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Posts posted by lysiastrasza

  1. il add my voice to this. im at 14/12 and i really want 2 new PVP characters since i havent done PVP much below 50. likewise id be willing to pay a months sub to get the dang slots. this should be as big an option as say recustomization and renames. using STO for a reference, if you pay the zen, you only ahve liberal limits. i know a friend has 20 seperate captains, and theres only 3 'classes' on 2 factions there, no real advanced classes to double the numbers. id even be willing to pay for the 2 slots im over on in order to gain the ability to buy more. 16 really should be possible, i mean evne jsut aesthetically having a half full second page seems incomplete XD

    im willing, begrudgingly, to wait til cathar patch, but yea. please bioware.

  2. What I would like is to see more of these implemented as _Crafter Only_ patterns. Allow crafters to create 'AdaptiveGear' of these types, and make the patterns etc rare drops/awards.


    In this way we can add more of this diversity but we also give crafters more demand for their goods.


    Making everything purchasable through in game merchants just marginalises folks who spend the time to craft.


    well another option that the money gougers might like, is instituting some of these patterns through microtransactions once f2p goes live (where i hope il have extra character slots options as well to transfer a few alts off that dead server...) but at least that way, your still getting your crafter moneymaker and the microtransactions might put a little incentive in developers hands for "what do we get out of our hard work" element. just a little twist to throw out there.


    also those asking for the assassins creed.... i mean toth set, keep at it. thana vesh, CEDF, satele shan, and toth variant outfits are my top 4 id say (not in any particular order)

  3. Agent Style Outfits


    No other class got screwed as much as the agent. The absolute best armor is on some NPC's in the VIP room. The headpieces are classic agent and the rest of the suit screams infiltration team. This needs to be in game, I'd even make an agent to use it.

    Front: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/4848/agentej.png

    Alternate chest piece: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5702/agent2.png


    Flaz'arrir – Scavenging Trainer



    ok. let me say two things myself. first, a clarification on the outfits above. as a chiss fan, i instantly recognise these, the same model as temples starter outfit in agent storyline, they are acctually the CEDF gear, AKA chiss expiditonary defense force. while not cannon for anyone to wear that isnt chiss or affiliated wiht the chiss military directly, we'r not worried about that are we? id absolutly love to have my chiss agent in this outfit (or a blue variant close to her skintone wink wink).

    second, THANA VESH!!!! i've seen that outfit on like 4 npc's including her in different color variations throughout warr line, and im not even level 32. i really really want it for mine but *shrugs* definitly want to endorse the Thana Vesh request.

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