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Posts posted by SanktePer

  1. After so many times yesterday and today it's started again I have sent in the file made by the launchdiag or what ever it is to support.


    This is so annoying and really makes the game not playable at a reasonable rate to enjoy it with the time I play with friends and pug runs and this has got a lot worse with 7.02 but started in 7.0


    It is more than annoying. It is embarrassing. I hoped the 10 year anniversary would be the time where SWTOR would come back into the consciousness of the general MMO player groups. Instead, it has but for the wrong reasons. The game is a technical mess and this issue is one of the more severe I've encountered in all my years playing this title. I hope Bioware issues a public apology about these issues it only seems to be the right thing to do at this stage. So much for an all year celebration I hope Bioware can right this ship but my enthusiasm has died as well as any hope of them fixing these issues.

  2. Not sure if all of these 1 hour server shut downs are better than just waiting until a specific day to deploy all of them at once...


    I think this is quite disruptive honestly especially if you have groups doing content or guilds doing planned activities. That said, I think a bit of both is necessary, issues that do not require a client side patch should be fixed as quickly as possible, most issues (if not all) on known issues probably requires a client side patch (they should consider doing at least 1 before 7.1 to iron out some issues). What I would like to see is better heads up communication from the forums about takedowns (and some better information on how long maintenance is expected to last ingame instead of the generic maintenance message).

  3. Agreed. It's really ambitious to do with all of this at once. This will definitely make clear how much can be done all at once. How quickly they can recover and fix bugs is going to be very important.


    Definitely. This expansion arguably introduced one of the most ambitious overhauls to the game in combat styles and loadouts that on top of all the UI improvements and additional story really is quite a bit considering all of the old code they had to dig through and the hurdles on their design goal they encountered as a result. I was not surprised when they had issues on the PTS builds as a result of this, so the delay came as no surprise. What I would like to see is a post about why it was pushed live in this state, with some pretty fundamental known issues to the new major overhaul of the expansion in combat styles and loadouts. I hope the developers can quickly sort these things out and that content in future patches won't be derailed more as a result (weapons in outfitter, new ops and daily area all got pushed out of the expansion release to 7.1). One key point I would like to push is even clearer communication (if possible) from devs to players about decisions made around the game in my book communication is key. As a long term paying customer of this product this is not the quality I've come to expect from this game but I'll stay around for the first patch (at least) to see if they can start to steer the ship in the right direction because, beneath all of the tech issues of the new systems I am intrigued by the story so far and I can see huge potential for combat styles in the future so I just hope that they can bounce back.

  4. im just wondering cause some of the menue windows look still the same and some have new style. so you didnt change all to the same new style ?


    They said during the 10 year anniversary livestream that they would continue to update the UI over the course of the expansions life cycle so we will see more in the coming months.

  5. Hi everyone,


    Wanted to let everyone know that we will be taking down the servers on February 16, 2022 at 7:00 AM CT (1:00 PM UTC) to fix the issue concerning the Decurion Gear Containers. Expected downtime will be 30 minutes. We will post a reminder tomorrow morning. Should that change, I will update this thread/post.


    I am happy you guys fix things and I know you all wanted this to work out that said, the amount of issues on display here on day 1 is concerning especially since a lot of it was noted during PTS testing as well. Also, for some reason I lost my (dark side) DVL set on my main char (except for the helmet) that I had pre-equipped in outfit slot 2 before the expansion went live. No biggie of course, but as a long term supporter of the game I can't help but be slightly disappointed.

  6. Hi all,


    Can you confirm the following:


    • If at any time you minimized or tabbed out of the window
    • How long you have been in this state
    • If the loading icon in the corner is spinning




    1. Did not minimise or tav out of the game until I got tired of the spinning wheel and forced the game to shut down.

    2. I was in the state for around 40 minutes (this is on your end I think, usually when I boot the game it takes me seconds to get in).

    3. It was spinning the whole time.

    Additional info: I play on the Steam client no idea if it is a universal issue so the tidbit could be important. One last thing, I have been subbed to this game since launch I have never experienced this, it is fairly disappointing that it was pushed live like this. I have other games I can play in the meantime so I do not really care for myself, however I feel for the players who bought a returning sub for this content. I hope the expansion live cycle is less of a train wreck.

  7. I don't seem to be able to choose an advanced combat style during character creation. Has this been moved to a certain level?


    I assume you mean disciplines combat styles only refer to the class (assassin, sorc jugg etc) disciplines is the specialization within the class itself (Madness sorc for example)There is currently a bug that does not allow you to choose disciplines for your character during the creation stage, you can still go to the fleet to change the discipline to one you want for your chosen class.

