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Posts posted by mlmason

  1. I have to add my encouragement--it is indeed possible. My assassin hasn't grouped at all, nor have I done any space missions. I just reached Belsavis and promptly dinged 41 after the first mission.


    I soloed a pair of heroics on Tattooine, but that shouldn't cause the disparity that you're seeing. I recommend religiously checking the various towns/ports in order to ensure you haven't missed a mission NPC. Sometimes, they open up after you gain a level, so that when you return to that area there's a new triangle on the map. I also make sure to do all of the bonus missions tacked onto normal missions, especially the 3-stage ones.

  2. I love the game. I've never complained. I have multiple characters, none 50. I enjoy story scenes, frequently stop to enjoy the scenery, and don't mind working hard to earn accomplishments. I may even be a fanboy.


    But even I think that the run through spaceports is ridiculous. Immersion shouldn't be synonymous with autorunning through staid, repetitive environments.


    We have the ability to port from bind point to bind point every 30 minutes. This is great, and well timed.


    We can take automated taxi rides. This is great, and encourage healthy breaks for bathroom/snacks/whatever.


    But we're forced to endure the spaceport debacle over and over. There is nothing interesting, dynamic, or engaging about it--yet ironically, they're willing to let you fly/port past gales of content everywhere else.


    Seriously. Let our hangars have a bind point. It isn't too much to ask.

  3. I like to have the keys maximally accessible to both hands. My first five abilities are 1-5, with Shift 1-5 for the bottom toolbar. The last several I map to the numeric keypad in the same fashion.


    So, when I'm using the mouse, my best 10 abilities are easily accessible to the left hand. When I don't need to use the mouse as much, it's very easy to move with WASDQE and use my right hand to keypad-cycle through things.


    The only downside is that the keypad method doesn't work very well with Death From Above, since I invariably have to use the mouse to position it.

  4. I managed to Warzone out as well and eventually completed the quest.


    However, I realized what I did wrong, and perhaps others are making the same mistake. It may just be my own stupidity, but...


    When you have to activate your ramjet, I neglected to notice there was a "ramjet" icon in the Mission Inventory. Instead, I used Jet Charge, figuring it was my only "ramjet" ability and logically was the one to use. Oops.


    Needless to say, using the correct Mission item worked perfectly.

  5. Same problem. The bugged Engineer and his mates wound up killing me and I respawned at a medical bay beyond the closed door. Now I'm stuck between two locked doors, everything's dead in between.


    Bug report. I'm understanding of bugs and all, but very disappointing.

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