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Posts posted by Sethredto

  1. They wouldn't stay for very long though. They're on timers. By the time people got to them... they'd be gone. Unless you have people replacing them every so often.



    That's why those organizing it always have people at the check points to make sure people don't cheat.

  2. Checked with different account and well F2P, while nice, does have some "weird" restriction that I do believe shouldn't be there. And in order to keep those F2P players around it would be good to slack some of those.


    -Action Bars:

    Some classes are barely playable [at full capacity] with 2 bars, having those extra bars should be available to all. UI limitation is a bad thing. It wouldn't make a user want to subscribe for sure.


    -Many small UI options:

    Same thing basically, hide helmet, unify color, etc. Anything UI shouldn't be restricted [okay maybe aside Title display]


    -Warzones :

    This one is more of a suggestion, instead of limiting the amount of warzone a F2P can do, why not limit their reward? Having more pvpers out there will not only make the server's WZ more fun to play [aka not the same people over and over] but help you for balance issue, as for you would be getting more "data" for class balances.



    Ah well, there's my 2 cents I suppose.

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