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Posts posted by HavocMaster

  1. The Imperial Agent. Specifically, my Imperial Agent. He talked down a Dark Council member, second in power to Darth Jadus, and sent him fleeing with his tail between his legs. And he killed/defeated Malgus.
  2. I've watched some YouTube videos of a guy playing a Rattataki Agent, and no, Kaliyo does not appear to change her dialogue based on race, barring Chiss. She had the standard line about rations, no mention of anything special, not even when she talked about escaping Rattatak
  3. Personally, I must argue against Chiss being the most realistic form of the Imperial Agent. I would say that it comes in next to Human, both male. I think Human is just as possible, and even more likely, considering Chiss are somewhat rare in the galaxy at large, which doesn't work well for undercover missions. Additionally, Watcher 2 is an exclusively Human romance.
  4. Here is another obervation. Just like the Sith, the Jedi supposedly had their own race long ago ((called the Jedai I think)) who taught their artform to the universe but are now supposedly extinct. What if Yoda and his people are pretty much surviving Jedai. I mean think about it...since when do we see Yoda's species in any other role but Jedi. Have you ever seen any as smugglers, troopers...or Sith? I suppose anything is possible if I really dig through Wookieepedia. After all Hutts are supposed to be completely force insensitive but there was Bendorion.


    I checked. There was never a Jedi/Jedai species, the Jedi Order was the original name, not based off of any race. The Force was discovered by a collection of scholars on Tython.

  5. I would recommend a male Imperial Agent. I know some people don't like the voice, or feel that the female IA overshadows it, but I loved it. It has some of the best flirts in the game, significantly better than those of the female IA, and has a calm, quiet, tone I just love. He never raises his voice, but can do anger and other emotions well, and in my opinion is the best VA in the game.
  6. This is gonna be long, no tldr and with MAJOR SPOILERS from other stories, primarily smugger/jedi knight/sith warrior and bounty hunter. E.g. stories which are all imo better than the IA storyline. I've warned you :)


    A lot of people posting share the quoted sentiment, I do not and I often get the feeling these people did not play the other storylines. IA was my first storyline and I was fairly amazed by it too at first. After playing/going through the rest though, I must say my initial 9/10 dropped to about 6/10.


    After playing through almost all the stories up to at least chapter 3 and beyond (and watching the dialogues for the rest), i'd definitely rank both warrior stories above the IA one and the smuggler one just stomps all over it. There is a lot of unexpected in many other stories as well(more on that later), the one plus of ia's story are the 5 different endings compared to the usual 2 or 3 by the other classes. However the characters and writing is not up to par and the only thing that IA story has that the others do not are the few major decisions one can make which affects the set of possible endings.


    The reason I would rank it at 6/10 at best is due to poor characters, overall lack of choices and character influence and weird story twists that, imo, do not make much sense. Also, a lot of things in the story are predictable and in fact hinted by the dialogues if you listen/read. A perfect example of this is when you talk with watcher X about "conditioning". The whole chapter 1 as well as majority of chapter 3 are basically following this pattern of hint/hint/hint "big surprise" (well not that big if you actually went through the dialogues :) ).


    The following wall of text will compare a lot of class stories, so be warned if you intend to play them!






    The writing has many weak points and the dialogues are imo average at best.


    When you first meet darth jadus and refuse to kneel, he will kill you. Yes, in game you will die. While you can simply rez on the spot using the probe, or rez at the med center, this was the first of several "what?" moments. I mean c'mon, did he really kill me? Of course in swtor you die a lot, but in terms of the story, it is generally assumed that you actually live and go through it. Apparently, I can magically rez myself now and proceeded to report to the keeper. A lot of people like the story because they can become attached to it and be "james bond/bourne/insert other person here". Well guess what, you just died as lvl 12. But no worries, you rez'd yourself and moved on. Why not kill the emperor next since you are apparently immortal?


    Also, how many quotes or interesting lines do you remember? I don't really recall anything that stands out. I can tell you that for smuggler there is a whole thread on those. Not to mention, how many parts of the story are influenced by the companion you have with you at that point? Again, go play a smuggler :)


    In every story you are hand guided to your objectives. In case of IA, you have a few global choices but the amount of small/local choices for some particular objective is greatly limited. You don't have options like for example sith warrior, which can let certain republic soldiers live and they will help him later. Or a smuggler who can pick between a sith and a jedi (and/or both of them) and that way affect the final fight on the planet. In general, you are not given options to


    1, walk in peacefully/in disguise/surrender your weapons

    2, simply kill everyone

    3, w/e else


    nearly as often as for the other stories. Almost always you are forced to do one or the other and are almost never given options. Many other class stories have many different options in this regards, IA does not. Apparently this is offset by several other "big" choices such as joining/killing jadus. I think this is the main reason people rank the story that high and when they do, they often don't take a proper look at the other stories.


