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Posts posted by Dregamoore

  1. 8 week content cadence? pretty sure you guys have said in the past 6 weeks, why the sudden change?


    because they are lazy and gotta make sure thye take as much of the old gear and re color it as much as possible for release in the CM

  2. yeah, cause gamers should just get to play anything and everything a company produces for nothing.


    im not saying that what im saying is dont try and tkae more and more and more money but give us little to nothing back ur already taking my sub money what else do u need

  3. Okay, now THAT is a legitimate concern in my opinion and one that I can agree with and get behind. Subscribers should not have to also pay for certain thing on the CM. Part of the perks of having a subscription is that we get for free what free players have to pay for.


    but to Ea-ware think about that or care hellllll no. look at their tech support any of them ppl u talk to over the phone are will gladly help u cancel your sub and not even think about y you are complaining

  4. i dont understand the point of credits anymore either considering repair bill atleast for my tnak are minimal and buying the odd piece of crap off the gtn that some poor sucker used his rl money on to buy some usless junk off the cartel market only to have his cargo pays completely flooded with garbage they will never beable to sell on the gtn
  5. He was quick to point out that they added 2million new accounts. "ACCOUNTS." Not subscriptions. So, he said that the game is being flooded by people who didn't buy the game. Meaning, BW now has to focus on ways to drain money from these people. Meaning, their focus will be on the cash shop.


    Plus, he politically avoided the fact that they are still hemorrhaging subscriptions. They don't care about keeping people who are willing/able to support the game.


    This is pathetic. Just more empty, hollow lies. Sure, add more vanity crap. When the hell are you going to fix your 2359834759843572934857294357103495834957948375234958723984572384576234857234 bugs?


    and i agreee with u and 2 mill account my butt thats a friggin stretch and a half

  6. my thought is too y have the legacy race unlock if now i just buy a race change on my lvl 50 and have it unlock that way then buy another race change and unlock it agian that way. all u need would be 2 toon one rep one sith and a few bucks on ur credit card to spend on bouncing races on and off an then there u go alll legacy races are unlocked liek ***??!?!
  7. and ya if the ilum event was their be all end all plan to restructure world pvp they sucked hard at it. once ppl pulled their head outta there butt and started waiting there turn pvp stopped in ilum hell after the event was gone before it came back NO BODY WAS EVEN THERE.
  8. personally i see no benefit in being a sub when i just unlock my main toon and my main alt grind dailys and buy my self a weekly op pass. question to the dev and ea, Y DO U THINK U DESERVE MY MONTHLY SUB. id love to read a reply beside our community our team is working hard. cuz those to me arent answers.
  9. Most MMO's I know of require you to spend real cash to make changes to your character (IE: Barbershop)... So nothing new here... I do agree that sub's shouldn't have to purchase the Cathar race.... If Bioware wants to keep there bread and butter customers happy they would show some appreciation for paying subscribers and give us the cathar race as part of our subscription


    your kididng right... wat mmo do you play the required u to spend rl cash on changing ur damn hair at the barber???? shoulda played WoW buddy

  10. Not to mention you guys are putting in allll this small lil fluff crap to keep ppl distracted that you guys havent put any new content in in month besides a half assed event that god know y u took it away for a couple weeks just to bring it back exactly the same (herp derp) and then you are expecting this expansion to save the player base with 1 planet and 5 new level + a crap ton more of cartel bs . Im very angry with how this is being conducted that speeder in teh cartel market yea the racer?!?! y wasnt that purchaseable on tattooine jesus at least you coulda done was realease a section on tat where you could race against ppl in pod races earing new racers but noooooooo lets put more dumb crap in the cartel maket screw content and subs we are just going to milk the crap out ppl until we shut the damn game down. or even server transforms now thats something i would actually use cartel coins for. and how friging long ive been waiting for a pvp to pve transfer is just a joke. hell where is the space pvp our starships are rendered as totally useless with the priority transports like common im sick of ea and these half assed devs. i could probably craft a better game in unity 3d
  11. I personally think this is an absolute joke. Things like a barber shop you have to use cartel coins for?????!??!?! are you kidding me. If i knew that this game was going to take this path with the cartel market and favor those who drop tons and tons of their hard earned real life money into the cartel market while subscribers like me get short handed with gear, and aesthetics I wouldnt have stayed this long. Everything I have seen since the cartel market went live was a major decline in tech support and a huge favoritism with F2p Players. For crying out loud half the crap in the market should have been in the game from day one and sadly I remeber the posts talkign about how jedi wont be able to wear sith gear and because you guys loose players thats all ok but u gotta get it through the cartel market like ***?!?! At least show some respect for ppl who are paying month subs and atelast give us a friggen discount on the cartel market. I dont even wanna get started on how B.S. it is that you guys said the cathar would be free for subs and now that along with a barbershop has to be bought through cartel like commmon stop being so damn money hungry and throw some new stuff out there specific for subs and make half the crap or even more in the cartel market purchase able with credits.

