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Posts posted by TheEwokKiss

  1. If I was BW I would sell it for 9.99, doesnt mean anything


    But I do think you would get more players for $10


    Or free dowload with a 3 month sub


    And it has no indication of anything at all


    I doubt many ppl would buy this game for 10 dollars

  2. For a game that's "failing," I'm having a heck of a time catching a copy of it in stock at my local Walmart or gamestop.


    I've been trying for two weeks to get a physical copy for my brother for his birthday and was told by both places that if I wanted to be sure to get a copy I should be there on the day the truck arrives because they are still limiting copies to retailers in some regions and the few copies they get, sell within a couple days.


    I don't know a lot about retail sales but it seems to me if they were having trouble moving units, they wouldn't be limiting stock to certain areas.


    Also, I'm pretty sure a 10 dollar drop in price 90 days out from release is the norm and indicates nothing more than crafty marketing.


    They only sold 9k units last month according to vgchartz so you should be having hard time getting ur hands on a copy

  3. ? False data? Read the damn thing. The author even STATES it is NOT MEANT to calculate the total number of players nor does it.


    No, Titan will suck just like WoW did after TBC.


    So ur saying WoW sucks but tor is good hmm are we playing the same games?

  4. Dont know about you but its quite different for the gaming industry. Most people have passion for what they do or they would not be where they are.


    Lets just say, how was the WoW launch? Worse. How was EQ? Idk but I highly doubt it was as good as TOR. TOR is still building.


    LOl how can you even compare launches to a 7yr old game? come on now

  5. Totally agree, OP. It's not even funny anymore how bad of a moneygrab this game is. There's no passion gone into this game. When I play it's like I feel all over that the designers just didn't care about the game at all.


    I think they disgraced star wars brand with this game i mean damn 200+mill budget game and this best they could come up with?

  6. I posted this before, but I thought I'd give it another go with you.

    I'll feed you...lol


    WoW: Stand in Org

    SWTOR: Stand in fleet


    WoW: Bugged, easy raids

    SWTOR: Bugged,easy ops


    WoW: Unbalanced PvP/PvE

    SWTOR: Unbalanced PvP/PvE


    WoW: Dead graphics

    SWTOR: Does have better graphics


    WoW: Level to cap in a week or less

    SWTOR: Level to cap in a week or less (if you really push)


    WoW: Boring to level

    SWTOR: leveling was fun


    WoW: Only one raid (you cannot count things like Firelands because it is now dated and no one runs it...thus who cares?)

    SWTOR: 2 Ops (or is it three?)


    WoW: ghost town in every zone save for Org, SW, IF, etc.

    SWTOR: Seen quite a few people in various zones


    WoW: Boring combat animations

    SWTOR: I enjoy the blasters, lightsabers, FIRE, etc. (this is a subjective viewpoint.)


    WoW: Grind for gear. That's it. There is nothing else to WoW but epeen.

    SWTOR: Grind for gear.


    WoW: Pandas and pokemon and cows and (ugh) gnomes and elves and space goats

    SWTOR: Pick a species.


    WoW: Hunter pets (which STILL FAIL in PvP overall. a few exceptions to the rule)

    SWTOR: Companions. They are not just a puppy you name. They have personalities and can fill various roles. And they are your personal servant...ie go make this nowsssss.


    WoW: Was good for a while, but the game is no longer fun. (subjective)

    SWTOR: Still having a blast.


    WoW: Blizzard has lied countless times about what they will put out. They never listen to the community.

    SWTOR: Not perfect, but they have proven (imo) they are listening to the community.


    WoW: Addons. They went to far with this imo. DBM was the worst.

    SWTOR: Will implement UI addons in the future. (Check the dev tracker or google it. They said it.)


    WoW: ugh. it's a chore to log in just to raid for gear that I probably won't get. Questing sux so screw leveling alts.

    SWTOR: still gear grind exactly like WoW is, but alts are fun in between operation nights.


    To sum up, WoW was good but is now crap. (not due to SWTOR, Blizzard killed WoW)


    Yep they killed it with over 10mil subs still hmm yep its dead huh

  7. Lmao, now i know you talking complete and utter garbage, epic world pvp ?? haha, world pvp was fun, but hardly epic, i rolled on a pvp server, i should know, epic my arse, as for fps issues, update your crap hardware, i'm running 110fps on an old gtx460 and one of the first quad cores from intel, the Q series, its old and runs this game just fine.


    Vanilla wow had NOTHING to do NOTHING, i played it, i should know, you obviously didnt, the world pvp and the challenging raids was the only thing it had, but the people like you killed it, in favour of the WoTLK crap, cos even burning crusade was too hard for you, please go back and play that kids pile of crap, thats what the once great mmo has been reduced to and people like you prefer it to this.... dont make me laugh.


    And you think swtor is hard lmao? ppl cleared this games piece of **** raids in the first week not to mention their buggy as hell

  8. Nah, if Blizzard had made this game we'd still be waiting for it to come out...



    <---- Diablo fan.


    By the way, anyone willing to let me use their D3 Beta for a while? Will trade in-game SWTOR items!! :D


    Yea it might be delayed but i've been in the beta and its awesome I dare say alot of the biodrones wished swtor would been delayed after this pile of crap came out earlier than it should

  9. To get as much money as they can.


    If they dont play with the numbers then everyone will see the truth and many will quit and some will not even buy the game to try it.


    My manipulating the numbers they can give the false impression to people that will buy the game. Players will also have a better chance to renew their subs if they dont think the game is dying. If they knew the game was dying they would also cancel their subs and thats more money lost.


    Its going to come out later but at least they were able to get more money which just means more money for them.


    Also love how all the fanboiz will point at the 1.7 million as proof that this game is the greatest game in the world but then when shown that its not really 1.7 million they just pass it off as it doesnt mean anything or that the person has a hate towards the game. Yet not one has said that the OP is lying about Bioware manipulating the numbers but instead try and give excuses as to a reason why he would say those thing as to imply they are not true when they are.

    Nice post

  10. And that's what the Greek Government did at that time, when they were helped by Goldman Sachs: Manipulating numbers, like all good financial "pro" do.


    Why they don't want to know this fact is because it would allow for some people with more than half a brain to link the dots and yell "Eureka!"


    That is to say: the game ain't fun outside of levelling purpose (well, outside of main class stories anyway it's the same old go kill X rats / fetch me X mushrooms in the deathvalley forest mindless boring quests, but hey, THEY HAVE VOICEOVERS ! )


    OP, good post, it's exactly the same with Blizz' "subscriptions" (not subscribers hey) annoucements.


    Every good man in marketing knows how to not say the truth but announces something else that make your product more interesting ;)


    I'm eager to see the next official reporting from EA/BW in june IIRC it will be. Hehe :D


    Numbers will speak for themselfes, and no fanboy cry will be enough to hide the facts.


    That last sentence is so true man, how can these biodrones be so blinded?

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