  8. I'd love to join guildmates on the PTS, BUT... the cog wheel doesn't exist on the launcher when getting the game from steam over downloading from the website. I don't know if this makes any sense, but cannot do anything without the "missing cog wheel" on the launcher.


    The PTS through steam is not built into the launcher. If you use use Steam download it from the steam store page (click on the prompt on the page that asks if you want to download the PTS launcher it is in the middle just below screenshoots and trailers).

  9. Where are new players going to learn their new combat style skills?


    Just tested a power tech in the trooper storyline, all available trainers in the starting city only teach you general skills like riding, heroic moment etc and no combat style specific skills, even though there is "powertech/general" sections in each trainer.


    Is this meant to be fixed in the future so we can use any trainer or will more trainers be added?



    This could also be fixed by making all passives have a visibly different hue, for example having yellow borders and a yellow overlay so they are distinct from active skills.


    Skills are awarded automatically when you level up at certain levels now, trainers only teach general skills as pointed out in your post. There is currently a bug where some abilities do not show up automatically in your ability bar when gaining the required level so check your ability at times.

  10. So far I have levelled my sin to level 10 on the PTS using no legacy perks or boosts in order to get the feeling they are going for for fresh players. So far I like the flow of rewards and XP, I have not encountered a piece of armour yet that is above my current level (as was pointed out during previous PTS cycles). However, I do feel that the rate of gaining abilities could be a little bit faster than it currently is, not much however since I think it sits in a rather good position through levels 1-10. I do believe that the PVE world content should provide some sort of difficulty for the player to keep them engaged so rewarding too many abilities at one time might break the balance even more, however rewarding too few makes the rotation repetitive and boring fairly quickly. I'm interested to see how the rest of the levelling experience has been impacted with the changes presented in this expansion.
  11. Observations:


    *Have to complete chapter3 of class story before you can unlock 2nd combat style. Work around is to use PTS droid to advance to lvl 80 then pick up a Kotfe chapter to skip past your original story.

    *Did not find a way to keybind loadouts or combat styles.

    *Every time you switch between styles it sets the middle spec as the default choice. So if you want another you have to select it.

    *Switching between styles resets the locations of your abilities on the toolbar.

    *Switching between styles does not reequip your weapon.

    *Pressing "I" twice does not close inventory.


    So far my impressions are that it's better than the last iteration but still needs work, particularly keybinds and an option to remember your spec. Right now it's cumbersome to open the window then select other style then discipline then equipment then you have to reorganize your toolbar to just how you like it. You spend far too much time behind in game windows.


    Ok, I'm messing around with the loadouts and combat styles and to be honest I don't see the real advantage to them at the moment. Yeah, sure, being able to play a scrapper as a bounty hunter sounds cool in theory but in the past ten years I've made so many scrappers as a smuggler that there is no appeal. The shiny wears off quick.


    Secondly, unless I missed it entirely in the settings somewhere, I can't switch combat styles with a button's click as advertised. If the intent is to have the 2nd combat style readily available then ease of action should be made apparent. If i have to reselect my spec, reequip my weapon, and redo my toolbar EVERY SINGLE TIME then this system is absolutely pointless. I can log in and out of three alts in the time it takes to change completely from one combat style to another.


    Finally, it's been said you can't switch combat styles while in an instance, Well, unless you're out just about exploring the world, fine no problem, however the rest of the game involves instances. I'm still just trying to understand it correctly. What is the point of being able to switch styles when it's so limiting?


    For your last point it might actually be due to PVP, I would assume the developers do not want players to be able to switch loadouts mid match easily and PVP is an instanced activity so either it is a bug (as in a potential lockout for switching is only supposed to be for PVP games but is currently affecting PVE content as well) or it is an intended lockout, if it is indeed the latter I STRONGLY suggest that the developers reconsider since the point of loadouts was ease of switching between a combat style and a variety of profiles, this will be WAY more relevant in the future if the intent of separating classes and story is, as was pointed out in a dev interview, in order to offer some more variety and an opportunity to finally create new classes using the origin stories already present in the game.



    Thank you for pointing out the droid by the way! I will create another character in order to try out loadouts and endgame more thoroughly within the next few weeks.

  12. Loadouts are a bit difficult to test with the focus on low level characters, I don't have much to play with yet.


    The one issue I have found is that you cannot link UI Layouts to profiles. I have different layout for healing and tanking/DPS and it would be nice to link those.


