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Posts posted by mrchance

  1. Just stop the overreaction. It isn't THAT bad. Yes as I said before the numbers have been brought down some, and they could bump them up some I'll agree there and it was a little excessive yes. But they WERE op before this patch, but it WAS a lot of fun. Again, the nerf was a little TOO much of a "nerf" I think. They just needed to nerf it a little.


    But by what some of you are doing here, you would think they nuked companions from orbit and took them from the game or something. Just be rational and simmer down. This isn't the end all be all of patches and it will remain constant. I'm sure BioWare will respond to it and see what's up and adjust the numbers.


    It's not THAT bad! Just chill! Please.


    It is that bad. 50% would have been too much. We are looking at a 75-90% nerf in healing here. They were nuked from orbit.

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