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Posts posted by erbriac

  1. Check in your client_settings.ini what's the TextureAnisotropy value. Mine always defaults to 16 (which is maximum) after every new patch, even if the corresponding ingame setting is set to low. Too high Anisotropy on a slower PC (like a mid-range notebook) can bring the fps to very very low numbers. So whenever there's a new patch, I make sure I check the TextureAnisotropy entry and edit the value back to 1 if needed.
  2. I can't find the bloody Search Forum button, so I appologize beforehand if I speak about a topic already discussed. But here it goes.


    Apparently if during the entire character's career one does just a simple misstep in alignment choices, he's screwed forever, unable to ever reach the pinnacle of the alignment, in this case either Light V or Dark V. I've recently found out, that no matter what I do, I am stuck at 9850/150, totaling a 10k alignment points (apparently an arbitrary cap). Just because I chose to save a very dear sergeant Jaxo, instead of a couple hundred unknown soldiers - a choice I wouldn't hesitate to make in real life too, any day (and no, I don't consider myself evil), I will never ever amass 10k light side points necessary to reach top tier light side alignment (even if I saved the galaxy all by myself, preventing the death of billions other unknown people).


    I would like to know, if the alignment points cap present is either a known bug or a feature (what was the reason?), or if someone else found a way to "atone" for his/her ingame sins, erasing the dark side points.


    Thank you.

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