    This 100 %, I also agree that at this point in time it is quite difficult to test out loadouts due to the focus on the levelling up experience currently. However, this will of course naturally change over the PTS cycle as we gain levels. Now I do have some thoughts on the UI for loadouts, I personally find it a bit confusing and convoluted to use in it's current state I accidentally saved my first loadout twice and the game currently won't allow me to save a new loadout to the second slot which is a bit annoying since subs will only have access to a few loadouts before having to buy more once it gets pushed live. Have I understood correctly that loadouts also save different outfits if you choose to equip those?


    I do also agree with a previous point of feedback here, loadouts are part of a fundamental system change to the overall game and how it can be played and it is a great addition to the overall function of combat styles in concept, but it will remain that way if it is not explained how to utilise it properly within the game itself, a tutorial is necessary here. In the future Loadouts and Combat Styles provides a lot of opportunity for the developers and players to iterate on how we engage with classes so not having a tutorial on how it works is a bit weird at this stage. Maybe it is already implemented and I just have not seen it yet.

  13. Quite like the new interface however I seem to have ran into a bit of an issue that others haven't mentioned, I can't exactly pick my discipline from the character creator screen. Regardless of what I do I always end up with the same one, Deception, as opposed to Darkness or Hatred.


    I just noticed that I could not switch disciplines as well, I do hope that this is a bug and not a change. You must be able to freely choose your discipline for your class choice at creation as well as on the fleet later.

  14. I like most of the character creation changes, I think with the UI closer to completion it looks really clean. My biggest problem is rotating the character. Rotating the character there compared to somewhere like on the character select screen or in the preview windows feels clunky and slow, it really shouldn't. It's arguably more important for it to be smooth in the character creation window since that's where we're actually setting the look of our character. When it's annoying to even rotate them around, you stop doing it and miss things you'd have seen otherwise.


    EDIT: Need to be careful on different races that have more customization options. Cyborgs cause the rotation buttons to overlap with the skin color setting.


    Seems like the opening crawl is gone too, I don't really like that. It's not the most important thing, but it's very Star Wars-y to me to have that at the start of the class stories and I don't really see the harm in having it there. Unless that's just a bug.


    I agree with this post 100 %, character creation overall feels modern, smooth and sleek, apart from some bugs that was noted by OP above (mainly toggle overlaps and rotating issues), I thoroughly enjoy the new take on creation and I cannot wait to try it again with the kinks ironed out. Yes, the opening crawl is likely a bug, unless they plan to update the pre-made prologue movie for launch (the prologue movie sets up the story and should not be removed).


    I will also do a more thorough run through on CTC (character creation) in a few hours time after I get some sleep in.

  15. Wow, just 2 days? I was trying to do a bit of testing of both mara and sin stuff, and I swear I've spent half my time just getting geared and reading through the tactical descriptions. I really hope "phase 2" is going to be to keep on testing this stuff plus whatever you add, and is a lot longer. [Edit: and doesn't make us generate characters from scratch again.]


    Phase 1 is still going it will just be offline for a short time until "1.5" is deployed. Phase 2 is still weeks away.

  16. This is a very unacceptable timeline for fixing something that used to work for seven years. Revert the code, or at the very least send a free Compendium to every character in game so they can swap out their broken companions.


    While the timeline certainly is dissapointing the companion system got a major rework in KOTFE which messed up alot of stuff from the original system I guess. The game is consistently updated which means that issues that might seem easy to fix on the outset might not be as easy as we might think.


    For me personally i'm just happy we get it in September (presumably), looking at how hard fixing bugs within old systems takes alot of time.

  17. I think they decided to give the problem to all of us for Christmas :rolleyes: I had no companion problems whatsoever until 5.10. Thanks BW :mad:


    Just going in here to say that they are looking into fixing this. A lot of the companion issues are very hard to fix because of the codebase I guess. But Eric has said that this will be fixed in September at the earliest.http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9728848#edit9728848

  18. still waiting on a fix for their mouths moving when they're talking when i right click on them. when's that gonna get fixed?


    Probably around 6.0 as well. Alot of the companion issues are very hard to fix hence why they take such a long time to iron out. 6.0 fix for the range bug was way earlier than I expected.

  19. I'm starting to feel like this was a change they made, this "issue" has not been reported on or mentioned by the developers and we're now in October 2018. So the question remains, why remove a story choice (no matter how insignificant it may be) and not mention it anywhere? Alternatively if this indeed is a bug, how come they have not been mentioning it ever since it was first noted?
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