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Posts posted by Richelieux

  1. From a Story-perspective I do like Corellia. 3 Imps and 1 Rep finished so far.


    But I totally agree with you about layout, annoying long distance travel etc. very bad planet design. Ist espacially bad because you are close to finishing Chapter 3 Story... you want to see the finalle and be taken in by it.

    Getting delayed by bad planetary design can be very off-putting.


    On Hoth the long distances are a bit annoying too, but there Im usually more relaxed compared to Corellia.

  2. Also a returning Player, the Duffy Link helps for other classes, too - thanks a lot!


    And I agree that relearning with a new Character also helps.


    So Im putting my Lvl 50 Operative Healer on hold and will Level a Scoundrel - so basically re-learning the same class just with different Story and Quests, Skills are the same just different names. :-)

  3. Last night I ran Athiss for the first time, and was happy to see the final boss drop an awesome blaster pistol. Being a Powertech, I rolled need and got a 1. A Sniper in the group rolled need and of course got the blaster. He said his companion needs it. My question is this... What is the general consensus on rolling need for your companions? I personally think need should only be rolled for your main character, and not for companions... I called the guy out on it, then after the instance he was flaming me in general chat for being a rage quitter or some such.




    First off: The guy was an idi**.


    Athiss is around lvl 21. An Agent has only 1 companion at that time and that one uses blaster rifles, not blaster pistols. He wont get a pistol user until way way later.


    Second thing:


    Most people, me included, go by the rule "Player before Companion".


    But it is not a general consensus for the leveling period. While you are leveling, you do a lot of stuff with your companion and your companion does need gear, too. Depending on what content you do and what resources you have, some people are in desperate need to get better gear for their companion.


    Best solution is, talk to people in random groups before you start the flashpoint and get a consensus for your group.

  4. From my experience the rumor is false.


    I was on the balloon multiple times now with different chars.


    The vanishing bug happened to me twice...


    both times there were a lot of people with me on the balloon doing stuff... emotes, goofing around.


    All the other times where i was alone and semi-afk or with only few other people semi-afk the balloon was safe and sound and reached its goal.


    Could have been chance, but I will sit still every time Im on that stupid baloon.

  5. Im not done with the stories on republic side, so I cant tell you much about that. But you should also think about what kind of gameplay you like.


    Smuggler -


    Scoundrel gives you a close-ranged stealth class. Either as DD or Healer.

    DD would be the classic MMO Rogue class, healer combined with stealth on the other hand is rather unique, never seen that before in games i played so far. If you enjoyed stealthing with your assassin you might not wanna miss it again... so Scoundrel might be a good class for you.


    Gunslinger is ranged DD and can be played as a dot-class (more mobile), a bomber (still a bit mobile) or a hunter-type character (rather stationary in cover). So if you wanna go ranged, this might be good for you.




    Strong class, dont have much experience here, so maybe someone else tells you more.

  6. Hard to tell if *you* will enjoy leveling as a healer.


    I did enjoy it however. And killing speed was still alright for me.


    My experience was with the Operative (so if you go Republic it would be Scoundrel).


    Both classes get a good first companion, that complements healer/stealth/close-range characters. Ranged Tank/DD is great, if you go into melee range and deal some damage yourself and use your heals every now and then.


    Good thing about the agent/smuggler is, that you later on get nice instant cast heal skills, so you can heal on the move and have more time to do attacks yourself.


    Also, as a stealth class you can sneak around and avoid fights in some areas.


    Of course... if you want to play a force class - jedi consular is the way to go. That class is a typical mmo healer with longer cast times and powerful heals. If you can imagine yourself to enjoy playing that... give it a go.

  7. Well lets see...



    Melee double blade stealth

    Melee / short range rifle/blade stealth

    Melee one hand damage

    Melee two weapon dps

    Ranged single target (in multiple classes)

    Ranged AOE (in multiple classes)



    Melee double blade tank

    Melee one hand tank

    Gun Tank




    Force Healer

    Gun Healer

    Tech Healer


    So you say 3... I say 11... duh ;)

  8. There are two seperate issues discussed here.


    Some people talk about repair costs while leveling, thats a bit different from the issue in "endgame".


    For the leveling period I think the costs are quite cheap... at least if you only have the armor you get via commendations / drops. It might be more expensive if you buy purple stuff for your char all the time... then both the invested money hurts you and the repair costs get higher.


    While leveling, you have it in your own hands to play smart and find a balance. And sometime you have to overthink how you play if you die all the time and not only every now and then.


