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Posts posted by Stryges

  1. It would be nice for Overseas players if they would change up the times a bit IMO.


    As a U.S. expat living in Singapore, I wouldn't mind switching things up either. Usually it isn't a big deal but after staying up too late last night playing I wanted to jump right back in after work!



    As an aside, first time I have seen you post in a long while Artemis =)

  2. It is his signature companion ability, the one that makes him very much worth unlocking while leveling (aside from all the funny comments he makes walking around), as it allows for taking out a Silver mob, especially if soloing heroic areas or any tough mob.


    Over the past few years, after the initial quest to acquire HK, I've unlocked him many times with cartel coins on alts.


    I thought, because Treek and HK-51 are tied to cartel coin purchases, they wouldn't really be changed.


    If Assassinate is indeed being taken away, why? And is this fair for everyone who bought him with cartel coins, i.e. real money? I don't believe so.


    Cartel Coins are not needed to unlock either companion. You can use CC to override other requirements, but they are not solely CC purchases, so any claim that "real money" items shouldn't be changed has even less validity here than normal.

  3. For such a large event it all felt some disappointing.


    Aside from feeling a little lost in the timeline of when this all happen, when Arcann lost half his face as it appears to be during the invasion of Koribaan yet Marr and the inquisitor know nothing about it or the invasion at all. Also lost as to how an immortal sith emperor who has lived for 1000 years building the empire had a second empire all along and is now an old man who has noticeably aged. How while for 1000 years has sought to destroy all life in the galaxy doesn't seem to care about that and his immortal empire is his greatest achievement. So why bother with the Sith Empire, why bother invading the republic, why bother with any of that if you have an even bigger and better empire. I'm even lost if he was ever sith and other than the names of some classes if the new expansion has any links to star wars at all. Ignoring all that and that the current chapter is called allies no more and yet the very next thing that happens is everyone is working together.


    Aside from that it seemed to move quickly into the start of nearly every Elder Scrolls game (and roleplay game) you are in Prison. You get to say some wise cracks and then end up frozen in carbonate and have to clear your name or whatever. The original game story started feeling like the beginning of an epic adventure, while this has the feel far more of dragon age 2 where things happen to you and you just react to them. All the talk of choices etc it feels like no matter what you do or choose or say you will be captured, frozen in carbonate, freed by Lana and recruit a rag tag band of heroes to get yourself back to the point you were in just prior to this happening only the galaxy being in a worse place.


    When the probe appears, it is commented that it has the same configuration as a probe/ship/something (I forget) that attacked Korriban, so Marr and the PC knew at that and it has already occurred.

  4. That's part of the downside -- the ship droid won't be a customizable crafter anymore, and any credits spent on the special sensor unit to do so will have been wasted.


    Imagine the players who don't read the forums, who go out and spend credits on that sensor over the next month or so...


    I can't believe virtual currency has no actual value...



    said no one ever.

  5. If I understand correctly, neither actually requires cartel purchase (for subscribers). I know I didn't use any cartel coins for either.


    Cartel purchase for these items are for convince, and as such, the purchaser has already gotten full value through earlier access (then they would if they raised legfacy or what not). I don't see that it should be a priority for BioWare to ensure the constant value of "RMT" items.

  6. Two hypercrates -


    Of course plenty of armoured interrogator sets. I assume these will be as unmoveable as the contraband runner.


    But, get this. 6 skiffs. SIX. No jet packs though =(.


    Also, my second platinum pack. A havoc armour belt. BELT.


    Question though, does anyone else think the Ravager looks like a retexture of the Jedi Myrmidon armour?


    I have to restrain myself, I have no clickies on my referral linkies =(

  7. Um... no.


    I suspect you actually do understand what's meant by customizing companion gear stats, but you're looking for heat over light.


    Oh well.


    Well, I think you might be right as to the point of my response. But in all seriousness, the actual change form any specialized picking of stats is, let's face, not particular influential one or another. I think all the people grousing about this are just looking for something to grouse about. At launch I decked my companions out in purple PVP gear as well, and while I don't have any statistics to back this up, from my experiences that little extra expertise is going to keep your paper companions up for only a slightly longer time.


    In addition, this is an MMO expansion. Of course all your "work" is made useless. What would you do otherwise?

  8. Ok so companions stats scale to the players. what I don't like about this change is that it makes our companions more generic more bland. Will there be some way to compensate this , some way to make companions individual


    And how exactly were you making your companions more individual mechanics wise? Neglecting their equipment so they suck more than they should?

  9. I really don't like this. Not one bit.


    I really really REALLY wanted to shed the dead weight. I wanted to FINALLY be able to give Quinn what he deserves for what he did. I wanted to kick Skadge off my boat, which if I'd had a choice I would have never let him on, and I wanted to deposit Corso at the nearest Greenpeace rally and forget him forever!


    Seriously color me disappointed.




    For Sith's sake. It is like some people can't or won't read. It has been implied that YOU CAN DO EXACTLY THAT. They all but said you can kill Skadge in the live stream.

  10. The person made it exact....Eric had no reason to ask for clarification. Is there going to be Conversation quests? It was a simple question.


    The problem is it is a stupid question. It is not an actual question, because anyone with half a brain can reason out that the non-story companion will have no dialogue, being, you know, a non-story companion and not, let's say, a story companion.