    This games is slowly becoming a money hungry typical EA joke. ESO.... bioware good luck your going to have some competition.

  12. So I have to admit, this games customer service sucks. I've read over and over again on these forums and other online sources as well as speaking to people in game about getting server transfers from pvp to pve or vice versa. However when I make an attempt (being and early access member) to switch my pvp 50 sith to my pve sever because it is hindering my game play experience I am told to write and in game ticket (called customer service), where I recieve over and over again the same copy/paste msg about no server transfers are offered at this time. Although multiple sources confirm they have and still are receiving these types of transfer I am not.

    My complaint is that as a sub or even early access member I feel we are being treated unfairly. Customer support is lacking and we don't get the services or support required, in game support is almost near useless, and all our money for sub hasn't made it seem that we are considered or important at all to the community, especially since free to play.

    Id also like to add that it is a shame how good the game is and how poorly it is doing due to minor faults such as this one and so much so that if no corrected there are MANY OTHER MMO's on the market that offer free server transfers once a week (GW2) or even paid server transfer options (WOW/GW2) at any time in game. Although I don't agree with early access members having to pay a fee due to all the bs of server merges and consolidation and dead servers at launch I cant help but think of the many other MMO's that are taking care of the customers, unlike this company.


    People of the forums voice your opinions and get this bs out there

  13. The most recent patch 1.3, although with its kinks has still been an awesome release thus far. As new feature join the game, like a G.F. and free server transfer, a player has but to wonder what's next for this gigantic galaxy. Well also always I'am here to put in my two cents.


    Ive been talking to quite a few people lately on the server, Droogas Pleasure Barge asking what they would like to see in the comes patches of SWTOR and here are some of the responses I have gotten:


    1) pod racing minigames to challenge and race your friends, daily rewards or pod racer upgrades can be won here

    2) space combat is free roam, not bound to a pre-set track,

    3) space combat pvp, this would be a great feature and a fun way to shake up the current wz formula.

    4) freem roam the different regions of the galaxy map in your starship

    5) animals mounts, some dedicated only on use for certain planets, other can but used on every planet (taun taun <3)

    6) number six is just a smash with list of mine, If implementing animal mounts or keep current vehicle mounts. It would be refreshing to see flying mounts (or speeders that can fly like in the movies) but with the ability to pvp on the mount while planet side, if flagged or on a pvp server. This approach could eliminate the downwards climb of world pvp due to flying mounts. I've heard alot of players dislike this idea because the response about datacrons is that there would be easy to collect, but if your like me and collected all of them you know that a flying mount isnt always going to help you for the most part.


    Long story short. This is just a short list of items that players on the server Droogas Pleasure Barge would like to see. Please leave helpful/nice comments below and support this article.. maybe the devs will see :cool:

  14. So as of late, BW has introuduced free character transfer over to selected servers which in my opinion was fantastic, really easy to use and very fast. Although im happy to have my lvl 50 and new toons all on my new destination PVE server I would really enjoy bringing my 50 sith assassin that is on dark malak(PVP) to the pleasure barge(PVE). As of late I've had a fear though, my fear is that my PVP server ( darth malak) maybe shutdown by the time I get my 50 off to a PVE server an that I will end up loosing all my stuff. The second fear I have is that PVP to PVE transfers will not be coming to SWTOR, which is a shame because it would really help my legacy and keep me coming back for new alts.


  15. ok so ill make this short and sweet... im mad, very very mad. if f2p comes to tor i will hands down leave an go back to playing WoW. I have been a dedicated player/subscriber since before launch, and wht will the players get in return for sinking all of our money into this game... not a thing. i promise the devs that i will take myself an my whole guild back to WoW and pay for their 100+ dollars in software just to play a paid for game.

    bioware, here is a tip. get off your asses, stop being lazy, stop whining u have a job to do and content to provide us and do your jobs. if the community wasnt being dicked around for months with promises of this an that which never happend we wouldnt be ************.. get to work or i predict this game will go down fast.. f2p or not

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