    Concerning endgame I have issues with the costs and already stated my opinion in more detail on page 1.

  9. Well its a two-edged sword.


    If you do dailies you sure get more then enough money.


    But therein is the problem: If you do operations regularly and are not on farm status you *need* to do dailies.


    So you are forced to repeat a small amount of content repeatedly. For lots of people that is boring.


    I for example like to spend my "free" game time more on twinks, experiencing other classes gameplay and also the story.


    People with little time dont have the option to do both if they want to do operations. They either play what they like and are broke or they farm dailys and are bored. That is bad.

  10. 9/10 von mir.


    Ausschlaggebend für mich sind Spielspaß/Athmosphäre/Motivation.


    Dies ist derzeit für mich sehr hoch ausgeprägt.


    Nur um nicht missverstanden zu werden: Aktuell sehe ich für mich die bestehenden Probleme von SW:TOR als nicht schwerwiegend bzw. kleine Startmacken an. Je mehr Zeit vergeht, umso mehr fallen dann diese Punkte aber ins Gewicht, da sie irgendwann den Spielspaß beinträchtigen. Sollte sich das Spiel in z.B. 3 Monaten seitens Fehlern, UI, Content nicht fortbewegen, würde auch sukzessive meine Wertung runtergehen.

  11. Also man findet schon Ausrüstung, die vom Style her eigentlich für die andere Fraktion gedacht ist... mod-bare allerdings seltener.


    Bisher habe ich Machtnutzer nur angespielt und mich eher auf die Nicht-Macht-Nutzer gestürzt, evtl. ists also bei den Jedi/Sith nochmal seltener, kanns nicht beurteilen.


    Jedenfalls habe ich mit meinem Saboteur durchaus öfters mal Mäntel gefunden, die eher auf den Schmuggler zugeschnitten waren.


    Ähnlich geht es dem Trooper-Twink, der immer mal wieder Bounty-Hunter-Style Rüstungsteile findet.

  12. BT funktioniert nur für den 1. Companion, Erklärung siehe mein Vorposter.


    Man kann aber auch einfach 3 Klappen mit einer Fliege schlagen:


    Daily Quests auf Belsavis (nach Abschluß der Bonusserie) geben


    - Zuneigungspunkte für Companions

    - Lila Rüstungsmods/Waffen Grad 23

    - locker 150-250k Credits ink. Lootverkäufe


    Illum dagegen gibt keine Zuneigung für Companions.

  13. Really 1 player and Could you of found one that didn't look like she just took a Bump in the bathroom before you shot the Video? Also when you going to turn up the graphics player side to look like those scene's my CF setup is yawning.


    Okay that does not make any sense at all. What are you talking about? :confused:

  14. Are these pve quests? About where are they located?


    If you continue your class quest you will be send to Illum at one point. Doing the quests on Illum will unlock the daily PVE quests gradually.


    On Belsavis you have to do the Bonus Series in order to gradually unlock the daily quests there.


    You get lots of cash doing dailies and lots of commendations for good lvl 50 equipment that gets you equipped nicely so you can continue with endgame flashpoints / operations.

  15. Ya, sadly gear is very important in pvp. But I dont want to start a discussion about that. Lots of people on both sides of that fence and lots of topics discussing it, too.


    To get objectives done a skilled and focused group that does comunicate and play as a team still matters a lot.


    If you are low geared you still can stun / irritate people and help your team. Learn to use annoying skills in the right moments. Sometimes its good enough to get some enemies mad at you and they follow and try to kill you instead of focusing on wz objective.


    Dont go solo chasing kills, wont work and wont help win a match.

  16. I dont need to do much to keep the game interesting. It offers a lot to me so Im still pretty interested.


    For me I have almost too much to do.


    Still busy doing dailies, pvp, flashpoints with my main (50 Operative healer) and having fun.


    Also I have multiple twinks on both factions that I want to level, experiment with builds, experiencing their stories.



    Just to make it clear:


    Im not a rosy-eyed person who thinks this game is 100% perfect. I do have some issues with the game and I do understand that other people have even bigger issues - but this is not the topic for that kind of discussion.


    Maybe it helps that I have RL hobbies too. If I would spend every free minute I have on a game I might think differently... but then: Im happy that I am in my skin and not in people like that. (No offense meant, just my personal opinion)

  17. I really hope the "overhaul" of the Mod-Items will be good and thorough.


    Espacially social items which are only light armor need some adjustment in order to make them valid for med+heavy armor characters.



    An apearance tab would be a different aproach and an alternative... you could use your normal gear for the stats and your chosen outfit for optics.

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