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Posts posted by Luhrsen

  1. I picked Dorne because I wanted an intelligent by-the-book officer as my second in command . That way I always know what orders are being given when I'm not around rather than having a nasty suprise because Jorgan got too emotional about something. Also I come off as the good guy whenever I excuse someone for an infraction. So does Jorgan for that matter. He can use his superior combat experience as my sergeant leading the troops.

    And he get's promoted again by the end of the game anyway.

  2. You can't choose this over Galaxies... Galaxies no longer exists... it stopped existing when TOR came into being. xP And it hasn't been a full year... besides... they're working on new content now... an "expansion" of sorts which MAY or MAY NOT include SGRAs....


    I meant that I didn't have any interest in Galaxies when it existed because it was just another MMO with a StarWars skin on it. The multiple story feature in SWtOR was the only thing that got me back into playing an MMO at all. But cutting the SGRAs and leaving most of the companion missions as mere FTB scenes makes me think they had little intention of making the game they promised and just wanted some "easy" WOW money and just tacked on some story to dazzle people who didn't know any better. Though I still hope eventually they decide to turn things back around. Despite months of promises of new story expansion the only thing appearing in updates is multiplayer balance. And I have zero interest in competitive multiplayer. And then there's EAs promise that they won't be making any more single player only games ever.

  3. Well that's enough for me. A year past and nothing has been done yet so I've gotta unsub. It just costs too much when I'm not even playing for lack of interest as far as the romances go. The story is the whole reason I joined this one over Galaxies but the missing choices just grate on me whenever I try to play. Maybe I'll come back if they fix it after all like they promised so long ago. And I have a few days left to just watch and see before I go somewhere else for my entertainment.
  4. When you say that the conversations MUST be different based on gender I'd like to ask for more specifics. For example, having Mako change her comments to call a female bounty hunter 'soft and feminine' instead of 'tough and manly' wouldn't necessarily work for my heavily tattooed and pierced amazon Rattataki. Just the fact of being able to customize your PC messes up most of the changes you might make.
  5. Romance should start at 5k. "Marriage" should be at 8 or 9. I got it done too quick. :p


    You can only get her customization from the security key vendor, but if you have that you can get it any time you can fly to another planet. I've gone to get customizations as soon as I got a new companion even if they were on later planets often.

  6. I think Vette would be a great match for a nice lady Warrior, even more than LS Jaesa, because the latter has the Master/Aprentice thing and that could weird things out a bit, for me at least.

    But, whatever current companion gets to be available for SGRs, I would prefer no "come outs" of any kind, no explanations or anything. It just happens. Period.


    I prefer this. Like Silk Fox in JE said, "I've never felt this way about any man or woman". Choosing instead to make a distinction only makes it seem like there is something wrong or abnormal with those feelings.

  7. Interestingly there IS a race based comment

    on the empire side Revan quest where you can tell HK if you aren't pureblood that you aren't on his target list.



    Similarly I found one single comment in the Trooper starting area about my trooper being a cyborg. But nowhere else throughout the game.

  8. There's a difference between Jack and Tali. Jack says flat out she's not interested in switching teams. Tali's conversation abruptly cuts off right where the romance starts without any explanation.


    Sure anybody can be anything but some of us would like to know rather than making these random guesses based on snippets of conversation. :)


    Edit: Though that can be a lot of fun as well. :p

  9. I'm having this same problem. Sad that it hasn't been fixed this much later. :(


    Having a problem with the Trooper class quest 'Inconpicuous Valor'. I reset the mission in the middle and when I came back to try it again the optional mission to plant explosives as a distraction failed to load. However I still recieved the explosives in my mission items and simply can't use them. This is the second time I have submitted this ticket. The first ticket was deleted from my ticket cue without warning or comment.

  10. Well said Nozy. Exactly how I feel about it.


    Edit: Just to add, some people have said they need to change things like a male accidently being called beautiful or a female being called handsome. But it's not all that strange. Especially for an effete male consular or a burly female bounty hunter.

  11. While it's nice that we finally got some kind of official response it didn't actually give us much to work with. The timeline helps, but the how wasn't really covered any more than the old info we had. So I guess we just keep going the same way we have except for wondering when? Continuing to not play classes until we know how they are affected or even unsubscribing rather than pay for the rest of the year that we won't be using?


    Also a fun video for people who support SGRA's in games. :)

  12. Make Mako, Kira, Dorne, Ashara (because Togruta are cool), and Vette and/or Jaesa SGR options and you've got me for life. :D I'd say Kaliyo, but isn't that a little obvious? :eek:


    Kaliyo is obvious. Unfortunately if they end up only making one female SGRA per class she'll get it even though I don't like her as a person so much. Which means no Temple love. :(

  13. I don't know any of the Sith Warrior's companions besides Vette very well, but I can see it being no big deal to her. She's been around a lot, so it probably wouldn't be the same SGR she's seen. Though it would be hysterical if a female SW and Jaesa approached Vette for... no, no, the game's rated Teen... :p


    My understanding is that you can get a scene with Jaesa saying she's okay with that plan and Vette oppting out for some reason. :( Maybe as a consequence of actually following through with s/s suggestions not being possible currently.



    Also Khem could be interesting.

    Since Khem can end up being either male or female in mind and you happen to have found a michine that reforms bodies from the ground up. :eek: Zash could be back to form easily and a romance for both genders.


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