    The whole chapter 2 surprise is just that, a surprise. They may as well told me that I was princess leya and I would be just as surprised. Yes, most people did not expect it. However, in the same way, did people expect their shiny jedi knight to become emperor's puppet? Or that your ship will be stolen? Or that the majority of the best BHs in the galaxy will die(and I am not talking about the great hunt at all or your own blaster)? Ya, other stories have surprises like that too. Also I did mention major spoilers :) Not to mention, apparently the story moved 2+ weeks ahead without me knowing and in the meantime I got drugged and indoctrinated. Hmm....


    I personally find the whole mc/implant/watcher X thing a random fill in that's not really exciting at all and doesn't lead anywhere. Once you "cure" yourself, the option you pick does not matter at all and the fact you were mc'd does not matter at all either. Why couldn't you work with sis anyhow? I personally think that this while subplot was added later when they were trying to put the plot on all the planets and figured it was too short or something.

    Based on several forum post around and from the people I talked to, I am not the only one. Imo they should've expanded the rest of the story instead of trying to put this thing in. If the point is to be mad at the sith, there were plenty of other ways to introduce it.


    The lack of choices becomes really apparent once watcher X implants you because there are apparently no other options to enter a building... In fact, the point of the implants is the mc side storyline mentioned above. It feels really forced and at that point it was obvious, at least to me, that the implants must have another purpose. Once I got mc'd i'd guessed they would help and I was right. Guess most people do not figure this out /do not expect something along those lines. Or maybe I just watched too many james bond/bourne movies :p


    In a similar manner, many of the intrigues etc. are often hinted up upfront. I mean, why did not the person X kill me? Well, because he(she) loved you apparently... But then again, did you even read/listen to the previous dialogues with/about her? It was obvious he/she is somehow hesitant. "The boss said no major damage"(not the exact quote) etc.


    A lot of people claim "my decisions mattered". I think this is because the only decisions you are really allowed to make are the big ones and the fact that there are so many endings. Signing with jadus has little effect on how you handle the planet voss for example. It has an effect on the endings though. In other stories, the effects of your actions are also often seen 10-20 levels later or matter with respect to your companions, but since they are not as involved in the final endings(although it might only feel that way in a few cases), people do not get the same perception from them. Imo both smuggler and sith warrior stories have way more alternate story arcs with regards to subplots and companions, but they do not get as many endings.


    In addition, other story lines often are not as much divided in the "chapters". For example as a smuggler you "kill" (one of the options) one of your "enemies" you know since first few levels very very late into chapter 3.










    They are not bad, you actually have several choices here depending few of your in game choices. There is also a decent surprise there. That being sad, as a jedi knight you get to kill the "emperor"(only his "voice", as shown in the sith warrior story). The choices are nice and are really a plus of the story as said before. However, most of the other classes aren't far behind and they generally have less endings, although they seem as good or better and seem to have more of an "impact" on the overall story line of the game. Ever wondered why there is a new head of the senate when you "win" on corelia?


    Not to mention, several other stories chapter 1 decisions matter later in the game/endings. However, these are often not as apparent as in the case of the IA.









    This is another part where other stories are simply way better, without contest. The only interesting characters are hunter, kaliyo, watcher 2 and keeper. There is quite a cast of side characters but they are often only touched briefly and the story gives you next to no choice on how to affect them or they have next to no impact on your story, aside from the actual endings(although it seems fairly obvious that if you kill the guy, you can't switch sides/join him).


    Every other story line has a guy or two guiding you on a planet. IA is no different and I've found most of these to be fairly similar.


    Siding with jadus gives you next to no extra insight into him and his plans and motives. What's the purpose of his daughter anyway?


    Vector romance is considered worst in the game, although I've never tried it.


    The "perfect imperial soldier" lady(raina temple) is boring and very bland. Even akavi is much more interesting.


    Doc could've been a good one, however there is not even close to enough room given to his story/background.


    Compare this to sith warrior, where you have jaesa(light or dark, the choice is up to you), vette with her collar or smuggler with risha and guss (a jedi wannabe), jedi knight with his T7, wrath of the emperor(scourge) etc. And that's just companions. The extra characters in smuggler's storyline are much more interesting and will often betray, manipulate or in other way influence your character. Same with sith warrior. Not to mention, often you can actually have a strong impact on them such as risha's marriage, jaesa alignment etc. in case of companions, or have them start working for you (smuggler storyline).




