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Posts posted by DarthMintCake

  1. *cracks knuckles and warms up the Loremaster 9001*


    The Imperial Stormtrooper armor appearance design is the adaption and continuation of the Republic Trooper armor from this time frame. Both appearances were designed to adapt an intimidating visage to inspire fear and panic among their enemies.


    It would make sense that the Empire of the Galactic Civil War would adapt a design from it's Republic Roots.


    In the case of the Star Destroyers, the design is Sith in origin. That is why the Empire of TOR has the familiar triangle shape. As Palpatine was a Sith, he was starting to ramp up the Republic into a War Machine to counter the armies of the CIS and had no standing Navy. So he would approve a design of Sith Origin with no one the wiser. Hence the beginnings of the dagger shaped Acclamator Class Cruisers steadily working their way toward the familiar imperial Star Destroyer we know of Episode IV.


    TOR's "blatant copying" as you call it, is paying homage to the orginal and proving a very realistic Lore base for appearance design and development from the very distance past we play now to the more modern look.


    After all, there was a Dark Age in which much was lost between now and the GCW.


    Be offended all you want. I for one approve of this paying homage to the original.


    Well said.


    Some people really need to do there research before posting

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