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Posts posted by Rylan_Purestar

  1. As a long time RP'er in many different formats (video games, forums, chat rooms and the like), I'd just like to jump on this subject for a moment since RP is something very close to my heart and some of the things I'm reading in this thread I feel I should confront.


    Also, for the rpg drama queens, you know the ones who use rpg as a dating service. Lets try to keep the drama at a low?


    First is this. You need to understand (as I believe someone else already pointed out in this thread) that role-play is inherently full of drama, its just that some are more on the "I need attention NOW" RP path than others and decide to don the "drama queen" wig in public when they should be keeping intimate role-play in /tells or /whispers. RP is all about drama, always has been and always will be, and there will always be the amateurs who can't keep on the down low, and seek attention so bad that they are laughably obvious and unskilled.


    last thing is for the hardcore RPG elite. You know the most annoying type of them all, well for me anyway. Someone who types 21312523123 words and when someone does not match his or her speed, or does not have the best gramma flames them and calls them not a true rper.


    I don't go by "elite" titles and I'm certainly not going to say that someone who doesn't have decent typing skill (spelling/speed) is not a true role-player. But I will say this...decent typing skill is required if you're going to keep up with those who take their RP very seriously and are staunch believers in keeping the RP atmosphere mature and professional. Its unfortunate to state, but those who type slow and couldn't even win third place in an elementary school spelling bee are only going to succeed in two things.


    1. They are going to piss off and slow down the skilled role-players who are trying to stay immersed in the plot at hand. Its frustrating to at one minute be reading a clear and well typed descriptive paragraph from one person, and then the next be something like this, "he jumpz up an reach for is lite saber 2 kill mob" (for someone playing a male character).


    2. They are going to embarrass themselves and ruin the experience for others. Perhaps, contrary to what many people might think now-a-days, is that professional role-play actually takes an imagination and the use of two hands instead of one for decent typing.


    Over my years I've seen all types of amateur role-players, from those who are too lazy to type "to" instead of "2" to those who like to "one sentence" their RP responses in order to compensate for lack of typing speed. Are they still true role-players? Yes they are...but they're also amateurs and need to certainly get better in their skill. But the fact that they still have the desire to RP makes them a true role-player, and they would be welcome to RP with me and anybody else that associates with me...even if the road would be bumpy.


    You should clearly be able to see the RP players as they will be walking everywhere in the city :rolleyes:


    This right here is something that I've always hated about those who don't understand the joys that can be gained from professional RP. Out of all the MMORPG's that I've RPed on (ever since classic Everquest) there has yet to never be a non RP'er that hasn't come up to me and asked the highly ******** question, "Why are you walking?"


    Its as stupid as walking up to someone in real life who is is performing their morning jog in a park and asking, "Why are you running?" Its a crappy reminder to me every time I get asked the question that those who don't have the imaginations to role-play just simply don't get our way of entertainment. To these people...you don't walk in MMO's...no, you run...all the time, so you can quickly do the quests and reach level cap and then boast about your "phat lootz" to your friends and how everyone else that didn't win the race to the cap doesn't understand an MMO. I'd like to flip this around and say that it is these people who don't understand what an MMO is.


    Its not about racing through the content at break neck speed, at least, not for role-players. For us, its about smelling the roses, immersing ourselves in imagined content with our friends, and building solid gaming memories through the stories that we conjured. Its about enjoying the journey on the way to power. When someone actually takes the time out of their "busy busy busy" race to level cap in order to ask me why I am walking and taking my time, one of these things usually occurs.


    1. They immediately get blacklisted with no hope of release. I'm normally a nice guy, but depending on my mood I might not even take the time to give an answer. I've heard the question for 10+ years...I'm tired of explaining the answer to those who don't have the intelligence to understand.


    2. I might be feeling playful with a touch of irritation on the side, and cleverly inform this person that there is a secret achievement in the game for walking a certain distance instead of running. Someone in Allods Online actually believed this and I watched him for an hour as he putted along hillsides and roads.


    3. On rare occasions I'll get angry and simply tell them to screw off.


    The way I see it...its nobody's business why I'm having my character walk in a field of flowers, and I have zero qualms telling them so. Its an RP thing: get over the question marks please. This isn't a speed run of Super Mario Bros. and I don't need to rush.


    People that RP in my mmos hurt my emmersion, keep it in /tell plz.


    People that don't RP in my MMO's and ask me stupid questions regarding my character's movement speed, decide to "bunny hop" circles around my avatar just because, and race through the game's content in order to feel important hurts my immersion.

    Keep yourself off my chat window please. :rolleyes:


    What happens to your Jedi or Sith in rpg, should not hurt you irl. While some people really do get close to the personality they made. Don't let it get so far that it starts to reflect your feelings irl in a bad way.


    This is what I call "crossing the line," the act of a role-player getting so emotionally jolted by the current drama of the plot that he/she begins to inject his/her avatar with his/her own affected personality. In the professional RP arena this is a major no-no.


    If your character is supposed to have a serene and kind personality...that's the way she needs to stay regardless of how YOU "the mun/the player" truly feels. Somebody might have had their character say something to your's that wasn't very nice, and naturally this angers you. That's fine. But your avatar needs to remain intact with the personality you gave her. Emotional separation of player and character.


    When your emotions start boiling over into OOC (out of character) and begins to affect your avatar and you are unable to control yourself...you are an amateur and need more practice in maintaining your skill. I've actually had people report me to GM's before because they didn't like the way my character was looking at their characters. Its pathetic, and unbecoming of a professional role-player.


    So I've had my say. I'm hoping this post doesn't offend anyone, and please, anybody out there that wants to RP on SWTOR send me a word. I'm always in character...always. :D Thanks for reading, and hope to see you in the game.

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