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Posts posted by Jodinar

  1. For me personally, I have 2 characters that run slicing missions all the time when I'm playing and open lockboxes they come across. I have gotten a ton of Purple UT missions; which helps a lot in obtaining Mandalorian Iron.


    On the other hand, people keep saying that at 50 they have a ridiculous amount of money, so I'm sure if the crafted speeders looked cool enough/unique enough (maybe have options for customization kind of like artificers color crystals), i'm sure they would be more than willing to pay.


    Just my 2 cents ;) I know many people will throw down a lot of money for vanity.


    Unfortunately, there aren't any customizations, they look the same as vendor speeders. 'Nor can we even trade them yet.

  2. it takes 12 Mandalorian Irons for a rank 3 speeder.


    average price on the GTN for one is 12K (on my server)...


    who the hell would pay over 100K for a rank 3 speeder if your were to sell it while u can buy one for way less at the speeder vendor...


    On WoW the average-man mounts were WAY cheaper than the exotic mounts.


    However in the case of SWTOR, the "exotic mounts" are no different than the average man in neither appearance or speed.

  3. What we want:


    Original-looking speeders (to give us a reason to craft instead of purchase)



    Armorings, even the purple letters, don't sell well. People buy what they need with commendations. and Earpieces? Well perhaps, but really we don't have that many things going for us.

  4. Well i have a strategy with Gault. He can single-target tank due to his high damage, I take on the rest of the damage. After he takes out the hardest hitting mob I set him on, he picks off the weaker ones one-by-one in the same fashion as the first, taking it's aggro and destroying it. My heavy armor nulls the damage from the weaker mobs, meaning i dont need much healing.


    If gault had them all on him at one time, he'd be dead before I could heal him.


    It's a bit complicated, but it's never failed.

  5. It was decent. The ending of act-1 was kind of meh to me, though act-2 was pretty good. Going through act-3 now. Just finished Belsavis, and I have to say Bioware... Skadge must die. Seriously. I have no freaking idea what the hell they were thinking with this thing.


    Why, WHY can't we kill companions... :jawa_mad:


    Skadge does SUCK. He's useless in combat. I'd sooner have Blizz out there (which is awesome) Though I have to say, Gault's the BEST dps you'll have. As a healer I need the extra muscle. And at level 43, his snipes are hitting 2.1k which is just what i need to mow down all in my path.

  6. I didn't expect the Bounty Hunter story line to be the most purposeful of all the class stories.


    I've tried all four (not all the way through yet) however as a Bounty Hunter I always have someone to hunt, something to make me want to hurry to the next planet, then the next, then the NEXT.


    I enjoy that I can make out like I'm working for myself, and not the imperials or some sith lord master that would always be chewing me out.


    I like bullying around the generals and such that I gain quests from like they're pathetic and that I could do better easily.


    I like the ironic twists when I gain each of my companions.


    All in all, I like being a bad @ss.


    Good job on the Bounty Hunter storyline.


    Marauder - Pathetic and too straight forward. Basic.

    Inquisitor - Get ready to be talked down to all the time until you kill certain people.

    Imperial Agent - You're an imperial butt-sniffer

  7. East Coast U.S.


    Low Population

    Surplus of tanks

    Empire Dominated <JOIN EMPIRE!>



    I would love to see more people join The Defenestrator. It's so boring logging on and seeing only 50 people on /who -> Search? Nothing = All players on server = 50.


    What is the defenestrator? The Defenestrator is the only droid bounty hunter, which you encounter in the Bounty Hunter story line.


    There's no one to talk to except my friends who have settled there and are hardly on. We joined there because at release so many other servers were flooded with hour long wait times.




    <This has been a public service announcement from the players of The Defenstrator, a dying server>


    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  8. When I add someone that's offline at the time, it says "Player does not exist."


    I thought it was just a glitch to be worked out with patches, then I found out it was purposeful for security reasons.


    I want to add my friends, they're not on all at the same time as I'm on, so it makes it difficult to link up with them, as I never know when they're getting on. Alot of my friends don't have cell phones I can text.


    Can we have this changed?


    The credit spammers are getting us through our mail anyway.

  9. Honestly, had it not been a recolor, I would have been fine with the cost. As it is, I paid 55k for my level 50 speeder from a vendor on Voss, and it's actuall LESS common on my server than the Cybertech model. The level 50 CT speeder should have been a different model from the level 40 CT speeder, or even better, there should be more schematics and options available for the level 50 CT speeder.


    Do you think they'd have us create a new model if we reverse eng'd them for the "chance at upgrading" ?

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