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Posts posted by Zantul

  1. I just never liked my Sith Sorceror when he went from the best DPS character in game to a second class healer to the operative.


    I leveled up a Sith Sorceror to play a DPS character. I combed through all the classes and saw the sorceror as a great DPS class. One day I logged in and all of a sudden I am a second tier healer next to the operative.


    So in PVE groups I am not very welcome. If there is an operative available they are usually chosen. If I say I want to be a DPS I get no response like "you gotta be kidding".


    So being a healer was never my idea when I started this class and for that I bid thee FAREWELL...


    I dont mind nerfs that adjust you somewhat but to turn me into a healer from a DPS powerhouse was just too much for me to swallow.


    Take care guys.

  2. Im happy with those new changes and I just don't understand why everybody crying. :confused:


    More dmg to my dots ... its just awesome, even now I feel Im super OP. But after the new patch, my dots will do even more dmg... this is NOT nerf at all, its actually pretty damn hard buff ... :cool:


    Full Madness Sorc must be happy ...


    Its just about time when all those hybrids Sorcs actually realised, that theres absolutely new world of gameplay, where force lighting is only instrument to proc wrath while your opponent is rooted by your Creeping terror, desperately looking at you - can't do absolutely nothing, dying while being dotted by all your dots boosted by death field ... :D


    And instead of being dmged, we are actually healed by all our dots ... (Parasitism) its like the best pocket healer ever.


    Thank you BW ... great patch is coming xD


    This post is hilarious. I was buying it until I saw parasitism...


    The greatest joke ever.,..





    I can tell you are not even sorceror.


    Trolls are upo early today.

  3. I started leveling a Marauder until they get nerfed. They are next on the nerf list from the cry babies and the PATCH HASNT COME OUT YET!!


    Sorcerors are done... PVP wise we are garbage. Not enogh burst to survive a one on one with ANY class now.


    For pvp the ONLY viable spec is healing and that got nerfed TOO!!




    Im not playing my sorceror after this ...

  4. And you have charge? You dont need a sprint... you land and wreck people that are far away with it?


    You can use it to get away from a bad situation too...


    Can use sprint for that can ya???


    Not really cuz all ur doing is giving ur back to someone.


    But with your force leap....


    So you actually have an ability better than force run.



  5. I love Pvp and I only have one good stun. it last for 4 seconds and the rest is DD and DOTS.


    Trick is to not get out of the first stun you are in then use the stun break for the second one and the third one will not land on you cuz your resolve is up.

  6. Anyone who doesn't understand why you should roleplay like this is not a true roleplayer.


    Yes you character can be a crazy murderer but that does not make him a Sith.


    Sith have a way of life a way to look at things a very laid down law in how to progress in their society.

  7. And im a 50 sorc with 550 expertise and Consular eat me up with their slow animations. Try 1 on 1 you cant out DPS their heals. The ONLY hope I have is to land a jolt and stop that silly ness and hit my relics and give em hell before they pop a heal. In str8 out dps fight no heals its pretty even if geared the same.


    If they jolt my lightning im a sitting duck...


    Now shadows are just tough as nails.


    They are pvp gods.


    My next class once im in full bm gear is the shadow or the coomando

  8. Who cares cuz no matter what/who they nerf people are going to still complain and ask for more. It will never end............................................


    This is the voice of epxreience and what will never end are troll posts like this one.

  9. Troll post obviously you can tell she/he doesnt pvp much...


    Anyone in full BM gear is hard to take down and most people on my server started with sorcerors and they are 90% in full Bm gear already...


    This game has ALOT to do with gear. Ive noticed when I see a soc in non BM gear I can take em down.. When I see a sorc in full bm gear I run like hell and try to get a two man on them...


    I look more at gear when I pvp than the class...


    Ever tried to solo an assasin in full BM gear??? Hell with NO HEALS he will **** YOU!

  10. Sorc is the msot op class in the game currently...so yeah easymode and tanks better in pvp than assassin tank spec.


    and my bh merc has higher survivability, lots more dmg, and lots better visuals.


    only thing keeping me playing assassin is the urge to play underdog....wish i didnt have the urge...coz its very frustrating atm haha


    To say a Sorc is mpre powerful than a MERC is such BS LOL!!!


    Dude just stop we all know merc is the OP class...


    It takes two sorcerors to pvp a merc. Also Soceror are TERRIBLE TANKS!!


    LOL!!!I am like paper... and I have my shield bolstered...


    its only a 3k shield.

  11. SWG is one of the All time greats and PRE CU AND ALL THAT GARBAGE THEY DID TO US....


    However I like this game more for one very silly reason..


    I can be a SITH and be called a Sith...


    Something I longed for as a Dark Jedi who was one of the 7th Dark Jedi on my server which was Valcyn.


    More fore powers and the combat and pvp is more fun...


    Yes its more fun.

  12. Now before the nerf operative was TOTALLY OUT of hand...


    Here let me paint the picture before the nerf...


    Stun out of nowhere backstab, backstab and then came the op shot to the back of the head and I was TOAST..


    At LEAST now I have a chance to run and live to heal up and make a comeback...


    Now ther MERC is the OP class...


    I see them in pvp and dont even bother....


    Really I just leave them be.


    I will ONLY jump on one if hes being triple teamed...


    Two level 50 sorcerors pouring all their DPS into a Merc is a laugh... They just heal and murder both of us easy.


    But me one on one with a MERC is a slaughter I have ZERO chance.

  13. Hell my operative is level 10 I logged and rolled one.


    I am going to show you guys how to play a operative..


    I can't belive someone with stealth and a backstab has the nads to come here and cry..


    It's insanity....


    Tell me you cant take someone down to 50% with a stun and two backstabs and I will go away because I had an op do that to me several times and I have 15000 life and 500 expertise..


    Bad grammar or not I rolled and operative just because of that match....


    Prophecty of the 5 server has some really good pvpers too...


    Seriously to all the operatives on here, to take someone down to 50% in two stikes and a stun is sick.


    I stun someone and am lucky to remove 25% of their health bars and I am a hybrid sorceror.


    So tell me WHY you guys are here crying? Those backstabs have to at least be doing 3-4k each to take me down to 50%....


    Lets talk numbers instead of whinning?? Why dont we please... We can compare my 50 sorceror which my top damage at 500 expertise is 2900. Also for that to land I have to wait for wrath to proc which can take up to three lightnings.

  14. You guys are saying ops suck? Ops are frigging SICK in pvp....




    An imp oerative had his way with me the other day. He would stun land two backstabd and my 15000 life was at 50%..... I am also at 500 expertise. I guess I rubbed him the wrong way because he was on me like white on rice. Repeatedly stun, backstab,backstad and then shots to the back while I run FAR away from him.... He got me a few times.


    I can NOT belive you guys are on here whinning and saying your gona roll a merc....


    Well I am not going to talk what I will do is wrtie down the NAMES of these highly skilled imperial operatives on my server and see what the bezzegus you guys are doing wrong...


    Imp Operative is my next class of choice once I am in full battlemaster with my sorc..


    I am THOROWN back to think an class with STEALTH and a DEADLY backstab is on here whining?


    Sorcerors were nerfed a FEW times in beta did we forget??


    You guys are just butthurt it will pass!!

  15. Operatives take out my sorc ALL the time in pvp... There is nothing wrong with the class. I had an op literally hunt me down an entire match. I guess I killed him and he got bent out of shape...


    That kid made my life hell....


    And I am a sorc with 500 expertise and am VERY good at pvp.


    I am always in the 180k+ dmg and 30+ kills and never more than 3 or 4 deaths. And im a medal whore.

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