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Posts posted by TheLightningLord

  1. Its funny WoW never even had 500,000 at launch and swtor still has over a million, in 7 years time who knows what the player base will be.


    I the end having 1.3 million players is nothing to be ashamed of. The MMO market is so flooded now that its really quite remarkable.



    Also I will take a 400k loss to the 2 million loss WoW had in less than 5 months.


    The difference is that WoW continued to get better and better after release, that's why it grew exponentially. SWTOR has steadily continued to get WORSE, hence why they are bleeding subscriptions.


    And having 1.3 million subscriptions when your competition consists of an 8 year old game that people are tired of (WoW) and a niche game that not many people enjoyed (RIFT) is not remarkable. Watch that number plummet now that GW2, Terra, and D3 are arriving. Not to mention Mists of Pandaria, which people will play even though they say that they won't.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! Oh TheLightningLord you are such a loser. Do you have a bunch of time to troll the forums of a game you haven't played in a month? It sure is entertaining and hilarious to see how other players rant about quitting or having quit and seeing them around these forums. It's so SAD to see how you are handling your troll addiction. You should probably just plan to play another game too, since you can't seem to stop yourself from coming back here.




    You mad? Because I obviously upset you enough to warrant a response, so I have succeeded. You've done nothing but make me laugh. Please, by all means continue.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bioware you are so incompetent. Do you have a bunch of monkeys working on this game? I haven't played in over a month, but it sure is entertaining and hilarious to see how BAD you are at handling this "MMO." You should probably just plan on down time for Thursday too, since the patch tomorrow to "fix" this issue will undoubtedly break something else.
  4. Let's not forget all of the people who re-subscribed for Rated Warzones in 1.2. Assuming they subscribed three days before 1.2 when the patch was announced, as many did, their subscriptions have yet to expire. Any way you look at it... there are a LOT of people who are currently subscribed to this game for whatever reason and are not playing it. The servers reflect this. In the past two weeks, The Fatman has dropped from Full to Very Heavy in prime time. There may be 1.3 million people subscribed to SWTOR, but there is no way all of those 1.3 million people are still playing.
  5. Some people's free 30 days won't kick in YET because they are still subscribed.


    E.g., some people's sub end in May like mine, and the free 30 days will only kick in after May. So the free 30 days has no effect on the overall 1.3 million because I am still subbed anyway.


    The only way it would "deviously inflate" sub numbers is if people's subscriptions end on the 25th to 30th April, because the free 30 days are given on the 24th April. Accounts that are inactive before 24th April, are not given free 30 days.


    Not to mention some people complained that they remained subbed since the beginning, yet could not reach level 50 or reach legacy level 6, forcing Bioware to expand the promotion. This shows that the free 30 days are given as appreciation and not as desperate tactics. Otherwise Bioware would give even inactive accounts the free 30 days to inflate them.


    It is safe to assume that the free 30 days have minor effect on the 1.3 million and the huge majority of the 1.3 million are people who would still remain subbed anyway, with or without the free 30 days.


    Consider yourself /educated.


    Someone has 5 days left on their account, but hasn't played in 20 days. They have a lv.50, and therefore receive the free month even though they will never use it. They are counted as a subscriber. This was the case with many people. I fail to see how this is not inflating subscription numbers, knowing that these reports were coming up this month.

  6. That may depend on if they had an active paid subscription when they got the 30 days or not.


    The count BW had used was always a paid subscription, not a trial.


    You had to have an active paid subscription in order to get the free 30 days. Bioware, if nothing else, is good at coming up with clever ways to pad their subscriptions and hide what's really going on.

  7. I still have 6 days left on my subscription. I have not played the game in a month or more. I am not alone, many people I know bought 3 month or 6 month subscriptions... and even more subscribed for 1.2 hoping there would be Rated Warzones. If it were not for that particular Bait and Switch, the numbers would be even lower. I guarantee it.
  8. So if this game shut down tomorrow, all of you guys would cheer?


    You'd be happy that the current subscribers, and people who enjoy the game, have had their MMO taken away?