    Overall, the IA story has good endings and has choices that can affect them. However, it lacks in characters and the writing and dialogues simply aren't as good as in the other good storylines.


    OK, while I can respect the fact that you enjoyed other stories more, I must disagree with the entirety of this post. IA is amazing!

  7. *Grammar Nazi Mode: Activated*

    Witches are better than what?

    *End Grammar Nazi Mode*

    As to which is better, it is really a matter of personal preference. There play styles are so different, and they are good at different things. What will you be doing primarily, what roles to you want to fulfill, what play style do you enjoy? If you can help me with these things, then I can give you an opinion.

  8. Personally, I would agree with you. The knives can get irritating, and there is nothing like that BOOM! when you hit one of those Sith in the back of the head with a shotgun. Plus, they get nut kick and sucker punch, which are just so much better that the operative equivalent. I mean, all they get is more knives. Also, sniper rocks. The gunslinger always seemed out of place to me, as the playstyle is methodical, slow casts for huge dmg, at long range. The gunslinger always seemed to be a fast class, shooting fast, moving fast, but that just isn't the way the playstyle works.
  9. Well if you want to go that route, the Agent is probably the weakest class in the lore, because of the sheer numbers of Imperial intelligence operatives, snipers, spies and grunts you end up slaughtering through the Republic quests (Only beating out the Trooper by a small margin because the Trooper is supposed to be a Special Forces soldier and Republic SF are rarer as enemy mobs than Imperial Intelligence, but only just).


    For the record, my mains are Trooper and Bounty Hunter, not Jedi.




    ... So your argument is that the Agent wins because you're the kind of writer who disregards the primary canon in favor of making stuff up to support your fan favorite?


    Well, actually, your character is a Cipher Agent, which are elite, and he is said to have graduated top of his class from the Academy. Additionally, Cipher Nine defeats Jadus, whose power is second only to the Emperor's. And the Emperor could wipe the floor with any of the classes, or even all combined. And no, the JK did not fight the Emperor, he fought the Voice, or the body in which the Emperor;s spirit resided in at the time. The presence of Jadus was said to cause suffering, so walking into the presence of the Emperor's true form would probably either burn you into ash or drive you mad. And, Cipher Nine defeats his second. So, by my reasoning/train of thought, our friend Cipher Nine could destroy all comers. He would easily destroy the Trooper and the Smuggler, as well as the BH, and I don't think the Force-users can withstand an orbital strike. Even Kallig, while immortal with his spirits, would have his physical form damaged or destroyed. And if Kallig was sufficiently weakened, it is possible the spirits would leave him, seeing as they are imprisoned, not willing. At which point he would die. So, IA wins.

  10. Oh look, another Fandalorian who thinks Mandos are some kind of Mary Sue supermen.






    Yep. Totally lightsaber proof.


    I myself am somewhat of a Fandalorian, and while I don't believe they are supermen, I loved every one of Traviss' novels, and wish GL hadn't ruined the Mandalorians in TCW. Additionally, the armor of Jango Fett was durasteel (not lightsaber proof), as versus beskar (lightsaber proof), and Windu sliced through the jumpsuit seal in between the helmet and the torso armor, which was naught but enhanced fabric, and while Fett's armor was not lightsaber proof, most of the TOR era Mandalorian armor was in fact, beskar, i.e. lightsaber proof. If you read the Legacy of the Force books, you would find that Boba later has some beskar armor made for him, as an upgrade over his father's durasteel, along with a special gorget piece, guarding the neck, to prevent decapitation.

  11. The cloaks didn't come in fashion yet. Remember this is thousands of years before. Think of how much fashion has changed since the 1980's. Give it time the new designers will come out with their fall product lines, debut them in Nar Shadda, and it will spread across the galaxy.


    Actually, as I recall, the Jedi Order has worn robes since its foundation. I believe I read somewhere that when the order was founded, robes like those worn by the Jedi were in fashion. The Jedi wore such robes to fit in, and it became a tradition. Additionally, if you look at the Jedi in the Decieved trailer, while the are wearing heavy armor underneath, because it is wartime, the do wear long brown cloaks similar in style to those of Obi-wan/Qui-gonn/Anakin/Most every Jedi shown in Episodes I-VI. So, yeah, the cloaks were in fashion way before TOR. As a matter of fact, if you look at this image: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/1/1b/Revan_Jedi_Council.jpg, which is from Revan's era, about 300 years before TOR, the masters are wearing robes that could have come straight out of Episode II.

