, that somethin to mok, to belittl someon of havin a wors lyf then anothr? Have no sympathy? Go bak to yr bridges srsly, 'grammr nazes' (forgot the a in there, ey put one in). Yew peopl ruin this gam and any other yew all plae. And it IS spelt this way, doesn't have to b an 'h' in there. The more am insultd the stronger mey drive to stay and be among the best evr here becomes, so take yr own advice and /ignor if yew don't like it, it's the persn who has the prob/s w/ mself to do that, not mself, hek no, yew just don't want mself to c the libel yew post about mself so ey can't defend mself from it and yew can say to innocents 'c, e didn't deny 'x'?, so yr influence grows, so more peopl share yr trolish opinyon, ey'm not the one to ignor, yew all r.
  8. The majority of peopl who commented on that tell-all thread are/were trolz. Ey have no mentl issues. Ey'll leave this and any servr and go to whichever one ey want to when ey want to, not cause/when some meen peopl order mself to. It's not ignoranc cause ey'm aware but it's not trooln as ey'm not intentionally messin or tryn to mess w/ peopl, can't read wat some1 says in chat/forums? Don't read it/move along, or politely ask for clarification, if it's not gld spamn/crazz rude random insults/bickering. Ey'm just lfgs and ltb things and tryn to find some1 ey made a deal w/ for one of said things, an ambassadr hoverchair, and e's yet to be on and am tryn to find iz gild ey don't remember their name tho, and just spel differently or mispel, some on purpose, some r legit typos, some words in those lfg/ltb messages. That's all.
  9. Ey'm not ignorant nor messin or tryn to w/ anyone, just feel uncomfortable typn certain select few words out correctly and it's mey right to not wanan typ em, if they're needed to structure a sentenc then ey'll mispel em to compromise w/ mself. Not gettin into mey various reasons here nor now tho, as they're dependant on what the ord ey mispeld is.


    Clrly neither of yew r serious bout the hoverchair as ey've yet to be contacted by any seller yet.

  10. ? No, ey wasn't screwed, a mnth ago in erly otctobr, ey believe, ey went to Harb for a wek and ran some ops, and met someon who said they had 3 ambassadr hoverchairs and would keep one for mself to buy for x amount in a mnth, a mnth later ey mailed em sayn ey'm omw to transfer soon whenever ey get the money and got iz credits, on mey placeholder ey saw em in an op and whisprd em sayn ey'll be over the next nyt, no reply. Not 1 reply to any mails either, and yet to see em on since then, that was just over a wek ago, last saw em. E still got iz credits, ey'm just waiting for em to COD it or meet for a trade, but yet to read from em in over a wek.


    So am lookn for anyone else besides em that may have one to buy from em. PM/whispr/mail if got one to sell.

  11. Ey'm still on Harb atm waiting for this persn to come on haven't seen in over a wek that ey made a deal w/ to buy an ambassadr's (blu, skip tracr pack one) hoverchair from, and can't leave the servr till they come on, but am anxious to do some inventory and tending to alts on JC so made a thread asking for anyone that may have one, not just this persn, n case e quit or is taking time off, to PM/whispr/mail that they r willng to sell one they have, but that hasn't gotten much response on Harb's servr forums, so am wondering if anyone here may have a spare one for sale can come bak and buy. PM or whispr/mail mey placeholder chr for mey name. This is the reel mself reminding YEW! (points and wags indx fingr) to support yr local prowresln and vid rental stores. Thx for readn!
  12. Ey'm not typn like a 2 yro, that's not all the reason peopl/trols hayt/trol mself, some just chose mself asa targt and r meen to multiple peopl.


    To reiterate to the '1' yew asked 'wat?' about, ey thought yr other post contained the accusation that ey said in mey OP that ey wasn't leavn unless ey got the chair and will continue to anoy others till ey get what ey want, that isn't the case, ey said ey didn't mean that in an extortionist/teroristic way, or if peopl got that impression from mey post, otherwise ey woulda asked for one for free, ey just said ey'll leave when ey get mey chair ey was made a deal for, and will pay the same amount ey was gunna that persn rselvs agreed on.


    Yes, ey'm LTBUY an ambassadr hoverchair (blu, from skip tracr crates/packs), then will leave Harb.


    Ey'm not gettin into the typn now/here again, but as ey said it's not to anoy others, if one can't read it, ignor it, n move along, ey explained mey nuances un mey tell-all thread "j.m.d" under suggest box in gen discuss if wanna look it up. Ey only mispel certain, select few words am uncomfortable w/ not all words, and the reason/s for that mispeln is dependant o nthe word in question, what prob ey have w/ doin so for that word.

  13. 1, don't interpret this as ey'm tryn to extort somethin outta yal am not tryn to anoy anyone/teroriz for an item, otherwise it'd be for free,


    2, ey said ey came here cause a mnth ago ey made a deal w/ someon to sell mself an ambassadr (blu, from skip tracr packs) hoverchair for x amount of credits, and still have that amount waiting a wek for em to come on here, and will leave aftr ey get it, either from this persn or someon else for the same amount, won't even lowball em/tryn buy for less then brought w/ mself, as ey'll need to do inentory/tend to alts on JC.


    3, Hard to do what yew proposed w/ yew ignorn mself so guess that means yr not serious.


    4, not troln yet yr post sounds meen and wants mself to go away yet ey haven't done anything wrng to yal, and yew ignor mself aftr sayn check out yr reply...how's that not troln? There's no reason to want mself off this servr ey can go to and stay and come bak to any ey choose to in this region. Ey'm not out to anoy anyone ey'm just lfgs and get shi- for it daili and chat blows up sec ey maek a peep. Srsly, enuff.

