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Posts posted by PartVI

  1. Also, for the majority of people, this will work. Pick something up on your desk. Your drink, your mouse, a pen. I don't care. Just do that.



    See what you did? You used your dominant hand, be it right or left. (Exceptions happen, don't care, moving on.)


    Something like that will happen in a stressful situation almost every time, say, when you're fighting for your life with two lightsabers or weapons of any kind. You'll be swinging and fighting your butt off with your good hand while the other one will be there, getting in your way and possibly cutting parts of your body off.


    Some people are athletic enough or, better, trained enough to pull off the use of two melee weapons. It takes years, it's never easy and it's not necessarily practical for many of the reasons highlighted earlier.


    Because I know shooting, I'll go with this. A typical grip on a semiautomatic pistol will have your dominant hand around the grip, index finger ready along the trigger guard and your thumb parallel to the slide, within reach of the magazine release and slide catch/safety levers. Your off hand will be wrapped around the middle, index and ring fingers of your dominant hand with thumbs laying against one another, pointing forward. With your main hand you push out, with your off you pull back, creating a lock of sorts. When it comes time to reload, you can then remove your offhand, grab a magazine, simultaneously hit the magazine release, snap new magazine into place, release the slide and re-engage.


    The weapon was designed for that kind of use. Not to be held akimbo while you shoot wildly and awkwardly while also having hot shell casings hit you in the face because the weapon was designed to be held in your PRIMARY HAND so it could eject shells away from you. All of this potentially applies to melee weapons as well. Grip, on switches, etc.



    Shooting two pistols eliminates all of those benefits, gives you one more thing for your stressed out brain to keep track of(forget) and makes it stupidly complicated to try and reload.


    Fighting (properly) with a weapon is hard enough, much less two of them. Not that I don't think it looks neat as hell too.

  2. You people sure cry alot about how ****** Jedi and whatnot are. I seem to recall the Jedi and associated force sensitives being SLAUGHTERED TO A MAN in some movie.


    Oh right. Episode III. Unstoppable ministers of death? It's called plot armor, scrubs. If you, as an author, wrote a story and killed your characters every time they went against even remotely lopsided odds you'd be writing very short, very disjointed stories.


    So the author or whatever wants to have a Jedi fight off a small army of troopers and starships. For f's sake if you don't like it move on. Watch a sitcom if you can't handle so-called powerlevels and abilities that make you far more powerful than the average jerksauce guy with stormtrooper armor and a blaster.


    And yes, every dog has his day. Totally agree with that statement. Even the best, brightest and most ****** make mistakes.


    Further, to the first point I made, maybe they're some crazy ninjas with super powers and laser swords but they got played HARD. Force powers can't be all that great if they couldn't see those blaster bolts coming at their backs.

  3. I think you're blowing it way out of proportion. Yes, it's a kid's show. That it comes across as silly and nonsensical to you is evidence that you're capable of critical thought, but, you're better off using your energy elsewhere. To wit, you're completely forgetting that there are nearly as many scenes of the silly, goofy battle droids shooting and killing people. Mostly clones, but you get the point I hope.


    I like the show for what it portrays, honestly. It provides good, if juvenile, entertainment for anyone who watches it and is probably meant to be watched as a family unit. Else there wouldn't be the scenes with politics and intrigue that so closely mirror that of a society that's been fighting a war for as long as the target audience has been alive. It provokes thought, makes kids ask questions and draw parallels.


    As to the main characters being 'OP', please. Most of the characters have to survive long enough for Order 66. Even if so many of their clones don't.


    Again, it's a kid's show. You're overthinking things and making yourself come across as a purist nerd. Don't be that guy.

  4. Anakin's fall isn't believable. It's sloppy, riddled with holes that two TV series, countless books and comics and THREE MOVIES couldn't cover right.


    Sentient beings don't work like this. They can't be tempted by the promise of power if the only requirement is senseless killing. Especially children. For something like this, you pay with your soul and nothing else. It's an evil enough closer. Murdering kids is too far over the top, Anakin should have realized what he was getting into at that point.


    That he didn't is a sign of serious mental illness. This is not something that switches on. These have symptoms. They onset gradually. Being a prominent military figure wielding more power than all but like 50-100 beings in the known universe would kind of require people to have a mental profile on you and, frankly, if a jedi head doctor couldn't figure out this kid's issues they deserved to get stamped out anyway.


    Both points lead to the same conclusion: The scene of his final fall was meaningless - it's senselessness utterly failing to evoke any sympathy from me, Order 66 was an eyerollingly corny murder **** montage and Lucas went too far trying to create a shock reaction by depicting his best known character murdering helpless children.


    Lots of fail all around folks. If you don't agree, well, Lucas wouldn't be swimming in a pool full of benjamins if not for you right?

  5. I'll weigh in on the Rift launch. Went great, not a whole lot of trouble though MAN the rush was crazy. You couldn't kill quest mobs to save your life!


    I was there with WoW as well. Don't remember it nearly as much but I don't recall it being bad. But PVP balance was horrific back then. (Still isn't great now!)


    In all seriousness though, the only problem Rift suffered at first was a lack of end game content. I'm not playing it anymore, though as a whole it's a far better game than WoW.


