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Posts posted by sfthirteen

  1. So, to get these very expensive additional rooms for places that won't get used very often, you have to spend a Very large amount of Credits, then go hunting for all the above listed items (some of which you can craft/get from crew missions, others you will have to buy someplace - GTN or Cartel comes to mind) to make 1 very time-consuming expensive item, THEN, do it two more times to repeat said very expensive and time consuming process...


    All for a bunch of pixels on a screen that represents something that really doesn't exist...and that no on in game will ever probably see, besides you.


    Beginning to think that Bioware is only in this for the money....Our Money...whether it is Real or game creds...


    But Hey...What do I know.


    If you want to get down to it, nothing you do in this game will ever matter, so why bother?

  2. Quinn is not necessary at all, and in fact I almost never use him. I've been steamrolling everything with Jaesa since about level 45, no problem. In fact, I find I have more survivability with her over Quinn. I have plenty of tools to keep myself alive, and having a ton more DPS is better in my eyes.
  3. I must be a troll as well. I'm a level 50 rep. and strictly out of revenge I'll take time to slow the over populated imperial questers down. I get into the Imps main cantina on Tatooine often. I prefer to do my companion quests, get those out of the way before I...




    If you changed your attitude and found like 3 other people to attack him you could: take him down, feel good, and save yourself the time it took to post it all here...


    The Imperials seem to like it, because they get to fight a level 50 and group together to succeed (which rarely happens but it does) and it shows Imps on Black Vulkars that we don't just roll over and take it.


    how in the hell do you get into the main imp cantina on tatooine?

  4. A flawless victory! Wow! You sure earned it for your team!


    Good job! You got more medals than me when using your biochem medpac gave you medals!


    Fact of the matter is, I showed more than one screenshot and doing anything less than 400k damage in a Huttball is unordinary and doesn't happen for me anymore.


    Your 180k damage didn't influence the game as much as me doing 500K + does, but nice try. Keep playing your useless MM spec and sitting in cover all game because you do absolutely nothing. Your 180k damage is **** and I do that in 5 mins


    Earning objective points in a game that is bugged and broken in the way it keeps track of it


    You clearly missed the part where he said he did that damage in 5min, too.

  5. I felt the way I hated Baras helped add to the storyline for me. All of these insanely dangerous missions he sent me on (namely Nomen Karr) where he knew I could likely get killed, made me understand more why my character started to dislike him, and it made me that much more satisfied when I found out



    that he turns on me and I get to kill him.



    From a story standpoint, Baras was done excellently. From an RP standpoint? I hate him so very much.


    Also, the fact that he has a mask like he does adds to the cold nature of his character. He shows no emotion except when he raises his voice. And even then, the only emotion he can show is just pure anger.

  6. marauder sucks... im starting to become totally disillusioned with the class. peopel say nah they're fine, l2p nub. whatever. this class is totally irrelevant. i called in sick today and now i feel like going into work.


    no, it's pretty much l2p. i've had zero problem with my marauder pre and post patch. ran a few warzones this morning, was top 3 in damage each match.

  7. I liked how much I hated the character.


    Like, the way they scripted him made me feel my character's hatred for him, and I really didn't enjoy him sending me on tasks that he either should have handled himself or warned me that I might nearly get killed (See: Nomen Karr fight). So, yes, I love the character. But I hate him so.

  8. I am an art major who has worked in the Advertising/Graphic Design industry as an Art Director for one of the largest advertising firms in the United States (for the past 25 years) ... video games are not art and will never be deemed "art." They're entertainment.


    Video games, such as this one, are based on Science Fiction or Fantasy. It isn't real. To put a real world spin on it is a farce.


    Blowing up an entire planet of people with a huge lazer in a movie didn't have you making posts about the immorality of murder, did it? So why do it here?


    Relax, it's not real. If you think it's too offensive, LEAVE.


    Storytelling, drawing/painting/illustrating of any sort, music. You would agree these are all art forms yes?


    Video games utilize all three of these. How you can say they aren't art is baffling.

  9. I never encountered any "sexual violence" or anything of the sort towards Vette at all. In fact, I wasn't given the option to flirt with her until my class quest on Tatooine. I didn't just "give her gifts until she married me", I leveled up her affection through conversation choices, mostly bilking people for credits. I don't know what game you played, but I was able to actually treat Vette with respect and still reach Dark V. And I never even shocked her but one time. I took the collar off the moment she asked me to.


    As was said, you're a Sith. You're supposed to be pure evil.

  10. There is no honor or skill in killing an opponent much lower in level than you. Those that do it should see a lot of negative things happening to them. A lost of status, increase to prices at the various vendors, if they continue loss of galatic market priviliges. Don't give me that crap about "hey this is a pvp server", of course it is and there is nothing wrong with PVP but slaughter of lower levels? There is no skill in that and only lazy cowards do it.


    Sanction those that kill lower levels.


    holy christ, is this a real post?

  11. Well, umm, leaving a turret open with no defense, makes no sense. All your effort elsewhere we be lost, when the 2-3 stealthies who are watching come in 15 seconds after you get out of range.


    If you have a decent player, one can hold long enough for help, but most times, 2 is needed to be safe. You should never leave a turret open with no defense, it will be gone within 15-30 seconds 99 percent of the time:).




    every time i think "nah, this turret is good" and go help at another, it gets lost within seconds of my leaving.

  12. Add a new loot rules option called "Auto Class".

    Ex. if there is only one agent in the group and cunning gear drops, he auto gets it.

    If there are 2 or more, it is auto rolled and the winner auto gets it.


    Players should have a game controlled option. That way you never have to put your trust in someone else to do the right thing.


    if i can swap out mods on something to give it stats my marauder can use, then i'll roll for it and do so. there is no "right thing," it's a god damn video game. you do whatever you feel like. in fact, next time someone complains, i'm going to say i'm just roleplaying my sith, so i'm being evil by taking everything.

  13. Dude... no...


    Well, I guess you can do whatever you want... but this is something that should be established before the run: Need for your character only. That's how most people roll anyway. Needing on things you can't use - yes, even for a comp - will get you kicked and ignored faster than a racial slur.


    Cake is a lie; there is only pie.


    i need for companions all the time and i've had no one complain

  14. I was halfway through Dark II when I fought Karr, and my only options were those same ones.



    Though, if you choose to turn her, she seems to turn a little too easy. She's basically just like "lol ok i'm sith". Then again I guess watching your trusted master turn into pure evil like that could have a rather jarring effect on you. idk, i still use vette or quinn 99% of the time


  15. When you find Vette's sister on Nar Shaddaa and she doesn't recognize her, and she says "Pay up front, no women, no couples"


    Your choices are something like


    1. Are you sure this is your sister?

    2. Look closer, I don't think you realize who you're talking to

    3. Wait, why no couples?


    I died when I read the third one.

  16. If I'm in a crappy game of huttball, I just help the other side win (knock opposing ball carrier towards goal, stand near goal line so they can force charge me to score, etc) so it ends quicker and I can get into a new one quicker. The only time I will quit is in a horrible Turret map where we're not controlling anything. Not worth hanging around to lose in that. Though I've still only done that once.
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