    Honestly? Yeah, I'd be happy. I'd love to see this game sacrificed as an example to developers everywhere that you can't take a popular IP, throw a bunch of money at it, and expect people to pay for your crap. This game is mediocre at best. Bioware had this game handed to them on a silver spoon, so many people love Star Wars. The fact that they screwed it up so badly points to their incompetence. The industry needs to be sent a message, otherwise the trend of the last 8 years will continue. Mediocre, half-assed MMO's rising and falling in less than a year.


    But this game won't shut down tomorrow. It will limp along, just look at Warhammer. And yes, this game is Warhammer all over again. Believe me, I was there.

  9. Ok? thanks for saying what I just said, lol


    And for the record, I didnt see the door actually go down, the guy got bored, I guess, and went to do something else. By the way Im not spreading falsities about the game, im commenting on what I saw of this beta weekend and on what other players are saying.


    The gameplay I've seen so far is enough for me to form an opinion, weather I was the one behind the keyboard or not.


    I hate to break it to you, but basing your opinion on other peoples' opinions is extremely ignorant. Think for yourself. This goes for almost anything reasonable in life, not just video games.

  10. Lets get this straight,


    It is a FACT, that I saw people banging on a door for 15-20 minutes, last night

    it is a FACT that Mythic came up with Public Quests before Anet

    it is a FACT that Mythic had 3faction pvp back in the days of DaoC


    So yeah, while some things are fresh, they are not new or revolutionary in anyway.


    FACT: You saw one instance of people (who probably didn't know what they were doing) banging on a keep door for what seemed to you like 15-20 minutes.


    FACT: I never claimed that Mythic didn't. As a matter of FACT I said it was nothing original and reminded me of Warhammer in the first point of my post.


    FACT: What does this have to do with anything? I never claimed that Mythic didn't have that in DAoC, I played DAoC. What point are you trying to make here?


    It's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about, and I don't consider someone who watched another person play a video game on an internet stream a credible source for an opinion on said game. So I'll just end the argument now.

  11. It's NOT new! funny how people flame Bioware for beign a "wow clone" but Anet is praised for copypasting Mythic (which is now a part of Bioware) so technically Anet is beign praised for copying Bioware.




    Im just saying what I saw on the stream, I watched several hours of GW2 gameplay before I came up with my opinions


    So let me get this straight. You didn't actually play the game, and yet you're forming opinions and spreading those opinions around as fact. Without actually playing the game.


    Yeah, ok.

  12. Also, it seems that GW2 decided to copy something from SWTOR: Ability delay. :D


    I noticed no Ability Delay, except for a few lag spikes causing it here and there due to the influx of players. Did you actually play the game? Because in this thread you said you haven't played GW2 and you don't plan to. If you played this weekend, it means that you pre-purchased the game. So which is it? Did you play it, or are you just a SWTOR fanboy spreading falsities?

  13. Seems kind of a dishonest review. so, no flaws? that's what you're saying?


    So, gw2 worlds are "Living" worlds just because some NPCs walk around?


    Dynamic events? I already did Public Quests back in 2008 with Warhammer

    WvWvW? yeah, I already banged on a Keep Door for 20 minutes back in 2008 with Warhammer


    Anything "new" that guild wars 2 brings to the table?


    It's funny because despite your opinion about those things, SWTOR doesn't have any of them. You're telling me you like the fact that NPC's stand around, motionless, waiting in hallways for you to come along and kill them?


    You like running up to a static NPC, listening to some chatter, and running off to collect 10 alien fingers? Although Dynamic Events are just a mask for questing, at least ANet tried to do something new.


    It's more than banging on a Keep door, you obviously don't know how to work Siege equipment.


    And if you read what I wrote, I said several times that it's far from perfect. Should probably quit being such a fanboy.

  14. That is the game aside from the pretty lame and generic story quest


    Aha... aha. A SWTOR player, calling stories and quests lame? This is too rich. If you think any of the stories in THIS game are intriguing or original, you have been living under a rock for the past 100 years. The stories in this game are mediocre at best. The difference is Bioware blew all their money on story and voice acting and forgot everything else.


