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Posts posted by Chiltonium

  1. Really sad to not see ANY changes to the hatred spec for assassin. Currently squishiest thing in the game, lowest tier in pvp, and the 72 ability for assassins is laughable.


    That said, I like the AP PT changes, I really wanted that shoulder cannon set to be useful cause I love those rockets.

  2. I'd like to see something that makes death field also leave a force storm in it's wake for hatred assassins, like the one you get when you play as Valkorian, the 2 ability. Attatch that to it. We have no frickin lightning other than our discharge. Shock, force lightning, it was all taken away. Maul was taken.


    I'd like to see that, death field leave a force storm. AS WELL as a new ability that does something with lightning. I'd also settle for an awesome saber attack, cause I think we're the only lightsaber class with 0 awe inspiring lightsaber moves. Even deception got a cool flippy one. We still just thrash. Replace thrash.

  3. I hope pvp gearing progress will be as fast as pve in 5.2. Otherwise, people would prefer doing pve instead of pvp which will cause a decrease in the number of pvp players. And i am sure you guys know the consequences... mass unsub of swtor pvp players.


    The horrible state of class balance is discouraging more people than gearing.


    This is a patch seemingly focused on raiding and open world pvp, and there's ZERO class balanced. That decision greatly perplexes me.

  4. Seriously? You're releasing an open world PvP zone with the way classes are balanced right now? Not only that but are offering zero insight ON class balance?


    Well done.

  5. Given the amount of work required to put a flashpoint together, I seriously doubt it'd be something that only popped up for a couple of weeks once a year.


    The best you're likely to ever see is something like they do for Life Day expanded to a few other holidays.

    Of course, this will result in all the non-US players complaining about not having their holidays represented.


    Other games, with smaller dev teams have holiday themed dungeons. Take EQ2 for example, not only holiday themed dungeons, HUGE ones. Same for Guild Wars 2.


    I don't want RL Holiday themed events or items in Swtor. Never. It's immersion breaking for me. It's bad enough that Life Day is pseudo X-mas.


    you're showing your lack of star wars knowledge for someone claiming immersion. Might wanna google the star wars holiday calendar.

  6. Kind of kills of part of the crafting market though.


    The autoplay feature is quite annoying in some circumstances, if it's any consolation, as a non-subscriber it still auto plays and then locks you out of your personal phase (or did) due to no access to later chapters.


    hows that kill the crafting market?


    1) No one buys level 30 mods, you're 30 for like 20 minutes.


  7. hit the escape key


    puts you right back outside the base, and you cant go in or quick travel to the contacts still, it just starts it all over again.


    Yep. Poor CS guy said that I wasn't the first to complain, that he'd even complained, and the studio decided to do nothing. Although, I've never had a quick travel bug unless you're trying to quick travel to someone in the war room. This only happens in certain chapters. It's not every one. Visions in the Dark, and any companion recruitment quest such as Torian, Kaliyo, Jorgan, Gault. We all feel your pain though.


    yea. The CS guys seem baffled by some decisions bioware made. Like I asked why I couldnt claim my armor sets I bought off the CM in 2012. He sais because they had mods in them, and ti would allow you to stock up mods.


    Then went on to say he has no idea why stockpiling level 30 bound mods would matter, and he'd ask the devs cause he was just as confused as me lol.

  8. I know most wont care, but this has been absolutely infuriating. I don't want to do the next chapter right now. I want to finish my alerts, however I can NOT quick travel to a contact, I can NOT manually enter the base. It just starts auto doing the next chapter.


    This is so frustratingly annoying, how is this a thing? I DONT WANNA DO IT RIGHT NOW, %#$#$%#!!!!!


    Sorry, thought I'd vent and bring it up.

  9. Okay, so I may be nuts....but how does the dart tick higher than the grenade? Dart ticking for around 1900, grenade ticking around 1500....






    they do dang near identicle damage over the same amount of time...

  10. Well WoW and FF14 both have new content literally days away. Sure many people won't mind switching over if SWTOR just gets chapters only. Or maybe if they already play WoW and FF14 with SWTOR, they'll spend less time on SWTOR.


    I play FFXIV, its freakin amazing. They have patches every 3 months that are bigger than SWTOR "expansions" with story, dungeons, raid rooms, endless deep dungeons (hnnngh) and...THE BEST.....





