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Posts posted by Alythiel

  1. And RP accommodations does not mean a separate instance like pvp. That will not work as people will get on that instance and harass and grief rp.


    Would just prefer that a rp server like Ebon Hawk stay just the way it is and not be merged with a server, say like, Harbinger.


    And if you merged servers this time be sure the assets are done better than they were or better yet transfer guilds in tact with all their assets without having to jump through hoops to get the guild restarted and all the assets back.


    Yes, I agree with this. Let Ebon Hawk and The Progenitor stay the way they are so avoid trolls and non-rpers and then merge the other realms into one big one.

  2. Honestly, I am against mega-servers as they've proven to ruin all RP communities they've ever touched (GW2, ESO, Wildstar)


    If you want megaservers, at least leave Ebon Hawk and The Progenitor alone. The issue with Megaservers is that you usually can't see everyone as it's limited to how many players can be on screen at once. And the RP events in this game are freaking gigantic with 50-120 people usually participating on Ebon Hawk.


    There's also the case about trolls and non-rpers which'll ruin what we have on Ebon Hawk.

    What you could do is to merge the non-rp servers though. I think that would definitely be the best way.

  3. QQ. Really. I am getting seriously tired of all these "I'm quitting" posts. The game launched like 2 weeks ago or so and people can still not figure out that Bioware is working hard to fix their game and even though it has quite a bit of bugs the game is still insanely awesome.


    Now I'll do something I don't usually do but I'll compare a small thing to wow.

    If you think about Wow-Vanilla's release compared to TOR's release, you'll see that TOR had a much smoother launch than wow or any other mmorpg out there.


    And all you guys do is crying like little babies on the forum :| Seriously, get real and give the game a month or two and you'll have it fixed.

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