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Posts posted by sithvorn

  1. That crafting window resetting on every zone switch is actually one of my pet peeves as well. Few classes have any use for Assault Cannons. Yet that one is on top, and always opened. I don't mind it being at the top, but if I have to close it every time because I simply never have to craft anything from that section, it gets a bit annoying. So at least save our settings.


    I'd like a complete overhaul even more though, make the whole thing a collapsed treeview, which we can open however we want.

    Assault Cannons

    -Assault Cannon A (standard blueprint)

    --Assault Cannon A1 (researched variation)

    --Assault Cannon A2 (another researched variation)

    ---Assault Cannon A2a (researched variation from A2)

    ---Assault Cannon A2b (another researched variation from A2)

    -Assault Cannon B

    --Assault Cannon B1


    -Barrel A

    --Barrel A1



    And have it all collapsed by default, but remember whatever's open within a session, even when changing zones.

    Ordering done by the basic variation of the blueprints, just name/level/difficulty. We can then open up the tree under the default blueprint and find what we need from there.


    Yes! I like expanding on it... but considering it's been broken since launch, I'd be happy just to get it fixed.


    And I have no problem with time sinks when they are reputation or achievement grinds. Running the same flashpoint over and over again... but battle poor UI design? I'd rather spend my time doing something a little more fun.


    And I bring it up because it's just getting worse. The new achievement system menu is not an improvement over previous attempts at a UI. It's the same bad interface. It needs to be better. We should demand it be better.


    I'd rather have a better UI than another adaptive armor set adding to the Cartel Market...

  2. Tippers are good. When there's a lot of data to show in a tree, having levels that can be collapsed / expanded at will is a great feature. It allows the user to decide how much or how little of the information that want to consume at any point.


    So can you PLEASE remember our setting? When I collapse a section on my Armormek screen to only show HEAVY armor, remember it. The next time I open the crew skill I don't want to have the other sections expanded.


    Remembering how we consume your content and not annoying us with having to access it with minor annoyances over and over again will greatly improve the experience in game. Why can't the Missions skill remember that I ran the lvl 10 mission bracket and not simply default to the highest bracket. I CHOOSE to send my crew at that lower level. Respect my choice by remembering it. I can't tell you how many wasted clicks I've had in this game since launch.

  3. After grinding the Gree event non stop for almost a week, today I realised the reputation items have level requirements. Lvl 45 for the suits, and lvl 50 for the weapons. I was grinding to get some nice looking stuff for my low lvl alts - my work in progress agent is lvl 38, the rest is around 15 to 25. My 2 mains that are 50 already have their matching gear, though those weapons will serve them well, they didnt need to be legacy for that.


    What was the reason behind the lvl restrictions?

    Specialy since in this Illum area you have that same lvl buff as in warzones for lower lvls?

    Was hoping to get something mean looking for my dark side jedi, but still havent found his matching set :/


    This. I was all excited for the new reputation system. I see a lot of potential for it in the future. Reputation gear is like social gear. Maybe there's a look out there I want to put on my character ... but when I saw that the reputation gear all has a high-level requirement, I lost the drive to work on this. I'd rather the adaptive armor be something I could give an alt to wear while leveling that replace the sets I've already worked on for my 50s.


    And a weekly cap seems real odd when none of the rewards have any intrinsic value. Maybe an artificial gating system makes sense when the gear has stats or can unbalance something in some way, but since all the rewards are purely cosmetic in nature... Isn't it my time to spend (or ignore) as I see fit?


    What I'd really like to see if a developer blog about future plans for this new system. I'm a little underwhelmed at the moment. All previous events have had rewards that mattered and could be shared with new toons in the legacy.

  4. Please add some companion quests for Elder game content. After reading the State of the Game, I noticed that you plan to add reasons to go to existing planets or re-explore content. Tying in our companions to this concept would be excellent. It was really disappointing when after leveling my first toon (an Imperial Agent), romancing Ensign Temple, and getting the first letters from her about our future together that we never had another conversation again.


    The ship droid talks to me more than my own wife!


    Please fix this. I think alot of us have built strong attachments to our companion characters and would love to see more development in those areas.



  5. I loved SWG. I quit for good after the CU ruined it.


    SWG had alot of strong features that would be awesome here. I would LOVE to customize my starship. I would love to be able to have my own house - but really, I would settle for my ship.


    SWG had no story. Worse than that, the only thing it had was a grind. I changed professions so many times in order to unlock my jedi slot only to realize I didn't really like jedi. SWG took too much energy for too little reward.


    SWTOR has given me what no other MMO has ever given me. Story that I matter in. SWTOR moves my experience forward by keeping me playing because I'm actually interested in what happens next.


    BW truly gets story.

  6. There are a lot of possible ways they can extend eng-game content. I expect, the level-cap will be raised at some point, but I also expect we'll get more storylines, new companions, etc along the way.


    And remember, just because you finished one story doesn't mean it's over. When the Legacy system comes out, I think you'll see just how much emphasis there will be on playing multiple characters to 50.


    I, for one, really enjoy seeing the story from multiple points of view. And let's not forget playing on both factions.

  7. I accidently removed the basic attack from the quickslot bar (slot 1) and now I cant find it on my abilities tab. Is there a trick to restoring it?


    I am positive deleting the character and starting over isnt the only solution....


    thanks in advance for the help.


    If it matters, this happened to my Bounty Hunter.

  8. I am of the mind that space should be "upgraded" to bring more of TOR into it. Why is space the only aspect that doesn't have quests? Where I don't have choice? While I would prefer to be off the rails, I would MUCH rather have choice involved.


    Do you save the fleeing ship or take the chance to blow up the destroyer? The possibilities are endless.


    Think X-wing or TIE fighter type story lines.


    And while we're talking about space... why does it have to be so difficult to get back to my ship? Why cant I mount up in spaceports? If you made it easier to get to my ship, I might spend more time on it. Like the QT or Emergency Fleet pass, give me an ability to return directly to my ship.

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