  11. Please for the love of Valkorian, give us twi'leks some more customization options. You've bypassed us for eyes forever.


    I'd like to see some eyes and lekku adornments. Jewelry, tech stuff, maybe even mecha lekku like Rianna Serran or whatever her name was who got one cut off.

  12. You know, while I can understand the direction they take for times sake, I cant understand the lack of content. The combined 16 stories into 1, yet still release the tiniest expansions I've ever seen for an MMO. Literally 1/10th the size of say EQ,EQ2, WoW, Even Age of Conan had an expansion thats bigger than 2-3 swtor ones combined. TESO DLC is about the same size, but released -far- more frequently.
  13. I'm not saying get good, or I did it naked. However I did do HM Blood Hunt, Manaan, and Korriban with pugs. In Blood Hunt we only wiped on the first boss, the others we didn't at all. We were all in 208s, the tank had some 212 and 216s mixed in, but it was 2 sins, me hatred, one deception, jug tank, op heals.


    We randomly met through the GF on blood hunt and did the rest together. Was fun, challenging, and awesome. Would really hate to see them nerfed. Lost Island is AMAZING. However, that one we did wipe on the last boss like 10 times and give up.

  14. I did the math a while back for Corrosive Assault to see what the difference could be if you had one Crit roll for all 3 parts, vs 3 Crit rolls. So that's 2 Internal, 1 Energy attack per activation for those who don't know.


    I used the data from a parse which had 33 activation's of CA on a dummy. I took the crit and non-crit percentages of each part as well as their averaged damage; so Energy was 2558 avg DMG, which had a low 25% crit with and avg crit DMG of 4157 etc. These 33 activation's combined to 220047.6 DMG (not DPS).

    I then took the median crit & non-crit percentages and multiplied the total average damage values there respective parts. So 38.63% crit chance, with total crit damage being 8847 over 33 activations plus normal hits etc.

    Anyway, long story short. The damage output of rolling the 3 parts of CA as one crit roll is only 2887.96 damage higher than rolling it as 3 parts.


    Make of that what you will.



    Corrosive Assault with the 2 internal is, even all 3 critting is "okay" damage. Don't forget the 2 extra ticks for potentially over 1k each with toxic blast on, thats 2 more crit rolls.


    And I mean, all the math in the world doesn't change the fact that it's 5 crit rolls at 40%ish chance each roll. Also, 2887 is a lot of damage, considering you spam that a lot :p

  15. One thing I think I forgot to mention that makes lethality one of the most RNG dps classes, is how many crit rolls we have to have.


    Not only every dot has to roll for crit, but :


    Rifle Shot : 2 crit rolls

    lethal strike: 2 crit rolls, if only 1 part crits it does meh dmg

    Toxic Blast: 1 crit roll per dot tick / corrosive assault cull

    Corrosive Assault: FIVE CRIT ROLLS. Asusming Toxic Blast is applied to the target, this thing rolls crit 5 times. If every single one crits, you have an ability that hits for what other DPS burst abilities hit for. But lets face it, even at 50% crit, this doesn't crit all 5 hits as often as it doesn't.

  16. Sorcerer DPS is OP, and has been most of the games life. People only want sorcerer's for range DPS, they never want mercs.


    tl;dr in 5.0 please nerf sorcerer DPS even more, it's clearly necessary


    Sorc dps falls behind engi sniper, and all mara specs, but madness is right after. However their mix of damage and idiotic mobility / survivability makes them insane in pvp. They can blow your face off while healing themselves and running around and the speed of sound.


    It's pretty annoying. However to say "most of the games life" shows you've only played since 4.0, because before 4.0 and all the way since release, they've been pretty mediocre at best.

  17. "Blood and mayhem await!"


    "My trigger finger's itching."


    "A Jedi's strength must always be tested."


    "It is the Jedi way to serve."


    "Nothing can stop me."


    "I should go." (FemTrooper could easily recycle FemShep audio for that. I'm sure there's enough FemShep sound bits and recording lines to be easily rearranged into a full FemTrooper dialogue.)


    Actually, while I'm stealing lines from other BW games....


    "Yes... Swooping would be bad." - MWar


    "What is it?" -FemAgent


    Uh... I got no other games offhand..


    "I really am the best!"

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