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Posts posted by Lhorian

  1. Anyone seeing empty mission returns? The popups in these cases don't say failure, but don't have any success items as well. There is literally no text in the box. Have had this happen many times now. Seems like a bug.


    Getting waaay to many of these. It's pretty annoying. Just now I had 3 out of 5 missions turn up empty.

  2. ^This. The old one was boring. No imagination in the design. So the fix it like they said they would and people are mad? Make up your minds. Do want them to fix mistakes that they have actually acknowledged or not? Can't have it both ways. And everyone who bought it knew a fix was coming to make it look like the advertised pics. If you bought it after they said they would fix it, your fault.


    Yes, and the new one is such an improvement. More crappy weird shoulder/chest fluff and some weird looking stuff on the gloves that makes no sense at all. I actually liked the old look, it was simple and clean. Don't see many armors like that.

  3. The reason that 10% advertised damage reduction translates to something like 25% in real play might be due to how the damage modifiers and scaling work for power, expertise etc.


    Saw the same ***** in Rift too, a seemingly small % reduction in the damage of the skill just snowballed to utterly gimp the damage in half due to how all the modifiers were calculated.


    Yep, went from 3k grav round crits to 2,4k crits which is definetly more then 10%. Oh and this is in pve. Haven't pvp-ed in ages.

  4. CHECK MY BUILD IS **** MILLIONS times better than all linked on this forums...how cant you understand it...


    Maybe because you've got Weapon Calibrations which for Gunnery pretty much sucks hard. Those points would be better spent nearly anywhere else except First Responder which also grants Alacrity. :rolleyes: And also using caps does not make your opinion seem any more important.


    But anyways, to the OP, I'd recommend following Hiro's advice and get Reserve Round. You'd get the build I am using atm and it works just fine. :D

  5. They all need to die. Republic > Traitors


    Really? Even when



    said Republic leaves you to die during a mission because things went wrong and they want to bury it under the carpet? I don't agree with what Havoc Squad has done but I can sure understand them. Why serve a Republic that's already abandoned you once.


  6. Seriously. I know the game is old, but no other MMO out there has even begun to approach the awesomeness of the RvR system that DAOC has. I think all of us really love the Star Wars story, but at the end of the day, we want engaging, serious and interesting PvP on massive scales. How interesting would it be to see thousands of players head over to DAOC?


    It'll never happen. I know. Just daydreaming of good old DAOC times I guess. I think alot of the pvp crying would go away if we had a massive RvR system like DAOC has.


    No, I'm not quitting. Yes I still like SWTOR. No, I don't think pvp is broken/horrible. Yes ops needed rebalancing. No, not that much. Yes, mercs look silly when casting trace missile after missile. Yes, I like pie.


    It's been said before but check out Dominus. Apparently it has a DAoCy feel to it. ^_^

  7. i am thinking about moving to the empire side... i am a paying customer who just wants to have fun. if bioware only makes it fun on the empire side, then thats where i will go. then we all can enjoy exploits equally over some hutball


    Think that's probably what I am gonna do. Think I'll roll a BH. After all they're supposed to be the mirror to my Trooper.

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