    Let's see, where to begin...


    1. Dynamic Events: These are fun, they remind me of Warhammer. They're nothing new or revolutionary, but they're a nice step away from the usual quest system. It's nothing extremely exciting, but it's a nice change.


    2. Graphics: GW2 is beautiful, even at less than max graphics. SWTOR didn't even have the option for max graphics at launch, or even for months afterwards. Even though it was advertised in every video and promotion. Lol.


    3. Living Worlds - Guild Wars 2 environments feel alive. NPC's wander around, talk to each other, yell out to you, attack stuff. Enemies roam around and you have to hunt for some of them. There are environmental effects. This makes the worlds feel alive, rather than the static and boring 'worlds' of SWTOR.


    4. Performance - I am running the game on mostly max settings, and I still get 60fps during PvP. Yes, it is a little less during WvW, but that is to be expected with so many players on the screen. SWTOR take a frame-rate hit when there's 20 people on the screen, when you see 20 people in game that is. Which leads me to my next point....


    5. People - The Dynamic Events and the placement of them ensure that you always see other people. I realize it was the Beta Weekend, so there were a lot of people online, but I saw more people in 5 minutes than I saw in the whole 5 months of playing SWTOR.


    6. PvP - It actually happens in GW2. WvW is extremely fun, and a million times better than Illum ever was. The "battlegrounds" are much more fun than SWTOR's closed off, boring Warzones.


    7. Combat - It feels extremely fluid compared to SWTOR. It's not perfect, but it's far superior to the ability delay that is still present in this game.


    8. Customization - Just the character creation screen is a million times better than SWTOR's. You have a body height slider, choose from multiple body types, customize your characters face with sliders. Then there's the fact that you can dye your armor, not just "match to chest" like in this game. You have multiple weapon combinations to work with, opening completely unique abilities depending on what you choose. The list goes on and on.


    I could keep going, and obviously most of the fanboys here are going to try and deconstruct this post. I could care less. GW2, although not perfect, is YEARS ahead of this game. And it's in BETA. May people are criticizing the voice acting in GW2... and all I can say is this: Bioware spent most of their budget on voice acting, and look where it got them.

  15. Here's the thing. The "targeted server transfers" aren't going to work. Why would anyone want to transfer from a Light server, to another Light server? If you allow transfers to "Standard" servers, everyone will migrate there and cause them to be Full. This will result in 5-6 servers being Full, and the rest being completely empty. That might be good for the community, but there's no way EA is going to allow their monthly reports to say, "Six Full servers, the rest are empty and we should just close them down."


    They should just merge 5 or 6 Light servers together, 2 or 3 Standard servers, and don't allow anyone to transfer to the Full or Very Heavy servers.


    Bioware is completely incompetent though, so I'm sure they'll choose the most screwed up way to approach it. Also, as a side note, "early summer"? Really? People have only been asking for this for 3-4 months and the best you give them after dodging the question numerous times is "early summer"?


    Too late Bioware.

  16. Actually "Hardcore" doesn't mean just what your defining. There is a lot of gear you cant get with out a ops group and PvP gear can be a nightmare now if your on a low pop server. Crafting takes forever and a ton of time and dedication. In his defense the game is not geared toward "casual gamers".


    Are you kidding me? I sit and do work while I tab in and out, having my companions leveling crafting. You literally sit in one spot and tell them what to do. And being on a low population server isn't a measure of "hardcore", it's a crappy thing that is Bioware's fault.


    This game could hardly get any more casual friendly. My friend plays like 5 hours a week and has the best gear and all his crafting professions maxed out.

  17. This is honestly the most casual friendly MMO I've played. Seriously. It takes one night to down all three hard mode Operations. It takes like two weeks to get to 50. It's easy to get gear, even in PvP where you can lose matches and still get enough Comm's eventually. Nobody that's a "hardcore" gamer takes this game seriously. Most left months ago.
  18. If it's fanbois on this forum are any indication, GW2 's playerbase is going to guarantee that games failure.


    Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.

  19. The longer they wait to merge low pop servers the more people get frustrated with ridiculous wait times for pvp and lack of people to do group content with and they end up leaving as well.


    I enjoy playing this game, I found the stories were well-written, I levelled 3 characters to 50. However, I'm tired of levelling and would like to play more pvp without waiting hours in between queues. I'd rather unsub than have to reroll on a more populated server. It's up to Bioware to provide a consistent user experience across different servers and right now they are failing miserably.


    They need to act ASAP, I'm not willing to continue to pay a subscription for what is 95% of the time a single-player game. I've been a fan of Bioware games for a long time but my patience is almost at an end.


    If they follow suit for what they did with the Asia-Pacific servers, they won't merge low populations. They'll allow transfers, which will only compound the problem. Everyone will transfer off of their dead servers, and servers like The Fatman will have 1500+ queues while 90% of the other servers are completely dead. Just another example of Bioware's complete lack of competence with this game. They should have just stuck to making single player RPG's, even though the past few they've made have also sucked (DA2, ME2, ME3).

  20. Fanboys of this game are so funny. They'll say anything to try and convince themselves that their game isn't failing. I also laugh at the people that say "oh, this is Star Wars! It's better than a fantasy setting!"


    So instead of killing orcs and dragons, you kill 500,000 droids. Have you ever noticed how many freaking robots you kill in this game? I'll take orcs and dragons and fantasy creatures over boring droids any day.

  21. Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


    Incompetent because Bioware had 8 years of WoW to look at and learn from, and all they did was take the worst parts of WoW and bring it over to their game. They had other games to look at and learn from, build upon, and they didn't. Instead they took their formulaic single player RPG, and copy - pasted it into an MMO. Smacked on some multiplayer options and called it good.


    Don't talk to me about vanilla WoW. I was there. I remember how broken it was, and I will never claim otherwise. However, I've been in certain other beta's for a while now... and those games have things that SWTOR still doesn't have. In beta stage. It's absolutely absurd the amount of modern MMO features that SWTOR didn't have and STILL doesn't have. Not to mention the absolutely crappy engine, etc.


    I don't want instant gratification. I want some kind of sign that Bioware actually knows what they're doing. Telling everyone for months that we'll have Rated WZ's in 1.2 and then pulling them 12 hours before the patch drops isn't competent. It's borderline sketchy. Breaking the game and having an entire day of downtime just to fix it the day after 1.2 isn't competent. It shows that Bioware has absolutely no idea what they're doing.


    Honestly, out of all the MMO's that I've played, Bioware is the first developer to single-handedly alienate over half of their player base in a span of less than three days. First the Rated WZ's fiasco, and then saying only people with level 50's are valued customers. Good job pissing off the PvP'ers, and a lot of casual and RP players Bioware.


    I've been playing MMO's for 10+ years. I don't expect instant gratification, I expect to get what I'm paying for. In the 5 months that this game has been out, Bioware has yet to convince me that this product is worth the time and money. And I am far from being the only one that feels this way.


    Give them time? It's a cut-throat business, and if you don't get your crap together after 5 months you probably never will.

  22. touche



    I assumed GW2 would be like the first. So I threw up in my mouth when I heard they were making a sequel.

    Diablo 3 probably should've come out 10 years ago when it would still be popular. Now, who cares and who still plays hack n slash game anyway?

    Tera was horrible too. The controls, wow. no thanks.


    Guild Wars 2 is actually nothing like the first. The only similarities are the races, lore, name, etc. The gameplay is entirely different. I encourage you to check it out on Youtube, at least so you can make an educated decision for your own benefit.


    Diablo 3 is a TON of fun. A lot of people still play Diablo 2, what do you mean who plays those kind of games anymore? Diablo 3 is going to have a huge player base. I've been in the beta for about 4 months now, and it's great.


    Yeah I don't care about Tera either, not my cup of tea. I had high hopes for this game, but Bioware is just completely incompetent or EA is severely handicapping their ability to make this into a good game. Either way, a lot of people are going to be leaving in the coming months.

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