    The question was asked to grind an axe about a change someone may not agree with. That is fine, you don't actually have to play the game if your panties are so wadded.

  11. Q One of the major values of Treek is she is a tank who can heal herself. I was wondering if she would still be able to do this? It is one of the great appeals to leveling with a dps with her.


    This is actually a good point. Treek will no longer be DPS go to companion as the companions become roll specific, which in my book is a very good thing as the player gets to level with the companion they want.

  12. Another question that came to me...


    New Companions...


    Do we absolutely HAVE to use the new ones? For example, if I don't want Lana as a companion, on certain characters, do I still have to take her along? Because if I had to take a new one, I did not like, that kind of defeats the purpose of "having a crew you actually like" thing.


    Will the new companions become permanent or are they temporary for whatever mission we are doing at the moment?


    From all indications you don't have to take all new companions permenantly. You will mosty likely use some companions like Lana at least temporarily (since she rescues you and all) but ultimately it seems like you make her leave/remove her.

  13. Ehh... As expected... Bioware too mach scared about making crying babies mad. I wanded to purge this stipud Malavai so badly and was hoping I'll never gonna see him again and replace with some new caracter.



    Except, you know, you can do just that. You can use all new companions. Let me repeat that.




    *By which I mean a different set then the previous class determined set.

  14. well... given information from lifestream? i'm even more worried about expansion. oh mechanically, I get to keep everyone. but in terms of story.. it looks like they are sidelining majority of the companions. /sigh.


    as for point of no return sort of thing as far as prior quests are concerned? if I remember correctly it was in a cantina interview. and I would guess that it would include anything that had any story content to it existing prior to Fallen empire. inclduing Illum, Oricon, Makeb, etc - and it kinda makes sense storywise, but at the same time... I'm hoping they change their minds. after all they are making a very clear separation between mechanical acess to companions and story acess to them, so who knows... but at the moment- the word is: "finish all your quest chains before starting expansion, or lose your opportunity to finish them"


    See, this what I don't get. Some people want more interactive and meaningful story. They give that, and people complain that they are getting their own fan fic.


    I mean, let's make a hyerbolic example. I would like a periphel device integrated into the gameplay and UI that gives me a congratulatory finger poke up my bung hole everytime I crit someone in PvP, with intesity based on the severity of the crit. Am I going to get this? No, I am not. Just like I know I am not going to get 8 seperate hand crafted interactive stories that address every combination of companion with meaningful consequences. They do not have the budget or infrastructure to do that. It is a simple fact, and hoping they would do that is as silly as me hoping for my finger crit bung hole pusher.


    So, they decided to make a story that was more narratively interesting. To do this, they needed to scale down the actual available number of companions relevant to the story so they could account for each one. Consequently, they could have ripped out the other companions. Instead, they offer the player the option to use old companions, but let you know before hand they have not particular story relevance (as companions, they are going to reappear as NPCs apparently, so we have a cast of 40 interesting persionalities we can encounter eventually).


    And you are upset?

  15. I agree to be honest. If some companions do not actually rejoin our team within the STORY, then the gameplay option is just bizarre. They should've just blocked those who don't trully return to our squad.


    I think this is the best way out of a difficult situation for BW. It allows to actual write a semi-coherent narrative with meaningful companion interactions in a reasonable timeframe and budge and lets everyone who wants their flesh light stand in's to follow them around have their Vette and eat it too.


    Again, you are under no obligation to play either way, which is surprisingly different for an MMO.


    Or, to use Kira as an example.. My knight summons Kira outside of the story parts she is involved in. What am I getting storywise?


    Nothing, I would assume, as she is not, actually part of the story. You get a DPS companion with Kira's skin.


    EDIT - Or a tank, or a healer companion with Kira's skin.

  17. Now that gear for companions is for aesthetics only, is it possible that we can get the old green starter gear back for them somehow? I know I have a few companions that came with gear that really fit their character, but because it was green it has since been vendored. Some of these it's especially hard to find appropriate gear for. For example, Lord Scourge. It's really not possible to recreate his original look because any gear that looks like that is restricted to the Imp side.


    I assume there is a NO GEAR appearance that defaults to their starting appearances (i.e. Kira in the cutscene from the stream).

  18. I would like to have the light/dark point system removed. I kept making my decisions based on my allignment rather than agonizing over the choices the way the game was intended. Especially in the later game where dark side choices moved away from cruelty to choices into the realm of moral courage.


    You can turn off the indicators. I am not sure it is Bioware's job to teach you self control.


    Things I would like to see:

    - An extra vote for low level neutral relics

    - Mounting overrides all other states (so mounting will cancel stealth instead of having to cancel stealth then mount)

  19. I have 3 PC (Warrior, Trooper, Consular) and I want one more (Agent). My wife have 3 PC also (Inquisitor, Smuggler, Knight) and will make one more (BH). We play together. We fight together through RotHC and SoR 2 times. SoR was boring for second time.

    We don't want to play SoR for third time!

    We don't want to play KotFE 4 times!


    Then one wonders what you do want to do, because it sounds like you don't like this game very much. If that is the case, you might want to find one more to your liking. This isn't a judgement on you, just a suggestion so that you actually enjoy yourself doing something you WANT to do.

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