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Posts posted by TheEuro

  1. I think the fix would be even easier - just limit population (like instance) of 10 per side per instance (Ops). Late, late at night, it can be really really fun in Illum with about dozen on each side...
  2. I can confirm that it is a Bug from logging in to the Alt and training new skill - that is exactly when I today got my 4th skill (slicing).


    Not it's not just a 'graphical glych' - it also let's me send companions on that skill (0/400) missions - except they are call the same, look the same, are the same - as my other skill (Diplomacy), even give me Light vs. Dark points and last but not least - raise my Diplomacy skill (Slicing still 0/400).


    So shows up at 4th skill, and missleads you into thinkging you are sending companion on that skill's missions.

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