  12. Current Residence: The Imperial Intelligence X-70B Phantom prototype Shadow


    Just a small item, you seem to have taken the name of my ship (which I forgot to italicize) as part of the ships name. I meant Shadow to be the ship's name. Just something I noticed, figured the chances of us having ships named the same thing were pretty thin. ;) Otherwise, good bio! He sounds like an interesting character.

  13. I don't think the clones had to be 'tricked' at all. The Jedi are terrible leaders. Since they're usually the focus of the story, it's easy to identify with them, but if you take a step back, you can see why the clones wouldn't be thrilled with them anyway.


    It's a modern military, yet the Jedi have them doing cavalry charges and running en masse at enemy emplacements. The Jedi go too... but the Jedi are nigh-invulnerable, able to sweet blaster fire aside and dodge with uncanny foresight. The clones they lead just get shot.


    In AotC, Mace Windu gets a squad of specially trained commandos. What does he do with them? Do they sneak around, and catch the enemy where they're not looking? Nope; he leads these stealthy demolition experts on a madcap charge to the front lines.


    The Jedi are endlessly confident and endlessly reckless. Yoda himself says as much. They answer not to the people of the Republic or any other authority, but instead to a mystical power beyond non-Jedi comprehension. Why should they get to throw people's lives away just because they can make rocks float in the air? Why should they be given command of armies when they have no experience or training in leading them?


    I agree with everything in this post! If you haven't, read all the Republic/Imperial Commando books by Karen Traviss. They are great reads, and really illustrate the plight of the clone spec forces, and give you a good point of view. This is why my sniper, while nearly all LS, takes DS to kill Sith, as often as he can. Some Jedi *Read: Bardan Jusik* are OK, but most of them are glory hounds. To quote Captain Ordo Skirata concerning Kenobi "Cody may think the sun shines out of his hear, but I think he's a glory hound who wastes to many men" (Not verbatim). The Jedi just need to get their heads out of their shebs and realize that they are leading a slave army. *End rant*

  14. *Format taken from the Community/RP thread Create a Character*

    Post your Agent's Intelligence Dossier. Feel free to use the same format, or a different one. RP stories also welcome. Here is mine:


    Imperial Agent

    Species/Race: Human


    Middle Name: None

    Last Name:

    Nickname: Cipher Nine, Nightshrike (callsign)

    Gender: Male

    Date of Birth: 13 BTC

    Place of Birth: Begeren

    Age: 21 (assuming the game starts in 8 ATC)

    Height: 6'2

    Weight: 190 lbs

    Hair Color/Style: Ashe blonde, cut short and neat

    Facial Appearance: A strong jaw with well-proportioned facial features and a light scar across his face from a vibroblade, a painful souvenir of the the harsh Academy training

    Eye Color: Steel grey

    Body Appearance: Tall, slender, and incredibly fit

    Home Planet: Begeren

    Current Residence: The Imperial Intelligence X-70B Phantom prototype Shadow

    Allegiance: The Empire, his crew (Kaliyo Djannis, Vector Hyllis, Dr. Eckhard Lokin, Ensign Raina Temple, SCORPIO)

    Profession: Imperial agent, sniper, technology and weapons specialist

    Armor/Clothes: Advanced light combat armor

    Primary Weapon(s): A custom-built sniper rifle

    Secondary Weapon(s): A custom-built electrified vibroblade, an assortment of grenades, corrosive darts, a portable shield generator, explosive charges, and an armory of probes

    Miscellaneous Item(s): Nothing more than he will need for his mission, barring items scavenged from his targets, and a significant stash of credits


    Biography: Born on Begeren in 13 BTC, he was orphaned at a young age. He lived on the streets until he turned eighteen, then enlisted in the Imperial Academy as soon as he could. He graduated top of his class, and joined Imperial Intelligence. He was soon dispatched to Hutta for a top-secret mission...


    Personality: Brave, and willing to fight for what he believes, yet quietly efficient, he has a strong sense of duty, and will always try to complete his mission to the letter, but will sacrifice this to do what he feels is right. Great personal discipline and a rigid sense of honor are both traits he respects in others and practices in himself, and these allow him to always make the morally right choice, not just the easy one. A fierce hatred of the Sith will cause him to deviate from his moral compass, though, and he will be often act openly defiant to his Sith superiors.

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