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Posts posted by Onyxus

  1. Take out this game's story and it doesn't have much else to go on compared to other mmos, it's the only thing that keeps it distinctively different, it's going to be the main focus point when this game is advertised.


    I don't understand the way you say it's scripted... of course it is? that's like saying whats the point in playing call of duty's campaign if its scripted? or why play any games campaign/storyline for that matter. It doesn't matter how much diversion there is as it's all still scripted, laid out for you to follow that path.


    " Romancing an NPC? I'm sorry, but there is something very weird about that. If it's a loneliness issue, it's time to get out of the house."


    It depends how you play your character, I don't tend to create characters based on "myself" but what I would like a sith warrior or whatever to be like.

  2. Trying to kill these guys for the achievement but I'm having trouble remembering/finding where abouts they could be, does anyone know? The Thul's are much easier to find there are loads of them. House Organa has like 3 so it's not worth it and the outpost west of house Alde had a load of Stong droids but they don't count towards the achievement.... typical
  3. They don't work anymore, 8 man explosive conflict or 16 man explosive conflict SM


    Neither does EV NiM 8 man, which I actually had 100% before 2.4 but now all of a sudden apparently I never killed the last 3 bosses (which are the ones that don't work) whats the point in dong these achievements if bioware is just going to go "no sorry you can't have those ones anymore" and delete the record of you achieving them?

  4. Just wondering, I tried black talon a while back as a sith warrior dps but I failed to kill commander ghulil


    I'm currently a juggernaut tank spec in full black market with blue augments, might try it out again later (I usually dps but for faster queue times re-spec tank)


    If you have, do you have any tips? I did battle of ilum a while back with a PT tank who had 40k hp and his HK comp has around 32k, he was obviously there for the achievements. We were doing it with just us 2 (my agent) and to be fair he could of easily soloed that!

  5. lol.... now i get kicked for being a "ninja" for needing on willpower items with my Sith inquisitor which are apparently "healer bracers" (because it had a power stat and not a crit stat) when mine were level 49 greens >.>
  6. I beg to differ... I just went there and there is 4 people on server (1) and 6 on server (2)


    + people with aoe abilities can pretty much guarantee the kill is going to be theirs.


    Things seem to catch on quickly :/

  7. Damn I want that speeder xD


    My guess is that it's either a very rare drop from the new daily area, or a drop from the two new flashpoints in HM?


    If it's not on the vendor that's the only thing I can think of


    It has to be related to the daily area if you require friend standing with them surely?

  8. I think some people do it purely to piss others off


    Just did Athiss hardmode as a DPS Spec jugg and the last boss dropped assassin tank chest piece (69) which the tank obv needed and the retarded merc healer who shouted at him for wiping us once needed it


    Mercs don't have any companions that use willpower

    Nor can they use the enhancement cause they don't tank themselves



  9. I know how you feel, Me and a friend queued together (me on my dps alt him on his healer) and we got battle of ilum and this tank skipped every single boss even ones I didn't think you could skip


    We only did the last boss and the one just before the end.


    So we queued again and got him AGAIN! was so annoyed we just kicked him and I logged on my tank


    We asked him politely if he would at least do the bosses and his immediate reply was "you wanna find another tank? go for it"


    I always do all the bosses related to achievements when tanking, and if people politely ask to do additional ones then sure why not

  10. I live in the south of England and I have a very similar accent to that of the Imperials in the game (it's called Received Pronunciation) so do most of the people I know who live in this area.


    It's funny when you go on holiday because you have that very stereotypical British accent... the amount of times me and my friends got asked if we like tea :p

  11. I do agree that Cipher 9 is indeed worthy of a nomination but we should only base their argument on the IA storyline.


    I don't think it's fair to include general side quests i.e planet storylines from the game as every class has the ability to be able to complete them. But I'm sure you guys wouldn't consider these anyway.

  12. "Defeating a Killik on Alderaan now appropriately grants a Species Codex entry."


    Just killed the first Killik I saw and got this, you can remove it from the list :D


    "Republic players are now able to find a Lore Object granting the Codex entry "Caught Between Two Foes."


    I haven't found this yet but apparently it has been fixed, anyone confirm?

  13. I like the idea but it would persuade too many people to actually do this and pvp will suck as a result...


    + people who do it will be disappointed that the achievement will most likely will not even unlock like many of the others don't

  14. Does General Grievous count? I think he should be considered for somewhere in the list


    Responsible for killing many force users, but obviously did not have such an ability himself



    1. was appointed Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems

    2. he became a demigod among his people (before the transformation of course)

    3. Gained a reputation of a very skilled duelist

    4. The republic holonet nicknamed him "The Knight Slayer"

    5. Learned all 7 classic forms of the Jedi arts

    6. Gained 6 separatist victories within a month - The battle of Anoth, Bakura, captured critical hyperlane routes running to Bespin, Kessel and Mon Calamari. The final one was "had his battle droid forces on Ord Mantell raze an entire civilian township to divert Republic troops and allow himself to escape" Not sure if this is a strategic victory for the CIS or just for himself. - I think this shows that he was worthy of his title of supreme commander, as it shows he has good strategic skill


    However, I've heard that the new animated series portrays him as weak and incompetent (I haven't seen it, can anyone confirm?)

  15. I just hate stuns.....


    Was playing ancient hypergate, and was the only one defending the pylon


    some stealth class stuns me and starts capturing the pylon, I used Tenacity to get out of the stun then i was stunned again???? ***??? then they just captured it, put stealth back on and ****ed off!


    That is ridiculous imo


    ok you could have 2 defending the pylon... but what then? what if there's 2 stun happy classes taking the pylon? your still screwed

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