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Posts posted by -Steelight-

  1. Idk guys, I just broke out my vanguard for the first time since 2.0 and I gotta say...it looks like it's been nerfed more than any other class in 4.0. I mean even in PVE this thing takes FOREVER to kill an enemy. Now, it could also be that it's the only character I've played who's level hasn't had to be set back on Makeb yet. Fighting mobs even at 52 as opposed to being 56 the whole time. But even with my other characters at even levels (playing against 56 mobs on makeb and such) ,my other characters were ******. Even the op (which is noticeably weaker in DPS compared to 3.0) was flying through mobs in a way that is making my vanguard scratch his head. Could also be gear since it's pretty old. But so far I gotta say Vanguard is just.....WEAK!! I found this thread while looking for an explanation as to why vangaurds were so bad all of a sudden. So I'm surprised to see everyone saying how much they need to be nerfed.
  2. I am open to the idea that maybe I just suck balls at this game (this IS my first time playing an MMO). I was warned that Sentinel would be a rather hard class unless you were REALLY good at using it, and even then, it might be kinda underpowered, but I wanted 2 sabers. I coulda been a tank and made things easier but I like my 2 sabers :D And I understand that this is a class that, if you really master, it would be rather hard to take you down. My problem is, I must REALLY suck. I'm lvl 27 sent and I had a LOT of trouble taking down Valis (Kira's "bro") and on Tatooine, I can't even do the first mission cuz I keep dying and it's a 24-28 planet. If any of you who are GOOD with sentinels can help, I would much appreciate it. It's a little embarrassing to be lvl 27 and be too weak (after getting a bunch of datacrons) to do quests that you outlevel.
  3. I agree...I'm lvl 20 and ord mantell is a lvl 1-10 planet and I cant beat him even with T7. I'm a noob so i didn't know you could have kira jump in first cuz whenever i fight with kira, all the enemies target me, but when i fight with T7, everyone targets him. I'll try the thing with Kira but I agree, for a 1-10 lvl quest, this is awfully ridiculous.
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