  14. To the comment 2 back, no no no, yew misunderstood, ey nvr said gild grps don't deserve to do the stuff, ey said ey didn't wanna say they should be punished for bein good or wanting to grp w/ fends n form a gild n do that stuff, ey just said/am sayn ones who have a zero tolerant policy towards pluggin a non gildy in for a run and/or req.ing an application to join are generally, in MEY persnal experience, ey'm sure there's nice ones out there that do this stuff that aren't meen/elitists just picky, they're meen, in mey experience, and that p-u-ging helps the community more then only oping in all-in-gild grps do and they should p-u-g more is all.


    Ey didn't know about a p-u-g grp progressin in nitmode scmnvillny when it was relevent, or at least, as ey did follow progression somewhat on the forums/in-gam, that a p-u-g grp was among em, ey'm sure there's some out there as yew said there r, yew were accusin mself of believing p-u-gs don't do this stuff, well ey'm sure there are some, and that's great, ey nvr said none ever do anywhere, ey just sayn in MEY persnal experience on JC and Harb there r not that many, at least EY'VE seen, p-u-g grps forming for top-tier content (NITmode 55 teror/scmnvillny ops and HMode 55 dred ops, and entity-essenc runs), let alone been invitd to when ey DO see em, as a few ey've seen ey've yet to b invitd for, which ey'd like to be, and ey'm not sayn evryone who disgrees w/ mself r trols either, nvr said that anywhere 'peopl who disgree w/ mey word r blashphemn trols', nah, but ey HAVE and AM been a victim of troln and it is the primary reason ey'm not in full top gear at any tier implemented, only somewhat r other variables a factor, such as actually wnning the rolls in grps ey do get into that r successful.


    If one would like to p-u-g/invite 1m mDmg for these things, as usual, ey'm standing by just PM/whispr/mail, ey usually don't form grps but may/do sometimes for some stuff, b on the lookout for mself in chat. May leave Harb soon tho, will after ey get an ambassadr hoverchair, can't leave servr w/o one, came here for, made a deal w/ someon yet to see in a wek on here, so will pay same amount to anyone else who may have one.

  15. Well ey concur w/ the notion focusd def thret drop needs to not cost any focus as it spends focus when dmged to heal one's self so that's just less focus for that.


    Know, after thinking, they may just add mroe description and change up the regular "Guard" so that it has diff effects dependant on the form one is in across all builds w/ the ability to tnk/grd/tant, instead of adding a whole new ability in which would re. more work due to having to make art for it, etc.. Disagree tho on the lower the thret for shin's grd, t he offensive grd shouldn't lower the thret of the grdER only the grdED maybe allow the grdED to b healed a bit and/or dmg and heal for more, like an Inspir buff, while in it, whether grd outside of soresoo's grd (shin and shi-ch's grd's) is as long/permanent as it or has a cd/timer, remains an entirely diff issue, but to lower the thret of the grdER makes little sense if one thinks about it and would make it a bit OP.


    A defensive/soresoo grd should continue to be about blocking for/taking dmg for a persn, as their shield, whereas an offensive grd should be about becoming a bigger priority for a bos to attack, it'd leave the grdED w/o actual protection, but they'd have the time to pull off an attak as if in a reel fight, so think it'd be a fair tradeoff to ponder in ops for the grdEd to think do they want protection or an Inspir-like buff? Early on protection makes sense, but in brn phases where grp will go dwn no matter and tnkers r expendabl and it's about dmg, another Inspir increase to heals/dmg would be wanted and they'd want a shin/Vig grd on em. Going back to the OP-ness, ey think the tradeoff should be that the grdER in an offensive grd SHOULD HAVE THEIR THRET INCREASED, not decreased, as a soresoo/Def grd should do so for their grdED. Ey think that'd make it more balanced and it's no big deal, as if a tnker/the tnks in a grp r good at all they may or may not lose aggroh for a split sec only and need onyl re-tant. Ey dunno what the feer of re-tanting is for so many tnkers in this gam, there's too many who think they'll take and hold aggroh the whole fight w/o more then 1 starting tant and if they lose it they let their deeps incap, they needa know deeps will/may take their aggroh if they're bahd OR good deeps, just put forth the effort to watch the bos and re-tant periodically to blanket yr aggroh.


    Concur w/ the notions that a straight-up increase to dmg across and the proc chance of mastr strik should happen.


    Think ripost could be multi-stance whereas it could be another ability to proc mastr strik, if in shin form, do more dmg/penetration in foc form, and increase thret in def form, as it does already, maybe heal or increase the def of t he tnker in soresoo form when used, but stay thru all 3 specs only usable when one dodges an attak, if that's taken away, it'd probly , and probly should be to feel balanced, have a long cd and not be somethin one will work into their rotation too much, only when active, ripost.


    Oh, and Foc spec/shi-ch form grds should probly yeah concur increase the armor pen for the grdED BUT DECREASE the grdERs OR if not decreased, and instead INCREASED as well, then the grdER's def/armor rating should b diminished, as there should be that penalty/takeaway to debate as think of it like this, the above ideas r cool, but like how soresoo/def grds cause the grdER in that case to gain more dmg, it seems w/o mey ideas listed here, Vig/shin and Foc/shi-ch grds, if implemented look to have no penalty to them and seem OP.


    Hopn this all helps towards the goal of buffin Grdian deeps, thx for readn!

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