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Posts posted by SpaceGaunt

  1. My primary Imperial character is the daughter of my Consular. I've been playing her since the beginning as a Republic Agent who is undercover working for the Empire (and boy does that get confusing come Chapter 2). She's a Lightside Agent out to destabilize the Empire from within, and eliminate other galactic threats while doing so. Naturally she sends parts back to her mom.


    Had to log in and reply.

    Awesome Roleplaying!

  2. *facepalm*


    What you - and it seems, others - fail to realise is HOW BIG Madden, FIFA and these other franchises actually are in comparison to MMO's.


    Let's take the Sims. Do you know how many copies of the Sims franchise have sold? 150 MILLION (as of May 2011. Never mind 2012). What's that, over 10x the amount of Warcraft subs? It's the single best-selling franchise on the PC. Ever. And think of all the expansion packs, the Store, all the things you can buy for the Sims. That's how big the Sims is. Hell, the Sims has so much you can buy I'd almost want to subscribe to it to get everything ;P


    You will *never* see an MMO reach that kind of crazy height, because MMO's are, Warcraft aside, fairly niche.


    People aren't looking at this in perspective. It's not that 'why isn't TOR doing anywhere near as good as those titles'. Because it's not about TOR not being 'good'. It's about these franchises being so huge, so popular, such well-known household names that the money they make just dwarfs other games in comparision.


    Some more stats (all of these and the above pulled off Wikipedia)


    Battlefield 3 - sold 5 million copies in it's first week.

    The FIFA series - 100 million worldwide.

    The Madden series - 85 million as of 2010, making *$3 billion* in sales.


    Those are *big numbers* and I would wager even WoW would struggle to keep up with some of them.


    I have to commend you on your insight and perspective!


    Good go!

  3. but I am not interested in them as much as the bottom ones so what I am wondering is if I fill up the bottom powers more will those points go toward unlocking the third group up? :)


    The short answer is yes, the points are cumulative and they will unlock the third tier.


    Another thing is that some skills require certain points to be 'put into' certain skills in lower tiers. Just FYI.


    Good luck ,and hope you have fun!

  4. I guess I understand the rage, but I can't reasonable come to the same conclusions that the rest of the playerbase who are on 'dead' servers are coming to.

    Are you saying you can't wait until the weekend to get transferred? So you've waited this long, and now, possibly, 2-3 more days is too much?

    Also, I would imagine this is the same kind of rage that initiated this whole server fiasco in the first place. People on the forums literally RAGING for quick action from Bioware when they are misinformed and wholly run on what they think they know and what the Devs obviously don't know.

    There was a previous post that stated good logical reasoning for this hesitation. It involved weekends and later transfer rates being higher than initial transfer dates, you can look for it if you want.

    I'm starting to believe that by one person completely raging on the forums, it initiates a wave of complains from people who are not necessarily knowledgeable of the game, but will latch on to the first sign of unrest and anger and continue the trend.

    My point is, people need to relax and take a deep breath.

    You might say, how can we relax when Bioware is forgetting about us???!1!?

    Well i'm running on the idea that they want to keep more subs, so you will not be forgotten, simply, you will have to wait, a little?, longer.

  5. Antonia,


    Thank you for taking the time to respond but after reading your post I've come to the conclusion that this current version of LFG probably shouldn't even be launched.


    For nearly every topic, your response was "We want this too" or "We appreciate the need for this and are looking into it". This tells me, from a development point-of-view, that you are not satisfied with the functionality of LFG, at all. It also tells me you are tossing a half-completed tool out to the masses knowing it's lacking functionality that will ensure basic operation.


    Your post makes it clear that this tool is about to be deployed on live servers in an alpha, not even beta, state that will frustrate a lot of customers with its limitations and problems. Not to put too fine a point on it but delivering a poor product is worse than not delivering one at all.


    That's a lot of assumptions you make!

    Are you sure you want to make those kinds of 'accusations' or conclusions from a single dev post?

  6. I feel the same way you do. I think this is one of the most achingly stupid things I've ever heard, and I can't believe Bioware actually spent money on this.


    Sadly, I suspect our opinion is a minority. That's OK, I'm used to that, ever since I decided Beethoven's music is superior to Brittany Spears.


    Whoa there buddy, don't strawman this.

    Am I getting this right, are you saying if you like Beethoven's music, you can't like adaptive social gear?

