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Posts posted by Soyuz

  1. Will we see some Server Faction events? such as planetary objectives that when seized by a faction will bring said planet under faction control, granting like a buff or maybe access to vendors? I feel like you guys have done a really good job separating the faction quest zones. something like an event like the one previously suggested I feel could ramp up world pvp participation.
  2. Yeah man, he respectfully backstabbed you and then, to repay this kindness, the game respectfully took any kind of punishment option away from you.



    Honestly, I like some companions and I don't like other companions but Quinn is one companion that I absolutely hate and even if there was a point in the game that I had a choice of either take Quinn and breeze through it or take Jaesa and cry in pain because of absurd difficulty, I'd go with Jaesa. And it's not because Quinn's personality but because of how the devs railroaded me (I didn't like Quinn from the start but after Voss I lost it and want nothing more in this game than to fit him with Vette's collar and shock his face to kingdom come).


    wait you rolled sith and didn't expect your companions to betray you? really? thats like going to russia and expecting a topical paradise.

  3. Hello, Some of you may remember me, its Aceir of the former SANCT. I've had really bad luck with my Juggernaut on Hedarr Soogn in terms of guild community. I've therefore quit the server altogether. Can any of my former comrades speak out so that I may join them, or are there any empire based guilds from naritus seeking a loyal member?
  4. I'll speak to this because obviously it's my area of expertise.


    1.) No one averages 500k dmg and 200k healing, so logically the class as a whole can't. Don't throw around over inflated numbers.

    2.) Our high dmg numbers come from dots and aoe, which do help keep pressure on a team and contribute to kills. They however are mostly wasted on a team with a good healer. Something you'll learn very quickly if you're smart, is that Sage/Sorcs are not very good 1 on 1. They thrive in a group environment because of their utility and off target dmg. Thus harassing them constantly neutralizes them entirely. Ignore them at your own risk.

    3.) Bubble is the Sage/Sorc's replacement for an instant heal as we're the only healing capable ac that does not receive one. Counting it as an instant cast heal though means it's the only one that applies a debuff and becomes unspammable. Yes it is powerful, but it's also the only defensive cooldown a Sage has.

    4.) Any other Sage/Sorc can cleanse them and many classes can purge them via talents. Sure not every other healer can, but not every healer dispells anyways.

    5.) Um just no. TKthrow and Force lightning deal kinetic and energy dmg respectively. Both are mitigated by armor. Seriously do some research before you post next time.


    I'm sorry but i'm a juggernaut, and I just had a sage throw nothing but pebbles at me while i futility tried to dps him down, we killed each other. the difference was he popped one CD- and 3 moves total: one shield, one heal and spammed one move (pebbles) , while i popped all of mine including saberward and cycled through my entire dps rotation including my disrupt which I spent on his heal. Unless it was an exploit, pebbles need a CD and should not be spammable.

  5. Does the ability delay affect melee more than ranged? I feel like when i PVP i just run up to someone and stand there like a moron because my abilities don't execute. when they do its horrifically out of sync.


    This occurs the most when i'm trying to pursue someone like a consular or trooper, abilities like backhand or retalite will not trigger and its quite frankly enraging when you lose control of a fight because key abilities do not respond. This problem does not occur on my mercenary, well it does but its hardly as dramatic as with my warrior. is this because of mobility and how fast everyone is moving around that causes this delay to be more frequent?

  6. As I said before, it isn't about being able to compete, or even the disparity in gear.


    It is about a company sitting on their hands doing nothing about a large number of their playerbase being roflstomped due to a design error.


    The error itself isn't the problem, the problem is the reaction to that error.


    To do nothing. To sit and wait, while weeks go by, doing nothing.


    This issue deserved a short term hotfix while they looked at the larger problems.


    Not two weeks of sitting around doing nothing.


    patches require coding. are you a programmer? if not let me explain, very simply...you fix one bug and another pops up. tinkering with code in an attempt to fix one problem often leads to another springing up, this is my existence as a CIT major. so trust me when I say, i'm sure they're working as fast as they can. if they patch too quickly that patch can have unforeseen bugs. which would make you a very sad panda.

  7. Yes there are Issues with PvP *shrug* WoW was far from perfect upon release, did anyone see the video of the paladin on the horde zepplin who alone took out like 15 horde? did people completely forget how OP rogues were? (there was a 3 part video series just to illustrate unbalanced pvp) did people completely forget premades farming BGs before blizzard created the premade vs premade patch?


    WoW wasn't stellar from the get go, nor will any other MMO. PvP is ****ed up right now yes, but you know what? nobody's holding a gun to your head and making you pvp, its not the games ONLY aspect. in case everyone forgot bioware put painstaking effort into their story which is why people play games like KOTOR or mass effect. If you quit that's fine, its your money, its your choice. but good luck trying to find something better. you guys tout on about guild wars 2 or terra, guess what? they're not going to be perfectly balanced either, in fact I'll bet it'll be the same thing, then everyone will be ************ about that lol.


    MMOs take time to evolve and improve which is their whole point- a constantly evolving world that never remains the same. if you want instant gratification the FPS's are that way ------->

  8. It's the same all over on all different MMO forums, but it isn't that stuff won't be fixed that has people upset, it is the fact that there is never full answers to issues. If a company is unable to communicate back and forth with it's playerbase, there is a problem. Some may rage quit, while others sub another month in hopes that certain things are fixed. People can say all they want that it should be compared to vanilla WoW, but the thing is, SWTOR is not competing against other games that are unfinished/unpolished. SWTOR is in direct competiton with a 7 year polished monster of the market. If WoW was still BC expac, then sure let's compare to vanilla launch, but we are not.


    Because pvp in WoW was totally balanced during the first month....anyone remember paladins back in like late 04?

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