    If EA/Bio stay on top of things they could make this game better than WoW as well. Maybe not bigger but honestly, who wants the rabid WoW crowd around anyway? =P

  6. I agree. Allow addons, what's it going to hurt?


    Are you embarrassed that someone will see that you're pulling crap damage numbers and -might- suggest options to you for correcting the problem?


    Are you scared of an addon that helps you keep track of enemy cooldowns, your own cooldowns and whether or not something is targeting you?


    UI customization aside, the addons that really seem to make people mad help a group or raid to find things that are wrong. It simplifies the learning process and throttles back on sensory overload. Dudes driving race cars at 200 mph have to keep track of less crap than some classes during a boss fight. Complicated priority-based dps rotation going good? Cooldowns cycling? Are you in range of the boss? Do you need to CC something? Are you standing in fire? Is the boss about to make fire? Is he about to spawn adds?


    An addon even marginally reducing that sensory input or at least condensing it somehow is just fantastic. See you haters burning under a rocket exhaust nozzle. :p

  7. Of course, the most important reason technology is so similar in the TOR era is so it can still feel like Star Wars to the fans.


    This I agree with. However, technology is sort of an accelerating thing and I believe it will go far beyond, with us at least, than what just about anyone can imagine. Think of the theory of a technological singularity. Where we, as a species, use our technology as a ramp up to our next evolutionary phase. Obviously hasn't happened yet in the Star Wars universe, despite huge periods of time with high technology being fairly commonplace.



    As an example of the possible progression of technology is the Kardashev Scale. It speculates on the scale of power production/consumption by a civilization.


    We're maybe a few hundred years from a Type I, which is using widespread hydrogen fusion to power itself, possibly antimatter-matter annihilation and the possibility of faster than light travel on it's way to Type II. Also note, assimilation into a possible technological singularity would be well underway.


    A Type II would be able to harness the power of its entire sun, possibly 2,000-10,000 years in the future and with work in progress to harness other nearby stars in the same way.


    A Type III civilization would literally be able to harness the output of an entire galaxy in anywhere from 100,000 to a few million years in the future. It would regard even the entire population of the Star Wars galaxy in much the way we might regard our hands right before washing them. And scour it of life as easily as we might clean the dirt from our fingers - without an iota of effort and even less thought.


    That's how much technology can change. But, that stuff only works for actual science fiction and it's more or less agreed that Star Wars isn't -really- science fiction.


    Doesn't change the fact that people are going to continue complaining despite every possible argument to the contrary. :p

  8. I don't see why not. Plenty of evil Jedi use their normal colored lightsabers (blue, green) while doing all kinds of awful things to people.


    As formal sith it may be looked down upon but honestly I just think it's the availability and the source for the particular colors that decide what's used. That and red looks menacing? Anyway.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think red are artificially made crystals but the blues and greens are naturally cultivated somewhere.


    Yellow, orange, purple and whatnot... no clue. Probably artificial.

  9. The OT had a "more light-hearted feel" than the PT films? Episode I "felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for."? Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but I'm wondering now if yours is based on actually having *seen* these films?


    Hey man, roasted corpses, murder and doomsday weapons killing billions of people is lighthearted fun if you're EVIL. =D =D =D

  10. On the 'wiki' isn't the movies or anything. Hyperdrives are plot devices that conveniently put you where you need to be and break down when you need to stay there.


    If it's never demonstrated that they do anything else but that, saying they've improved is just... I digress.


    What people mean is that the technology isn't visibly, appreciably better. There's still huge battleships that can fight an entire planet by itself, ultra convenient instantaneous space travel, communication anywhere in the galaxy and light swords that can cut through anything.


    Maybe it's listed as 'better' in a technical manual or some character makes an offhanded comment to that effect but it all boils down to the portrayal of the technology. Which has been essentially the same every time it's been put to film, paper or a graphics engine.


    In contrast, the real world has seen in roughly a century of progress, a transition from horse drawn vehicles to internal combustion engines and numerous other even more advanced methods of locomotion, computers that have shrunk in size from hundreds of tons to mere ounces with almost incomprehensible leaps in processing power and communications that started with hand carried messages or primitive visual signals to wireless communications that can put you in touch with an individual on the other side of the planet nearly instantly without a single wire between you.


    So understandably, people's perception of the growth of technology is somewhat dilated. We expect more to have happened in this universe in SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS.


    To wit, the complaint stands. Get used to it.

  11. Ok, how come everyone hates the prequals? Everywhere I go you someone saying the same thing. Heck, if you went to Celebration VI you'd see people outside of the convention center with signs yelling "JOIN THE DARKSIDE, HATE THE PREQUALS, HATE THE PREQUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with them. I like both the prequals and the original trilogy. I don't think they are corny (ok, maybe a few very small spots), I don't think it was bad acting, and I loved the characters (except Jar Jar)!


    So, to get to the point, what is wrong with the prequals?


    THEY'RE TERRIBLE. In fact, nothing isn't wrong with the prequels. /thread

  12. Yeah, but... You didn't really make any argument that the technology has improved. Whatsoever.


    So I'd say the argument still stands that technology hasn't changed much at all. Unless you consider bigger ships a technological advancement? Even though bigger is almost always never better for military purposes.

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