    Or the reverse, if you like adaptive social gear, you don't like Beethoven's music, but rather Britney Spears?

    Yeah, good try with that buddy...

  7. So. Who here has actually pvp'd on the pts?


    Perhaps we should test changes before imagining worst case scenarios?



    How dare you suggest such a thing!!! :).


    I can't believe that people would still rage and unsub over class changes, believing that the changes would make the class 'useless'. You have to admit that that is at least a little melodramatic, right?

    I was, and still am, a Combat Medic after 1.2 allegedly killed healers, and I still survive just fine in warzones and the like!


    We all have to relax and thoroughly test the changes and after a certain point of testing, experimenting, getting the 'feel for it' we should make an informed decision on the matter.

  8. Gosh man some people on these forums are RUDE!


    Come on guys, i'm sure we can have more civility than this!


    They're not the development, they don't know EVERYTHING that is going on behind the scenes, so why not get the insight they do have?


    How come we, the community, are flaming them for things that are out of their control?!


    Some people really need to put things perspective. These are people working on the Bioware team, not robots, they have feelings like anyone else. Don't bully them because your expectations of what should and should not be told are not met.

  9. I guess I'm wrong. Sorry for wasting every ones time.


    At least some funny comments came out of it.


    The best is the "the saw" comment. lol.


    Thanks for closing on a good note mate, don't let the rest of the posts bother you, they are still on that trolling zone, they'll calm down soon!


    On topic: I have not played a NC since the patch, but pre-patch I was able to target the node from a good distance away. Not an outstanding distance, but enough so that I don't have to be 'in' the 'shack' or at least 5 feet away from it.

  10. Can we stop with the "make or break" topics now? They have been out from the start, and swtor is still alive.



    The trend started, maybe even before, 1.2, and now its 1.3.

    What are the chances that it's going to be 1.4 next?


    (And a troll comes and says, "It wont last until 1.4!")

    Yeah...we'll see.

  11. So the LFG tool makes grouping for the PvE players easy... but the PvP players will have to spam general chat then to find a group to do rated Warzones...


    I don't see it that way.

    They way I see it, when you currently que for warzones, you meet people who would eventually, I would think, form some kind of 'friendship' with you and thus would have a better chance at setting up groups now before RWZ are deployed.

    It is, I think, much more different than flashpoint/HM/ etc. because you can get into WZ's more easily than a FP, ETC. so you have more opportunities to create allies.

    Personally, I see creating allies and friends who like to PvP as a much easier process than creating allies and friends who like to FP,HM,etc because Warzones are faster, less restrictions, and a bunch of other reasons.

  12. 200 more staff firings are coming too no doubt. Probably several rounds of those with the way this TORtanic is sinking.


    I don't think this is constructive at all...try again?

  13. This doesn't make any sense either. What about the people who choose not to transfer? Lol? Are they just going to be left on dead servers? Who is going to organize these transfers? Will it be up to the playerbase to decide which servers are worth transferring to? Like how The Fatman became the default reroll server?


    Server transfers will solve nothing. It's almost laughable.


    Well if your server is dying, why would you NOT want to transfer? I presume that if a player chooses to stay in dying server, then that would be his choice. Maybe he wants less people? If he does not, then he chooses the transfer. I would think that after the servers that are transferable, for free, are announced, maybe the forums would prove useful and start detailing the kinds of server that are available, the current pop, the PvP/PvE scene, etc.


    If not, it would be a safe bet that the servers that are transferable would notice a significant increase in population. So, anything is better than a dying server right?

  14. Well you def. cant post in their forums, their on a mad rampage removing posts that even carry the word "doom or gloom" ...... And I dont even post swear words and I get posts removed on here.... by far one of most policed forums in the world.


    Really, one of the most policed forums in the world???

    I'm sorry but that is a cOmplete exaggeration!

    Some perspective would be nice me thinks!

  15. Opinions are never facts. Facts are never opinions. Opinions are subjective. Facts are not. No offense, but if you don't understand the difference a conversation on the subject isn't going to clear much up.


    You still did not answer my question :/


    "so saying there can only be 'opinions' is not really accurate"


    Are you still saying he ONLY has opinions, or are you agreeing that he has some data that can back up with conclusion?

    I think you're trying to insinuate that people, on these forums for example, only have opinions, which are in fact subjective yes, but when you back them up with data, they are not just opinions. I think you're taking the wording too literal. How about you replace opinion with 'hypothesis' will that make you answer my question?

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